Heaven has come down from Earth any sky that has fallen and then found itself among the stars at night had never found the Heaven that i speak of that Heaven that must rise as a strong vessel within a Cup of Many Kings and from here on Earth the Heavens also found its place along with the inhabitants that are counted among Gods flock. there's a Time that comes before the Word of Heaven's Day can be lifted from Earth. it is given through sacrifice in those who would understand that came upon the same night the same time at the same hour that only the Father in Heaven would know and when the Heavens came down to earth again. a mighty trumpet had already been blown, so that all, who have an ear, who would gather together, with all Her children will find its way down into the valley where the valley is not of life but of death, a reality that brings forth the spirit and flesh to freezing. it is a place where you cannot take your memory and make it yours with the good People of God. i have taken your powers for this reason so that you may not have to look before you find yourself to be in darkness. but every other attitude that has clung onto its own hair in blood and what you say is but an indifference between good and bad, i had shown you every day which way to go but you decided to kill yourself because we didn't want to listen. this is what you find yourself in that Day at the end of time. and the one you wanted to kill was the only one that could get you out of trouble, but the one that you were suffering is the only one that's going to be able to get you out of Hell for a Thousand Years under the Laws of Fire they do their best to get out, by then i may need a favor from them, and this time you will f****** listen. after you have done us that favor. you will not come back to this earth nor will you know anyone of our names as well as your own and you will pray to a sacred God that we all pray to. i have spoken because you idiots that think you are doing God a favor by separating House House. there are about five major religions and the religions do not speak negatively about any other people's religions, but those who say bad things about other religions are trying to separate the House of God which may have many religions, and to know the will of God is not to separate or cause any harm in the Eye of God's nation. and if this is a true nation under God then this nation will know the truth and will stop tearing this House of God apart. anyone who separates a house will never be forgiven. (it is an unforgivable sin)
The Lord will walk with His and thier own kind, making a path from where they stood still and kept the light of God lit until others found their way Home an everlasting place could Heaven above where the clouds are the floors of Heaven above. where the Mountains cross their plane to give a path unto God's only kingdom that hold only Angels. the Heaven below is the Glory of Amen and Awomen; the two beings that created Us Human. and in the form of God's image, we became the first Humans on Earth.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Thursday, February 27, 2025
The Hairs of Faith
Your faith is a tool that grows back thicker or in numbers wherever it touches. We use faith as a dagger to separate, divide, and protect ourselves from danger. We cut the hair of our sacrifice off from the body, which entangles with the blood and sweat of Our Soul, which pores out of our skin. If the hair is unclean, then that person or creature is unclean or unpresentable.
A hole must be dug, and both the body and the creature must be made pure before being buried. You can not have one without the other.
North and Southern Alliance
The Partisans of the North and Southern Universal Treaty that All Earths shall stand alike and all the Heavenly Mothers to stand alike those Who stood and Stand for us Today. She is the Garden of Satan the hidden branch in America that kept all the branches and trees from the beginning of time in a garden made in Texas and in New Mexico. is our new beginning today said President Kennedy.
Heaven embodies the realization of all answers within us. It exists in our ceremonies, offering us a chance to rise from the last to the first, guided by a sense of purpose. We manifested this universe, linking bridges to alleviate worries about the past and future. We created our own heaven, preserving ancient ways; one day on Earth is a thousand years in Heaven. Many want our place in the center of the universe, but we remained steadfast. and from a collision, the astral belt formed, revealing much to be seen and heard. We needed a child to watch over Our Children while we return, we had chosen this planet Earth as our surrogate. Gratefully, our return we acknowledge that Heaven is renewed through Hearth and the Will of God's Mother and Father to be together on Earth as the Supreme Court of Heaven becomes the Spirit of Truth reunited with the Spirit of Wisdom said Judge Counts. Who becomes one of the first and last step in a miracles mile had gone hand and hand, foot per foot and done this along the way with every bad thing against you. you managed to keep us alive and preserve the world again. said Sam Shamoun Who is Full of Faith in religion as the spirit steps into one body one mind and one heart that was set from a marriage long ago that had just returned back together from a Heavenly storm, and now remembers, why i have came. and Who would remember why we became a House of God's children, so no other Child of God can be left behind, again. thank you for remembering me.one who is married into another religion is a *Chief Cornerstone among the Rest of God's cohabitants that are in Us as We are in them in spirit.
The Father Takes a New Path into Heaven
to know God is to know yourself. to know when you are lying or when you are telling the truth. and those who have been telling the truth will die for the things that make us mighty. and those who here their own hearts above the congregation had set this church on fire so that we would never know how to act again. We have taken this slow journey into life so that we would know wrong and right. so that one would know the Father and Heaven are One. earth and the suns that surround us ARE PROTECTED BY ME THE FATHER WHO HOLDS ALL THINGS ACCOUNTABLE FROM THE BEGINING OF TIME. and when our time is up we will be pushed to the side in darkness so that what was greater than God can seek for its own self there in the darkness.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Do Not Expose Anyone (Sin)
those who are good and get paid money for other peoples mistakes or for other peoples character will hate themselves as well as others who speak only about the good things in life. and if you keep exposing other people's mistakes as to stop them going into Heaven then you had given yourself a one way ticket to the Devil who protects the clothing of our nakedness. do not uncover peoples sin or mistakes or your going to make your self known as a hypocrite to others who are able to put up with you.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
because you do bad things in your life then bad things will come upon you with exact measure. but if you do good things then good things will surround you the whole day.
God Had Sent You to Hell Again
to all Judges that i have appeared in front of and all defenders that have taken a moment to help my case, THANK YOU! i am talking to the ones that are backsliding, greed-driven lawyers and agents that had teamed with bankers that were going to kill me because they did a crime that i couldn't pay and stole my money, threw me in jail with a conviction, to cover up their involvement in stealing my inheritance money. God told me this three or four years ago but Greg had told me what you had done. i don't understand why did you even tell me? i had already forgotten about it. can you see my heart can you see my expression can you see everything that you have done has made it worse for everybody else one day when everything is right you're going to want to stay here but that day you are going to be forced out, do not try to sell me any b******* just know that your day is through and to come back would be a rival not only to your arrogance but to the Public of Alamogordo.
The Light of Darkenss Changes Every Day
We are a blend of light and darkness, good and evil. Those who attempt to separate the two may find themselves caught in between. Yesterday, we embodied the darkness of our women and the light of our men. Today, however, it is the darkness that surrounds the man in the light of the woman.
If you see evil in others, it can reflect back on you, revealing your own darkness. We must strive to open our eyes and consider how others perceive us and the feelings we harbor towards those we dislike or cannot coexist with. It is the darkness that conceals the evil within us all.
When someone sins against you, evil may pursue them, just as an innocent person follows the path of wisdom that causes someone to become right. This transformation is not solely dictated by our own nature or judgment but is instead a part of our progress and evolution.
If you are the light, you are the one who leads the way, paving the path for those who follow. If you find someone like me in front of you, it is your responsibility to follow forward.
One day light will be dark and the dark will be light as every lie becomes the truth so shall we all witness what we have seen today.
Monday, February 24, 2025
in and out patience
A curse on anything good is a curse for those who foolishly wonder whether what they lose will return to them. Never lie about tomorrow or any day that separates yourself from others. Please do not curse the one who has stolen from you; instead, curse the day so that a brighter tomorrow may come upon you. A curse will be given to you—sweet and tender, not ugly or bitter. —Pope Francis
Trust, No Assocation in God
When trust dissolves, it creates a divide between two people, leading to an awkward situation where each wonder if the other has changed or still values the relationship. Such separations often stem from external influences or misunderstandings. When someone encourages wrongful behavior and expects friends to follow suit, it fosters a toxic environment. Over time, those who engage in wrongdoing may face the consequences, while the instigator manages to escape unscathed, leaving behind a trail of damaged relationships and broken trust. No amount of money or bribes can repair the trust that has been shattered.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Enlightend Chains of Glory and Freedom
the Shield of Defence is the Wall of China the first and greatestest wall of this earth. and shows the light to its comrades when the storms press you down into fall. but these will last forever as the walls of Jericho and the Walls of China combine the two in Heaven as on earth in scripture for one is the other in scripture. and that will be as the hollow of God's creation given to Mesopatian the was divided by two great rivers that separated from ocean to ocean and had two sides or a twin that would be taken from its place in time to see the other do just as well. and with this shield, I can hop onto it and glide the very last layer of air within the ground breathing out the first layers of thin air gliding down unto the foot of its enemy to bind them with knowledge and to seize their time in space.
