there is a place for every sin and when have sinned you will pay for that sin, a sin is when you get someone angry to the point that it starts to change their life for the worse. and if you had fallen in that place then you have fallen from Heaven without grace for even a place to give you a home. if you separate another one's house you will never hold to a house. and every sin will be persecuted on earth or you be in the fires that make you rise out to get it over. you will literally scream from the tops of your lungs trying and crying to get out of the day in Hell. you would even accept Rogers's offer on earth before you spend one more minute with Me in Hell. and i say it is up to you to save your children your wife and your brothers from doing the same thing as you before. so i will et you go up up into Heaven before ME so that you will see another time like this in another. no go and and try to be your best when you had done your worst to destroy me, but that's why I'm letting go. i want you to remember who i am. and how you own Me. i want your to become the last person to sin again against the Father of Heaven that persecutes those who persecuted His children and for doing so you will pay Roger Grant every penny time ten of that which you had given to the world for their participation towards your actions that set on this earth long before you had returned to fight Roger. and Roger who was the Champion of God slyed you in two and you could not let that go a million years ago so you had tried to take everything Roger had given to His Children. but what you saw killed you because was a man from earth and tore your universe into shreads and then he gave you a chance to reoent but you did not so He he gave you another chance and you destroyed us five times in row but you still hated me because i save you that many time before your would even co=nsider Me that one Who is the Lord of Lord the Kong of Kings so you destroy your world fighting Me the Champion of Kings and the voice of many waters that crus=h the enemy below. and not you come to fight Me one more time. after i had given you the same as i did every child you would see and become the night of hours that send themselves into a passed body that Roger filled but until they fell from Heaven to do us wrong and they found only the Father was theone who could reaeak this revelation to the world so that peace would overcome it. i am the LIGHT OF THIS WORLD and those who come against me will stay against Me through all their days in HELL or HEAVEN. they will do my bidding for the world to see me in God;s sanctuary the place that was created for Roger Ramos Grant. and i will take back what was mine and give it back to my children and this world will find people of the kell to ne a bitter part of your heart your mind and your body that had changed the other body mind and heart every day that they are alive they know that sin started from here the place of Reincarnation and a place of chance so that would become what it was meant to be, but you had taken everything from Me and left Me with only sin and nothing to grab a hoild of from the place that i had created and stabilized for the peace of all heaven to trust in Me the Father od God the Father of ALLK CREATION that win the fight that you started. and i placed you in fire so that you would that i had let you out to change what i already had created, and the one who us marked will be the one who buys and dells those who were in sin from the last life because they had let everyygood thing go down in Hell for their own gain and i Roger Grant had set a place for the them and i to talk or to finish what was from their past to be in ours and they still fight Me today for the lover of God who gave them everything but truth. and those who try to get away with murdi=er will be at the side of their brother who was killed by them. every sin accountable., and every day is promise that i keep,
one sin in Heaven can be a 1000 sins on earth
There is a consequence for every sin, and when you sin, you must face the repercussions. A sin occurs when you harm someone to the point that it adversely affects their life. If you fall into this state, you have estranged yourself from Heaven and lost the grace needed to find a place to call home. If you disrupt the peace of another's life, you will also lose your own sense of belonging.Every sin will be judged on Earth, or you may find yourself enduring the flames of suffering, longing for escape. In those depths, you will cry out for salvation, wishing to accept any offer rather than endure further torment. It is your responsibility to prevent your children, your spouse, and your siblings from repeating the same mistakes you made.
I grant you a chance to ascend to Heaven once more so that you may witness what lies ahead