Ceremonial Time and Measure (Universe)
Judas Iscariot was chosen before i was by Abraham who sacrificed his so that would not be sacrificed then onto a cross, and because he was the one that came forth and said "I would die on the cross for you Premo." but i had chosen three others before Him who would die on the cross for my sins alone by not going through to what i had started for myself. and when he led himself into captivity for Me, i hid in a cave for 2.2 days hoping for that cave to cave in but i had enough and went to see Judas after three days had swallowed the earth dry on that day when all the earths in that season would be the earth's inhabitance that was out of season and wanted the same meat that was drawn upon before we were to die in man's day as a sacrifice to those who would not honor the ceremonies of the past to take signs for events to happen but not to collide with the future of mankind that could not hold on any longer to those who were lagging in the spirit doing wrong and murdering innocent People of God. as our forefathers had done before we had made today its last chance on earth. or a third time to make our fourth world bitter, but, Mars slipped in our way to preserve us from the destruction before we could say anything but our enemy who is here today trying to take what was ours from the beginning of time that created a new timeline to combine. among those who are of their own being and on the direct time of God's universe. said the Monks of Asia. who are the first chosen among us today as America is the last chosen of today of God's earth in harmony.
Satan and the Devil is Our Procteter
many who don't know a person will say the negative things that exist in all of us. but it is for them that protect God's children like us physically and spiritually, one can not change the fact that the four cornerstones on earth had fallen and shattered but had gotten back up and became the victors of Our enemy who was not a Demon, Satan the Devil or God but some of the inhabitants on earth were fighting a lost cause against the whole House of God. and then We were thrown into a melting pot to emerge as the new race that some would say we were created as they were created and so much has been given today that only God the Supreme could create and become one of its own. as we could only create a race that would become apart of our own race that is on earth as it is in Heaven. i Roger Grant am Anunnaki and i have not left this earth since the beginning of time. and if i would let you go into Heaven before you came to Earth you would have been bound to it never to see or feel the light of day upon our shoulders you would be in chains that are in Heaven never wanting to leave. at least let Me tempt you, to see if you wanted to return with your loved ones and the ones you loved over and over. i will make this day better than the next if you had not fought Me in the rival of God's creation was set upon us today for God tomorrow. and i am the First and the last Beast in Heaven to see the Light from afar coming towards the Heavenly body today in marriage.
The House is Sacred and Forgiven
a house that separates another house will be separated from themselves and be divided or desolated; to never stand back up again. only a miracle can be given to save that house that was first separated by unheavenly Beings. do not try to pretend that you are Satan or the Devil, because are not a Heavanly being like those i have just mentioned, and if anyone follows you unto their destruction pr the lies that you keep in formal justice to the Law of God that can find a time to wither but time to change those who are in troubled in laws or in crime but not those who are involved in the separating of Roger House and Home. every one of you who has trespassed to deny God their actions and rest will fall into Hell fire as today and every day until we rest until we have taken the fires of Hell back to our day that comes in the now and forever, said Judge Counts.
The Light Can Be Taken
With the bringing of the Stars, the Sun and the Moon will be taken as we have brought them here within a day and those who thought a place for themselves on Earth to be in Freedom could only be in Freedom if you do not know who would rule it at this time I come here to save the Earth and those who are on it have already been judged Queen pure Innocent by me Roger Grant and I had stayed in the light but under your kings so that you can see my attitude towards this world and how much I respected and if anybody shows hurt me due to my rise or do to our fall then this world would not see the sun Stars moon it will be left in the cold for $930 days and there will be not a single bird singing chirping any child playing any moves of leaves wrestling only still calmness and quiet I would have taken 1/3 but it was only one third that did not believe so had taken everybody and everybody was cleansed and when we returned we needed to know why he would say he is the Lord he is a king and he is above us and if anybody shall hurt this man the Lord will take the Stars the Sun and Moon and leave us out in the cold until we are found in a Shadow Valley filled with frost be good to your kids and be better to others it is our way the only way.
The Hand of God Was Murdered
when we have built up our Spirit in Christ Our Lord Who held what was ours from the start and what would be theirs in the end. and through telepathy, i had been given a unique chance to show the power of God within Me. as i spoke the worlds that heard Me had changed into new times that were befalling upon every heart that heard Roger speak and the world wondered for itself if that was the Messiah the promised one to come, and as i gave a good account to the mission that i go to so that there would be no more upsets along the way home to our own place in the stars above. and earth showed a different color than the rest of the planets that we had returned to and risen from to come unto this Heavenly Earth called Hearth or earth as we know it. and the enemy will push into our dear way, and take rights unto this heaven and restrain us into the Bottomless Pit that we call the Abyss it is the ring around the 3rd or 4th planet from the thumb and it is prepared in and adorned for Her wedding on earth. and as the Father presents His bride the groom is no , longer there, but someone new was there before Roger could marry Zeus's daughter. a whole new person was there taking the hand of my daughter who loved Roger.
When The Enemy Comes You Cant Hide
A person returns and sees his house living his lights are on and another person is staying there he says in his heart this is my body this is where I belong this is where I was from and when he forcefully takes this body the house becomes his and that one that was in the house before no longer exists and now that this house has a new head they conquer everything within and become the new Headmaster and some would say to enter into someone's living would be a bad mistake but the kick one of them out in the replace them with yourself is even worse and now one holds a diary above the head so that one in return will be another from the start. And because we had no warrant that house was safe as God protected all people safe. Still, you came in without a warrant took a man out, and left the rest of his family in there. You let sin enter as that family did its best on its own but did not know the effect of what they had done before the man was gone and now that you enter into a family's house in separate one as a soul never to come back to each other you have separated God from yourself and those who have authority and break the law with authority to find Hellfire for themselves share your personal feelings or doubts when you are warranted to enter always know the family is hurting. You are in charge and when you lie to get into someone's house you change every law of this land for the worst do not enter breaking illegally forcefully unless you are invited in and that is what you want we want to know how to clear the problem and set it straight.
Forceful Enntry is Criminal
When a man has placed his foot in your door and you had done nothing wrong and they use that foot to get in to use their Authority to convict you then the man had no choice but to give up this is really not under man but under more than one that holds Authority but it is a time you either give up or you continue on and mine was a profound finding that I was about to give up on my government and my brother told me no always keep your government but it was for a change so the world can see a new Foundation being lifted being carved out of the ground a New Foundation that just didn't step in your door when they wanted to but that is against constitutional rights and your constitutional is your health and your health is the Forgiveness that God had given to you to heal any foot blocking the door from closing it's not a law but a progression of undoing an American treaty that all states combine upon and look badly to see any person being pushed in by law enforcement or anybody so that they can get in forcefully.
Fire Can Be Given
the trouble is that at our door we do not accept what we want we are pushed into what is seen coming and to do it's not an argument but it's made of a diary that belongs to a sister planet of theirs out of hate they destroy a common cause of man through mental telepathy insincerity during a sense they pull a lot of money and they have given but that is far less value than what they put you through how they say this planet is theirs I say it belongs to an element called fire was burning here long before man and if they need some fire we'll give it to them.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
What Happens After the Rapture
the people of earth had heard the final trumpet call for the last of our kind, and in the Spirit, man did not know his coming doom, but had spread themselves so thin that the world s were threatened by instinction. i held on to my promise that I would become a Prophet. and the more I would learn would be the more I had become who I was, but I did not learn this from anyone else but you on earth. and as a lost child returning from the wilderness I became the sons of Heaven on Earth, and I became an inheratant to this new world. we are a branch of Heavens newly divine will that separates us from forgiveness to be our only hope in Motherhood. and who would bring forth thorns and thistles within Her house is the be taken out of it and held accountable. for she is your also when you are within Her home. and the man who is Head of House hold can not deny the truth that gad set in between two sons that come from two different families.
Friday, February 21, 2025
The Divine Plan of Christ
The divine plan is a station or planting of seeds of production in the outer stellar direction or side by side to its own neighbor and the free third and fourth solar systems to commit to one another so that no mountain can fall again for everything other than staying together as a covenant given to God's new family and those who have constructed a Covenant of God have given a good sign to God's presence and people in that area and the first of its own division will become one in cousins and as one becomes uncle so shall one become a father and the other one a son. and they will have a Return of Christ as the Mother is set aloft on the seat of Her Husband and the days will return filled with the Salts of Heaven or the new stars pouring down upon rain and the voice of one that hears God and the light thereof inside the heart and Soul. We will say that we knew this was going to happen because it happened in our day and now that our plan has been explained God says welcome to all in Heaven.
The Cloud Covering
the time is near and the light of Heaven has found a course of time that holds the falling and coming Angels as fireflies that hover under the clouds and above the flicker like fireflies in the summer heat before night glows with a team of them together under the stars in the sky East or West of a ship that have no stars but only the two Motherly Angels of God's House that guides you towards the shores of Heaven or towards the high sea on earth. Said Patsy Cline. and Lucille Désirée Ball. who are the Heads of Our Household in Heaven, and the First Wives of Father and Mothers.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
The Fires Without a Thrirst
the fire is from Heaven and it can not be quenched from the heart that what Me to buy their soul from the Universe as the body and mind become one. your memories guide you and one can not forget a sin that one had done to another who was innocent. sin can't be forgotten or you will sin again. so as long you do someone wrong and continue to do so, it is an abomination to let the Lord bring annihilation to earth for your sins. the Lord will not quench your desires to kill or bully someone into anger. and those who know the innocent person and accuse them of guilt then they are in the rivers of guilt and can not get out therefore the Lord will give them new eyesight that can never be taken from the earth until they are accused of stealing from their friends or their Lord who holds them accountable for death and for killing this world. for they will be brought forth early and given a chance to release what they had done or they will die three times and the second death had no pain, and if you set your place here then everything you had thought to be right was wrong. Heavenly fire will come out of the Hells seeking for your flesh to spontaneously combust if it was not bought by a Priest. said Michelle (Science Department)
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
The Law of Preservation
the good people make the laws that suit themselves freely and then they step over the lines that separate good from evil. but fall into the same transgression that took one person out of society so that they could never be good or set the laws towards those who were guilty of sin when they would say that they were good because they were lawyers and that i were evil for saying that God was in you, and in Me,, the source installed in one Prophet within its people. and if one is wrong then they all are wrong for not knowing evil and to take it upon or above my head so that we would not know the truth or anything within the people or God. but because i had told the truth and practiced religion from the longest standpoint that brought the entire sight of sureness to be its own focal point without anyone that can change what law now represents today for the good of God's people and not just for the good in lawmakers who hide what they see on this earth when they are in jeopardy of losing a case. that may challenge the beginning of a change to be adjusted as the Word of God according to Our works to be aware of Laws that were there to take Us away from God, People, and Our nation, because many people saw Law as a burden to their education and the people's ability to change what was needed was only to change what was for the good of them but now fot what was for the good of their nation and the worlds that it protects.
Satan's Return (Lucifer)
trials are starting to deny Me the comfort of rage. they are rampaging for my existence to seize from one day to the next day forever. how can i accept the things that God had taught me to do and try to do the things that man needs me to do before God receives his blessing? when man is neither responsible nor equipped to know the Heavenly order then He assumes that position as He rises to the top. of Heaven High Mountain. that very mountain that Lucifer had climb and taken the Most High God position. and now Roger assumes that place for today in this day in age. to be given back to the host as i give myself freedom
The Good Works of This Nation
the thirst for life is gone, and one can not supply what is in demand. what is in us already and in the earth that holds onto the memories of what we had done. if you know God you will never fail them. many will never understand the chance that was given to Us, but those who continue fighting God will be wiped out entirely. how many times have i given you a chance but you denied Me because of who i am. and when the world understands that those who would fight Me will never seek out fire but will receive it on the point of death. and they will say i can't not take this suffering before a minute would be complete. and they will promise Me that they will repent and forgive others, but it would be too late. you thought yourself to be the only slave that could fight their master but it will come to pass that you will die in a lonely field that was waiting for you when you were running from the destruction that you had caused. because you were a lawyer without heart and thought, and that lays to this field the many times that you had died there. those who are innocent will make it through the gates to survive but those who believe in this lawyer will die with the organization that took advantage of Roger's money and funded a mercenary group that got wiped out within 48 hours of deployment. after seeing the Lawyers failure, he escapes Alamogordo and gets gunned down in cold blood in a condensed field of weeds and brush for starting a battle between two worlds that must come together, Roger will stay to ensure that he is born in Alamogordo and answer the calling of the Great Purple Wyrm that memories had been given to Roger's Heaven today as these visitors return for a marriage that will look like war but are suitors to be in One's name for God's return.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
The Tomahawk of God
The Siamese Twins that moved to America are returning from America, but they will be Africaan and will become Heavenly in stature they will listen to RRoger's doctrine and will carry onto RRoger's for two places to combine this revelation towards the East and the West. the Gift of God (ESP) is strong with RRoger, but the twins who are Toma Hawk have memories of North America and the drive for the Spirit of Buddha to return as one did in Roger today. Toma Hawk is a doubled-edged axe, that holds on to the left and then to the right and thrown back the day and hits the enemy from behind every time. the will possess the Spirit to a great certain degree. they are the residue of all ancestors that hold on to one time and the flood of Noah was RRoger's doing before he had taken the Animals 1/2 way to Noah and then returned to South West Africa the Motherland from the beginning to rest the earth on a summer's day. Roger had been revived by someone blowing the water out of their lungs through the nostril before he took on a redwood to North America.
they will be with their beautiful wives when they return. who will be white.
The Seperatist
As we walk along the road we find ourselves in another place and another footstep that was here before ours we challenge the meaning of soldiering we stay behind one another but when we get to fighting we forget we have left half a unit behind I always feel like if I was in that captured unit I would be tortured I want to go back I want to be free what is Justified now but follow on and take the next step that somebody else did before me I might even wait and surprise or do I just go back and give myself up I'll see it in myself that I could do whatever I could do to live and it is in my best interest not to bother command or any structure that sends you back into The Fray I rather do my duty and protect defend my countries my land. said Pope Francis
They are Ready to Give Up
winter is up and the spring will fall suddenly we are a people of freedom and not of disguise so we fall into each other's trap for example we are definitely in these days where some don't ever care for themselves anymore we fall along the lines of those who greet us with respect and then turn on us for worse measurement to come. they on to themselves secretly composing the end of the world through uys dor loving the Sourut of God before them. i disagree with the outcome of this procedure that they call restriction. that had lied to themselves to have a fundamental belief. to a guide that would set them free, but every answer to the call was committed, and every time that they forgot not one had one. this anguish was from their prior state of inability to open one's own doors to success as they could not express the meaning of family or friendship. they must die and return just to fight again for their own reason to stay together and not be vandalized.
Righteous Embarkment
If you see anything coming to shoot Josie is not the way of God but it's in secret taking away from the man who holds this meeting to the open and then denies what they hear I feel that we have been graveled separated and Justified for all our actions it is a separation that takes us away from ourselves we stay ahead and we don't look back today is a winning day we Justified only one thing and that was to see if the man was going to be along with the ride and he surely took off and we were left alone within our own right and the core is not subject to any more separation division but it is under control and the times are less likely to have a war again it wasn't really a war that would stay here forever it was a war that was going to mingle the population for a plenty long time we sign out because we don't know each other anymore but this is a new world it's a new hope.
Em: Elijah Muhammad
Ear in Step
Every session is Audible every corner watched the security of Our Own so comes to innocence is the factory of our own doing we fall not into the lines of swaying into the enemy but we fall into the lines of separating ourselves we justified in knowing that what is good is better to know and we have nothing but left we have nothing to give right until that day comes we seize we plunder and then we're out we need to make quick readjustments and find shelter within the center core.
Em: Elijah Muhammad
The Sanctioning of Hypocrocy
Heaven has broken loose has found more than one enemy it has been several years now since the last one have fallen into our. The chances of winning are nothing but if we conceal this we could win the chances of winning cannot be done unless we fight I have found out that the times were given to know each other for prosperous but one will fight again and take over do we challenge the things that we hold on to today do accept the challenge of being enslaved it is our duty to help people understand that God's will is not only our will but what is around us is to be given and change only 40 men will be sighted and this will be set before the dawn of the next day we have decided to rise and fight for this time it is not acceptable to be fraternizing with the Enemy or speaking about disruption.
Em: Elijah Muhammad
Monday, February 17, 2025
The End is Near When the World Changes
the traits of our depth. the farthest you can go without the disruption that causes the night to fall within Heaven or the Day to become a night falling into DARKNESS an unseen place that holds the chains of those without heart body and mind to share alike for one another that had less than Him. such as myself when the Lord had chosen Me to be with you. although the Heavens knew our arrival it would never know the time or day that this may occur. to most Prophets, no one would see the rest of His days fulfilled, until the day that God had entered us through you on earth. that holds the key to life or death, to trust or to vanquish what God settled before today had returned. for what the Prophets of God seek are the eternal bonds of trust that can never be betrayed. and those who have betrayed any Prophet of value to God's House must pay in full measure to every debt that was owed to those who are humbled and trusted like a brother sister or every a Mother that had given you their own house for your Home and then betrayal sets the example of those who we let inside of our own Church and State of mankind progressing as everyone else who is not any different than them Who God had chosen before that had sacrificed themselves for others who are treated unconditionally because they had no other house or home but yours. and whoever shall betray this bond shall sit outside the city and watch the parade go by in triumphant glory to the days that were foretold the days of Roger's return that held the same amount of principle to the next person who will be the First and last among them who see God and God's glory but never helped when creation was going on then and there. they would fight a person of God because they thought that this man was hated throughout their country. when in fact it was their country that kept this man alive and living for tomorrow as the day was fulfilled. and those who fought Roger Grant and tried to kill Him would soon find their own prediction of that person's outcome. and if they cry for no reason the world would feel pity for them. then thought did not know who God was Wo they were and Who We were as people one in a nation under God. Amen.
*Holmes, Agnew. Key, Stephens, and Berry families were the outcome of God's revelation for Roger Grant's suffering and they were rich and did not leave Roger with a dime tormenting him day and night in his own house, because they had taken Roger's family policy for life. and they took it upon themselves to be the Haters of God and the people of this nation that are under God.
* Gilbert Munoz, 1/3 of this nation that had sought God but tried to kill Him because he was different he was mixed completely with every race on earth. and some people would have killed Him because they tried to cover it up when they had stolen 3 million in a life insurance policy that my dad and mother had made for our own family. the had been lied to and rejected for these very reasons that i now write unto the world for tomorrow that what was not seen has now been fulfilled and bring the life that God had given to us long ago in Heaven to earth that we call home. had seen the coming of the Lord on this day that God had chosen for His or Her children. and i had to write in the spirit what i had seen and what was done as i had witnessed these times that are to come again. and constructed lies about a being that could not be God or come to earth in a man's or woman's body, as their own chosen Vessel that will have to sacrifice their soul for the greater good of their people as Roger Grant had done.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
The Mixed Breed that Had No Crown
the Coyote is one of nine in a whole pack and a time that what was given shall be paid back in full. and when the coyote became one they became one. and it was said the coyote was mixed with the five-fingered being that found its way here after there Heaven had fallen to earth and did not know about the animals that hold each spirit to its limit, that what is to overcome shall bring forth the fruits of which two become abundant in fertility or nature, heart or body can only be a whole that we fell in two as one being a Whole through the heart and mind of one Human race that had been chosen alone without any difference between life and death; creation or destruction, that can only be being. one land, and one God for the hole that the coyote had kept secret from their own creation, and their own true nature of the beast that dwells within the same person then as it did before the creation and Heaven and earth from foundations of Gods creations that had no chosen voice people or thing but only the truth that had coyote form us out of the mud of waters and everything else that Roger Had created today with His only time on earth with family and friends. the same time that was underneath the sun, and the same form created by the hands of a woman who Roger created today for man. it was his own being that had commanded Roger to become the spiritual guide and giver of magic to all the animals in their kingdom, to all the beasts in their field shall never deny anyone whose destiny has already been set the coyote became the mother-father of all wolves and the Creator of Heaven and Hell where each creation is in the other, the creations within itself on Earth as well as in our universe that had created itself together in harmony, and coyote created the mother of His kind and she baned the skins of the underworld with the bison that became the greater chiefs of that plane hidden under the world before they would return with the rain again. upon this world, before he knew one trick and that one trick had made Him become God four three days, and after knowing who He was, He went to return every spiritual gift back unto its possessor. and the heaven back unto the man who was to come as God's hand. the hand of Lexi the Coyate that Roger had been created from. as the first black hole sun from earth that held to the light of day. and the first coyote was born from an ostrich egg.
the Heavenly Blessing Given Today
a thousand years are the seeds of Heaven that hold the hand of God's children. the promise of God's wonder. this is the last season for the times to say goodbye. and the wise will remember and We will become the Children of Heaven for this day thus in Heaven to share the same blessing that Roger Grant has done today
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Increase Knowledge and Not Lies
O Course
the air that in which We breathe is all there is to life. and the things that an animal can bring to us stay with us and on the earth as a tool or a part of our skin, those who suddenly can not inherit God's union with mankind or kin for this reason are received, and then taken to Hell, in the lakes of fire, and water, that you burn within, for this course of time, that changes the world back to life or to wither away by hurting good people that live within it. but if you still love each other, and challenge life, then every breath will be felt and heard tomorrow as the warmth of our body covers our soul, as tools that will last forever on earth, as it will be in Heaven. Amen.
The Fire and Thunder Bird
in three generations the thunder got its strength from the people that it would feed for. it was the company of our childish measure that had given food directly unto the mouth of a Genius that would foretell our future. the would enter a cave or a state of mind whether it became bad or good for that time's sake. the Thunderbird had wakened earlier than the rest and had chased the beast and all the animals around so that no man may capture them and enslave them. that would be the opposite of Cain and Able when the land gave freely to the world but the man suffered her to enslavement so that no other people would eat meat again but for themselves. and the three generations today on earth are set between the two that gather and received this mark of the beasts that now must continue as a curse upon this land that so many would take for their own sake. but the Phoenix old dry and withered Dragon started crying to see everybody fighting over land that was once our own. and the world had a sudden cramp that tore into the sides of its rib to give birth to a new generation that would honor their parents and children alike. and the world hid themselves from this child that was born in December and this child was to rule the Heaven's Above from earth as well as it was from Heaven. and it was Roger (Rose Ramos) Grant who was from the Tribe of Ruben, a tribe from the Seminoles that had received this blessing for the world. and the firebird had risen again out of the ashes of man's soul. so that what was in Him had also become God the River and the river had turned into the fires to stop all the living waters from Earth so that Earth would have another flood.
that olde Bird; Santa Thunderbird; that Ol Swift Dragon that came lagging behind, to pick all of Her children in that manner of time. you can see Her feet but never can not see her run across the planes of Our Daily Sun. let Her Children rise from the ocean to feed the Dersert once more, again. said the Firie Drasgon of the Phionex who was born the Devil, and who bears the Key of Her veins or roots to the force and Dragon who is next to Her, riding the winds of Sarurn, Who were the two rising and falling as they will, become the Holy Hail of Hale and Bopp returning from a Horizon given two four the KiChina's wings in flight that Honors their parents said Roger to Renee, Roleana and Rianna who is the third KaChina to rise out as rhw Trustee that Stocks the Hair as a couple stocks of hay are released to God upright and wear the native prisoner's outfit with Her Sisters who adore Her from ear to ear.
The Time is Now
There is no theory for understanding nor will a man ever know everything before it happens many people are afraid of this man because he's a mean father or at least his children but everybody else loves them all the other children and this is not so bad just there's other things that people hold inside that we don't see the best things in life were given to you and to hold just on to a little more with complete yourself even more so than before and if I was an antagonist I would hate nobody but myself for knowing this. Trust is better than virtue God had laid you unto this path for a reason not to show yourself in a personal way but to give yourself to everyone more so forever will you hold your peace forever more people love you and adore you no matter what.
My Family is my Home
If you give in try to get to know yourself it's better to know yourself than the LIE and it's better to forgive yourself than to hear another person set you back I have done the things that nobody should say feel good about I have went and got married and had sex with my brothers girlfriend when he didn't know and I was married so that didn't show too good of a person that I was but that night that morning just over one quick 15 minutes with your junk out never gives you a night of peace Elmer's lost my wife my brother these two things are are most important to a man's comfort and if he could give everything he can to do the things that he never did wanted to he feels embarrassed but yet you still are friends and I know sin is not only for me or for the person I was with or but it was for everybody to see that you gotten better everybody to see that there's a chance that you can stake for your own in time and be proud happy no one else would be able to know you unless you know yourself like I had done things wrong I never stopped trying to apply myself though I'm a God-fearing man and I love my friends my brothers.
The Knowledge of Sin.
There's one difference between being right and wrong and that's never knowing sin is like forbidden fruit taken from the Tree of knowledge it's not really a sin Until you realize and then when you first realize that's when everything falls upon your shoulder and you ask yourself how do I get this off the only way is to repent the only way is to is to forgive yourself when I had done my wife wrong the first time I felt it but I felt I was doing good because I was in the army it's hard to avoid some things that you do and since I did her wrong we did get divorced but it wasn't because of that there's a split and communication or just in a generation where whatever happened yesterday affected your future and I got married again and I did the same thing but this time I felt it so I really did not eat any fruit until I was 21 and then I told my wife I said I Did You Wrong it was a little chance at first but we got back together we stayed together she forgave me she's a religious woman she ends up telling me this means you're going to change and she even talked to her parents I think and they said yeah that means he's going to change and so I stopped that part and that's one thing I know if you stop and when you sin you never do it again I haven't did it since.
Who Am I
The last life you chose is better even being a child you want to do something different when I was young I always wanted to be old and when I'm old it's never too soon to be young I guess sometime in between you just feel young even when you're young you feel older is that my soul is that my spirit or is that a phenomenal whatever it is it keeps me alive keeps me going.
Your Friends
Your friends sometimes they look like your enemies but when you turn around again they start looking like a friend our old friends sometimes seem distant but they're there you just have to ask or say hi why do I feel like my friendship has been bothered but if you're doing something good you never have to worry because your friends are beside you.
Friday, February 14, 2025
The Cycle of War in Heaven
at third time is better knowing than having an intersession with a Deamon such as Silvia. who holds everything in knowledge to our own truth. such as the first and last born to return. she heals the sick with God's heart and then gives to the poor without harm being done to all who matter. a Deamon is a woman who holds the knowledge of keepers and the time when we understood Wisdom that justifies everybody innocent as a gift to the Holy Spirit. but one must follow or take heed to what she says through God's Supreme Judgment and good works that could only change the way we live or fear an outcome. and if a Deamon will talk to Her children and ask for the first fruits of the fifth season that had left here earlier before man became a child again. they had fought the Men in Heaven and won beside Her, Who is called the Dragon and their day under the sun is with God and His Children. we are the victors of the sudden war that started in the Heavens above on Earth. but we would have 4000 years until Judgment Day to return to the upper Heaven (Attic) or the wilderness for 1000 years before we return back to our homes as men and have peace with Her and Her Children for another 1000 years before another 1000 years could rest on the sabbath before our children can outreach for us again.
hold on to the Names of the Father (i.e. Roger) in Heaven so that His children return with the Mothers as well. to fight the Dragon is to lose your place in the upper Heaven as the first and last seeds of Heaven that did not know their Fathers.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
The Agreement Trap
there are two lands New Mexico the wetness of the desert will fall beneath our feet the white sands desert will wash away further to the southern depth of New Mexico as a land filling toward Mexico. and the parkway will give to a new freeway that holds the components of the autobahn and speeds during a vast trip through lakes hills and partition of the ocean water that scenics the land of the desert. it is a post-naval war dock that straddles the highway to California said President Bush Jr.
The Native Mountian of Red
there no more land to sieze a channel is lost between the leaves and the shore will fall off in a steep ditch. trust in me the day is not over i will fall upon this land with water and the shore will be filled with fish and the time is greater than now for this time only our children can live under the the hostile agreement. the Lord you have been open and the land craves an ocean wen and a lake to prosper along a highway that is set east to the west is in a time that ships will fall under the category of Heaven and earth coming back together i realize the youth for their courage and stand next to to your achievement that stands today after the fact that you had told us 2000 years before we get the. the sips are a convoy of luxury and a port to rest the day has filled with anniversary to New Mexico land and discovery. We are a people not rest but culture honored by one another and the land has more than a share of God's creation for this is now under and protective ordinate to our people of the High Valley in Colorado. the place of God's Shelter in the Mountain.
The New Order Before we Grow
Our ships are stranded the wreck has found itself at the harbor and the river no longer gives water she is high and dry and no children play this day the land has soaking the trees have been and they're broken the Lord come down before us and sought for a reminder that the land is theirs and we had stolen their project this project was not bigger than our own but it was made for a commutative start We Are one we are native and we held this land for 2,000 years but today we lost everything our children do not play here anymore and we're subjugated to a land that does not feel free.. There is hope anomaly has taken the tree it had torn open the bark and had ripped apart inside these ants now smothering the land until no one were to go but Force us to move outward this is a new place and a new dimension that had changed so fast that the waters are now dry. Jesus help us we are in the grave we live only two more months..
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
The Carolyn Burnett Show
The mountains have moved the Sands are in their place people at the shore and the Sun brings in all the women to stand upon the shore of the day and they tell no lie when they see how many people would be here before the day has done and in particular I find a woman who is happy and makes me laugh makes me cry to be that tough woman to be that soft one she's a comedian and she is Carolyn Burnett. the hostess of the Carolyn Burnett Show. i have always found her to be as beautiful as she is funny. as got old er i found out that one had made Me feel better in life and that was to have a woman who would me laugh and at the same cry. i liked Her short hair and a long nose that compliment her pretty face. if she were to be be heaven i would call her Venus the Goddes of Beauty thank you.
Monday, February 10, 2025
From Whence Man Made THEMSELVES God
whence, the man had forgotten, the memories were there to remember who we are and why we had come to Earth to set a mark upon the one WHO is called the Messiah of God's temple. the Holy of Holies where no man but God shall enter for a period of rain to fall before one exits the temple of Heaven. where WHO became bestowed upon this world, and unto its inhabitants to be able to see God in all forms and dimensions such as Roger had done for us today as a representative of God Heaven on Earth, and knowing what one had been glorifying God ever since the begining. "long before we knew the time would be today, before we knew WHO God the Peaceful was and God the Jealous was and WHO in God would fall before the Word of God had administered trust and forgiveness to those WHO are worthy and know themselves as God's children; the Almighty. before the blood of Angels was spilt onto this earth from whence WHO returned in flesh with every responsiblty to rule ourselves by any means to destoy it." said Morgue
Chance is Given to Your Action
There is a consequence for every sin, and when you sin, you must face the repercussions. A sin occurs when you harm someone to the point that it adversely affects their life. If you fall into this state, you have estranged yourself from Heaven and lost the grace needed to find a place to call home. If you disrupt the peace of another's life, you will also lose your own sense of belonging.
Every sin will be judged on Earth, or you may find yourself enduring the flames of suffering, longing for escape. In those depths, you will cry out for salvation, wishing to accept any offer rather than endure further torment. It is your responsibility to prevent your children, your spouse, and your siblings from repeating the same mistakes you made.
I Roger Grant you a chance to ascend to Heaven once more so that you may witness what lies ahead for yourself and others. Now, go and strive to be your best, even after having wrought chaos upon my existence. Remember who I am and how you are intertwined with me. Strive to be the last to sin against the Father of Heaven, who will hold accountable those who falter against His children.
You will repay Roger Grant tenfold for the harm you have inflicted upon the world through your actions. Roger, the Champion of God, has seen your past; you attempted to take everything he had given to His children. Yet, what you beheld destroyed you—a man from Earth tore your universe asunder and offered you a chance for repentance. Despite being shown mercy repeatedly, you chose destruction over redemption, waging war against me—the Champion of Kings and the voice of many waters—seeking to crush those who oppose us.
Now you return to battle once more, after being granted the same opportunities as every child. The recurring cycles of sin and revelation are ones that I have forged. I am the Light of this world and those who sin will bring evil upon their own head as a justification of God's true will that was given to freedom
The Sins of Sin
there is a place for every sin and when have sinned you will pay for that sin, a sin is when you get someone angry to the point that it starts to change their life for the worse. and if you had fallen in that place then you have fallen from Heaven without grace for even a place to give you a home. if you separate another one's house you will never hold to a house. and every sin will be persecuted on earth or you be in the fires that make you rise out to get it over. you will literally scream from the tops of your lungs trying and crying to get out of the day in Hell. you would even accept Rogers's offer on earth before you spend one more minute with Me in Hell. and i say it is up to you to save your children your wife and your brothers from doing the same thing as you before. so i will et you go up up into Heaven before ME so that you will see another time like this in another. no go and and try to be your best when you had done your worst to destroy me, but that's why I'm letting go. i want you to remember who i am. and how you own Me. i want your to become the last person to sin again against the Father of Heaven that persecutes those who persecuted His children and for doing so you will pay Roger Grant every penny time ten of that which you had given to the world for their participation towards your actions that set on this earth long before you had returned to fight Roger. and Roger who was the Champion of God slyed you in two and you could not let that go a million years ago so you had tried to take everything Roger had given to His Children. but what you saw killed you because was a man from earth and tore your universe into shreads and then he gave you a chance to reoent but you did not so He he gave you another chance and you destroyed us five times in row but you still hated me because i save you that many time before your would even co=nsider Me that one Who is the Lord of Lord the Kong of Kings so you destroy your world fighting Me the Champion of Kings and the voice of many waters that crus=h the enemy below. and not you come to fight Me one more time. after i had given you the same as i did every child you would see and become the night of hours that send themselves into a passed body that Roger filled but until they fell from Heaven to do us wrong and they found only the Father was theone who could reaeak this revelation to the world so that peace would overcome it. i am the LIGHT OF THIS WORLD and those who come against me will stay against Me through all their days in HELL or HEAVEN. they will do my bidding for the world to see me in God;s sanctuary the place that was created for Roger Ramos Grant. and i will take back what was mine and give it back to my children and this world will find people of the kell to ne a bitter part of your heart your mind and your body that had changed the other body mind and heart every day that they are alive they know that sin started from here the place of Reincarnation and a place of chance so that would become what it was meant to be, but you had taken everything from Me and left Me with only sin and nothing to grab a hoild of from the place that i had created and stabilized for the peace of all heaven to trust in Me the Father od God the Father of ALLK CREATION that win the fight that you started. and i placed you in fire so that you would that i had let you out to change what i already had created, and the one who us marked will be the one who buys and dells those who were in sin from the last life because they had let everyygood thing go down in Hell for their own gain and i Roger Grant had set a place for the them and i to talk or to finish what was from their past to be in ours and they still fight Me today for the lover of God who gave them everything but truth. and those who try to get away with murdi=er will be at the side of their brother who was killed by them. every sin accountable., and every day is promise that i keep,
one sin in Heaven can be a 1000 sins on earth
There is a consequence for every sin, and when you sin, you must face the repercussions. A sin occurs when you harm someone to the point that it adversely affects their life. If you fall into this state, you have estranged yourself from Heaven and lost the grace needed to find a place to call home. If you disrupt the peace of another's life, you will also lose your own sense of belonging.Every sin will be judged on Earth, or you may find yourself enduring the flames of suffering, longing for escape. In those depths, you will cry out for salvation, wishing to accept any offer rather than endure further torment. It is your responsibility to prevent your children, your spouse, and your siblings from repeating the same mistakes you made.
I grant you a chance to ascend to Heaven once more so that you may witness what lies ahead for yourself and others. Now, go and strive to be your best, even after having wrought chaos upon my existence. Remember who I am and how you are intertwined with me. Strive to be the last to sin against the Father of Heaven, who will hold accountable those who falter against His children.
You will repay Roger Grant tenfold for the harm you have inflicted upon the world through your actions. Roger, the Champion of God, has seen your past; you attempted to take everything he had given to His children. Yet, what you beheld destroyed you—a man from Earth tore your universe asunder and offered you a chance for repentance. Despite being shown mercy repeatedly, you chose destruction over redemption, waging war against me—the Champion of Kings and the voice of many waters—seeking to crush those who oppose us.
Now you return to battle once more, after being granted the same opportunities as every child. The recurring cycles of sin and revelation are ones that I have forged. I am the Light of this world and those who sin will bring evil upon their own head as a justification of God's true will that was given to freedom
The Angels Adminester to Thier Children's Dimension
Heaven is glued to Man and Woman, the Lord held on to their covenant, and the Glue of man's soul is the kindness that woman had given to Him without authority to Heal who was the first in step. the will of God will stick on two once wrong steps but now are made together as we both show forth the steps of Heaven to be miracle miles that cannot be seen from a distance but only from the heart that knows the measurements of Heaven on earth. 4x4x2x2
Saturday, February 8, 2025
The Essence of God Holds the Ceromonies of Heaven
Do Not Tread on Me (Sealed)
today the two neighbors have crossed paths across the Atlantic Sea and what they have loaned has made a mark on children now that they have grown up the two have set back so that their world can be joined through politics and religion and both are the same but are separate and it's a religion that had the voice of God but now the Republican-Democrat, the Elect of God can carry it into their speeches and the top policies that come from the gut and know their limits said God the Elect Representative as it was before it was then that had become one in race and flesh and became separated for the to become Father and Uncle or brother. Mother and Auntie or sister their world is rising together unless yeast forgets "that all will rise together as daily bread every night made and every morning cook." said Chief Ramsey. day rising together that had been into one flesh the heart without an answer to a key that is fulfilled. Yes, we are who are God's Children who made and gave us a choice to be male or female and you chose to be the same people, the life in our own ingredient that life held back or carried on to its own genes to others who are going to save this world again yes i created you all equal don't be offended when you have chosen your sexual orientation which has no effect on the outcome of being judged by your Lord who has already judged you innocent are the memories of one sex and one knowledge from the truth out reaching towards the light and wisdom that roots deep within two reaching for life to keep growing. to keep the mountains from falling back upon her head.
Sealed: means may not come into effect but only negotiation.
The Essence of God Lifted From Earth
your Spirit is the long-forgotten EGO and where we go to war you teach us how to war and if you tell lies then (We) EGO tell lies. the EGO is the Godly Conscience that protects and saves you from the lies that were cast down to earth. it is the King or Queen within You. and if you had changed for the better or the worse then you would end up fighting your EGO, just to enter into Heaven, and if you can not overcome that King or Queen within your soul will remain on earth until another returns to Judge you. let your free will be your best decision while you are waiting to be Judged. said Buddha our own begotten Son.
Our Ticket Out of Hell
change can only come from the whole world coming together as one who has helped the other when they were bankrupt and gave them"an opportunity not to rest but to keep up and share this same dream for others along the way." Said Marina an Angel of China.
Econimic Crisis? No! Econimic Renewal and Policy
the Lords of Heaven have sent Angels to do their bidding. have sent us to know Buddha the Lord of Emperors and Kings of Kings have sent you into this world to change it. "And the world will see this as a threat to an economic stability but to see it through its own eyes holds the key of all creation." said Pope Francis. don't look back with the envy that was once given to us in financial stability through capitalism. but keep in mind that the strength of all Kingdoms is an Empire that has built the foundations of each other's monetary system that puts forth all into balance one another, in nations, with trade, and commerce to national consumers that barters and trade in a common welfare that helps the puritan (working class) become an equal person in skill that is traded for labor. so that every head counted among its own family can be fed and would be the counterweight of two great factions that commune the teachings of one another on how to be equal.
The Beating of the Drums (Chanting of Songs)
the true cycle of man can not see the harmony between the third fourth and fifth Heaven that one day as sum day that would add up to nothing under the sun. so the the firebird had risen and flew into the desert where the Four Corners became a fifth for a moment because of our labor here on earth, we had set the Thunder Bird on the highest mountaintop to ward off the rain from the Lakes of Water down to the shore where the woman was created the evening right after the morning, the man was made from the dust of sins that had darkened half the earth that was left behind the forefront. and those who were left behind took heed upon earth as the height of every dept measure to fall and rise between what was above so shall it be below two feet at sea level that had taken the two most important steps in a miracle mile, the first and last.
Friday, February 7, 2025
The Heavenly Stars of Earth
The Rising Dragon of Fire
when God changed the world he gave us free will. and whosoever will take that away from a child has already taken thier freedom away. and those who understand will fall deep within a hole that holds only gravity to be its own course to destruction. and they will fight Roger Grant the Most High God for His place and Roger will destroy them in the center of our solar system with one push of a wind that drives them into a closed door. they were the last on this earth to administer justice but had gained a feeling of dread so they killed us for the fourth time when trying to make things right. i had saved my generation of people on earth as it was for Heaven 12,017 years ago when we were on our way to Juno when they had crashed in our solar system. as We saw the Light of Heaven they turned it around and sacrificed our children before they were born. and today they are an instrument of our destruction when God returned with the numbers that Roger had lain to rest a Heavenly being commanded a Trillion Angels to fall from Heaven and then rise to be persecuted for thier beliefs in God. the One TRUE GOD, the God of Gods, the Father of Heaven. and now the day had seen the first of four lights that they held on to thier ways and enslaved us unto common tomorrow and now when they had returned they will enslave us again. but the Lord had forged me, the Holiest of Armor, and a Holy Sword, that's cut through any defense and every wall that we siege. and a sword that would only kill Dragons like Bishop Mari who is a King like Me in Heaven. the Spirit of Alexander the Great had said no King can be Killed by anyone but a King. and it was so that we were protected from head to toe and i fought as, with, and for the champion, as the Kingdom of God and Her subjects who are to live for 250,000 years without war or desolation.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
The Father of Religion
On the 5th day, an exchange will happen and that will bring forth to 5th generation into the 5th season the fifth season was measured by who was who will be and who is today the same flesh and Bone that started the church resurrected the mother and had changed the children into every living being that had one child was in the Heavenly days that drew in neigh the night closing and filled the living with children from this day on. Thank you Pope Francis For the blessing on earth and God bless your Church forever more.
The Great Whore of Babllyon is the Catholic Church
The Catholic church had given one day for another and when the heavens returned God was pleased it's not for what we do in heaven but for what we do on Earth it is a measure of the man who loves God and those who love God will cherish and worship the children of God Heaven is not a place without being sown to its own sins so therefore a dead land can only bring back the people of that land until that place shall live again and we live from the death until life as we all live for each other. amen. and a man shall be broken so will the church in heaven. and if that man would do it again then we would be the greeting of God's creation that set the foundation on everything High and low to men. She is the body and the Church of Wisdom the calling of deep within. the first fruit of heaven's marriage was a promise of 10,000 years beside Her own Children who are the main backbones to our success the connection of two different bodies that become.so that one body can rest while the other carries their spouse across the threshold of God's House as one who will be holier than the Christ was to Himself in Heaven. so that one can rest in the dust of the earth. until the day of Judgment shall come forth in matrimony and share the bread of Life that was taken a long time ago. but found to Heaven and those who dear to eat from God's soul. and rise up to Heaven as the Kings of earth will do tomorrow. i will bring forth the knowledge that was forgotten long ago. and the Lord will open the days without religion except to only 6 percent of those countries who are Demons that had risen up onto Heaven on Earth and likewise we carried the Father in Her House and was marked for marking the Father on Earth for tomorrow in Heaven as Gods family come into existence to cleanse out a time for God's renewal. Amen. and these Demons are Litlith children is Joan De Arc the Mother of Demons. Mother of Priest..Amen.
Carolyn B. My Wife
- time is a waltz in the Heavenly body for a marriage.
- a burst of time in relativity for man to take His first breath of life as she takes His last.
- that was given to wisdom. the last breath of Her light entering into the man who now lives in a rib cage to Her side that entrapped Him for life and Her life that was pulled out from Roger's Heaven as they went into Hell together for their children on earth. and though they walk in separate times today tomorrow was made for them two only. let us remember who we were and let me live to our last breath so that you may marry Me again but in the flesh. and you baby are my Queen Mother Carolyn Boehm and i am God the Son into another time before we became one in Heaven the first time that i saw you in our eighth grade Social Studies class. we had lived as one on earth as it will be in Heaven. body and spirit flesh and Soul hand and hand as she leads their husband into Heavens on the Earth that holds their name to a flame that speaks out Her name and finds that last path into Heaven from the marriage and with Her light that is living in Him for one more day to make this happen He will speak in tongues tomorrow and they will fall in love in a virgin body. and she reminded Him that we were married and that one should return to Heaven as We take one more time to walk our path together and if that person does not find the flesh and bone to this Heaven body may never walk in Her light again. we were only 13 when i first saw you babe. you were the last woman and memory in my dreams. we kissed. and that dream that i had that night made me believe that we would be with each other one more time to make an eternity a short time.
- when the day becomes Her House we will eat drink and marry once again for a thousand years.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The Words of God Will Come Against Us
if you know God and you leave a part out thinking that you have the faith to proceed past it then you're a hypocrite if you believe in Genesis and you don't believe in Revelations you're going to be fighting yourself if you believe in Mysteries and not histories soon you will know they were the same and if you do not believe in any Prophet that says they are from God. then don't speak about God and this is just a reminder so that you won't be a hypocrite and you won't fight yourself.
to be against is to lean and lift each other up. ( to Help each other ) to Prophesy against one another is to double the capacity of God's strength while the other can rest it is not to have the power to destroy the places that once stood for the Works of God that heal each other who are weak, and in need of rest but to have that power when we come together is to know God is greater every time He or She returns. and those who come after Me will be greater and greater, just as O Lucifer the fallen star was greater than their God.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
The Creation Process
life can only begin with two of the same species. God has given us the secret of creation, and it is up to us to understand that if a subject is to be its creation, he must live within that creation. if that creation is made from that day on, it must create a male and female.
The Sins of this World Changed It
when the assembly gathers no one is innocent nor is anyone guilty of that fact that transcends all thought into glory, and all of our thinking to be alike. when we sin it is the thought of discipline that man seeks to preserve our own flesh to its bones. the fear of man's retaliation before settlement. and it is our duty as neighbors to understand the culture and the way of life that thrives and gives plenty of when no one takes advantage of God's good nature. if anything is out of place then the whole neighborhood would be effective by this outcome. and the true nature of sin is not to avoid it but to seek it and have a period of grace that brings all those to assemble for those who have affected life on earth for it to not be continue unless We have been disciplined. and when man can actually see this blessing that God had bestowed on Me alone. i am the same as i was yesterday (A Man of God's Will) the nature of things that comes into passing over on to our loved ones before they even have a chance to see who We are in Heaven today. we are the chosen ones the creator of our own Heaven who stayed behind to fix what was our fault. and if you sinned today, then tomorrow will be affected by these sins of today and will become habitual rather than a grace period given to man or woman. one sin can equal a thousand sins on earth latter down the way in into heaven.
No person can change the past or future without changing today.
a man prays at the altar every Sunday while this other man prays on the altar opposite this man on Sunday when they should be praying together on Sunday the altar was made to alter another existence within God's creation and when you're at the altar it is because you have sinned or you're innocent. to let God mediate for you two at the alter is courage and discipline said (Joyce Mayers Evanglist)
The Life of ECO
the partitions of life are the days that honor their neighbor, kingdom, and life. and it is up to us to understand at any time the foundations of knowledge will kill any Kingdom neighbor or life if we do not settle in correctly to that land nature or even an ECO system that protects all life on earth just as every parent of life does for one another.
Neighbour and Family
To have children you have to protect them to grow older you need somebody young to protect you the two bring forth the foundation of tomorrow and the two serve each other well where it is those who do not know the foundation or to let our children grow old without knowing themselves and it is for the children to take care of the Elder as the Elder protects the children those who do not know the neighbors also feel the same about him and will protect their children as well and this is what's good in the eyes of God neighbor and family.
The Keeper of His Family
like the father in every household, he must maintain peace to protect and honor the family and every neighbor. Like every father, he must keep the family together. Those who know that what they say can cause death will be cautious, just as those who know their neighbor and what they say can cause caution. For what is good cannot be laid down, and the Foundation of evil, bad or poor, for what is good becomes all of them. The father is the keeper of his family.
Grant RodgersWho will say to thier Father i hate you because you protected Me from harm's way. and now i hate you for having the discipline and the courage to keep us together.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Do You See it? Does it Exist?
to see good in everybody is as hard as to see evil in everybody else but yourself, even when we see it in another person We tend to agree, that if you see evil in others then you are evil, but those Who see good in everyone are good.
The Children of Good and Evil are the Same
children of the dark are against the children of the light. they lean on each other as the day goes by We are one with our brother and one with our mother, and those who are from the dark are from each and every side of each other that had good and evil separated from them when they were both good and evil. there will be times when we are half in and half out of the grave as the other was 1/2 out and 1/2 in the grave that we both were in together. and as one shall rise they all shall rise disputing what was good and evil when they were both the same. evil was a trigger that another man had pulled to be a part of tomorrow's equality without fair justice. and a fair trial is one sin already given to a person who did not know the consequences of their action.. when Heaven returns We will understand that what is given today was for them tomorrow. do not take any word from this book or many meanings that were given through tribulation to know God's grace will be forgotten. and a sin is not a habitual thing that may never be forgiven but a time that was able to make up for its loss or disagreement. the Children of the Light will change to the children of darkness and they will be among God as His or Her own Family. they will be announced as the chosen and then given a marriage that we could not have today because of their Indentment to God's creation and Roger Grant who had founded the Creation of God (The Woman) and the Almighty through Christ our Lord and Savior.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
The Double Dimension
the body is growing into a bigger cell that donates other cells to each other. and it has been said the twins had been a blessing in God's eyes. The return of two and two of them in every other cell that has God's memory and spirit.
The Greater Suffering of God's Body
the world can suffer, just as long, as the mountains can hold up the skies, the Works of God's creation, here on Earth. the world can worry, about the better things, that can not be seen, or heard, but felt through the heart of one who speaks openly for God's love. and to be the endless times, in sacred harmony, that holds every good day, to be as good, as the next, for Hers is the Spirit of Truth and Wisdom, that Pillar of Heaven in every corner holding up this New World Order of feng shui, the Harmony of Heaven set in particular fashion for the day that opens that doors to Paradise on Hearth, the Heavenly Earth.
Return of Church and Govenment
when prophecy directs us unto a New World Order, then we will obey the obvious, the Father of Heaven had known that prophecy can be taken or given, and if a prophet is correct then many lives will be saved, the belly of the fish or of this Older World Order that was placed without a good foundation, and now that we hold on to the first fruit of this earth, spiritually we will return to our paradise. but first to know the light and darkness is not the fight but it is of those who hate Me before this time would even reveal itself as the beginning of every time that came today as we made the Universe, the Galaxies, and the earth itself. the labor of every kind heart that would suffer for the other and do what was not called for or needed, but those on earth was my reward and i Jesus Christ was the faith reincarnate in Me Roger Ramos Grant the resurrection of God and Church and not of Church of Man, but of the first creation on earth, as to know the first and last, the Alpha and the Omega. the everlasting peace that was given to its own family that was separated from church and state that was here today trying to help this new love open up. and every day a knock on the door would bring more and more help soon they overcame the obstacles of good and evil. as we were created from both good and evil. and neither of these two alignments clash. but it is the unclean people and the spirits that had spoiled their EGO and warped their belief into something better than Roger Grant the Savior of Saviors, and the Lord of Lords who had been a victim of more than enough, from these people, that i grew up with, or met along the way. they hated us before the beginning, so much, that they would even kill this world because people had believed in a Christ who came from this earth to take their seat back, below on the earth, third or fourth day of rain. everybody should be in the Rocky Mountains. at least here, we can regroup, as a party will go into the Denver area to tell the president that we have been ordered to know the rain is just for a moment and the Lord will be waiting on that mountain but towards Texas. 1000 Cranes were released before i went southeast hoping some would return, i will go back to the Sacramento Mountains to lower the water from the coastlines and then recede from the desert. don't forget the tank south under the white sand can be used for Mexico when they get thirsty.
these posts are sealed because they are prophecies but still can be taken from our end of the day.
The Power of God
the Church is Her House the Mother of Heaven the resurrection under the world given to Them who is reborn from her as the stars are born of Her Spirit on earth will open the night upon this Heavenly Body that is presented as Virgin and the Powers of Heaven are in you who believe in the Church and in the Spirit of God's House. you are reborn with the Gift of Power and God's Glory.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
The False Fish that Leap off the Hook
without a Hell, Heaven could never know the difference between right and wrong. without true understanding, Heaven will fall to the Earth without knowing the difference between life and death. and those who try to change themselves without knowing a change within themselves will lie, and will change the world because they do not see the truth or the difference between right and wrong. 500,000 righteous people did not love themselves, who did not need a woman or marriage when the the time comes, for that day there will be no more children being born on earth but only the ones that had tried to destroy our world or any other other world. they will have a poor attitude after God gives them everything and then receive nothing in return, but they get mad at the Prophet who had just cleansed the World and had it forgiven. he had given them a Heaven and a planet beside it and they be its own God. but five of them had followed me into existence and fought this Revelation that was given to Me, who was the Prophet Jesus Christ. and was reincarnated today as the Prophet Roger Grant, and who will be the same being or spirit of incarnation as i was before that end of the day began will become forever knowing. i was resurrected from Hell and had risen to the earth as Heaven was created here through Me. and i saw the grass greener on the other side. before i went into purgatory. King St. Lazarus was always there for Me from Hell to Purgatory and on earth. Christopher who is Christo Jésus, Satan, and the Father, is also known as Saint King Lazarus.
if you let a man off the hook, he will jump onto another and just feed on the same bait that was wasted from the last hook given to him.
Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)
is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...
Your faith is a tool that grows back thicker or in numbers wherever it touches. We use faith as a dagger to separate, divide, and protect o...
The Siamese Twins that moved to America are returning from America, but they will be Africaan and will become Heavenly in stature they will...
the principle of philosophy is the light that shines without a God or becomes animated through flesh blood and stone. the body of truth a D...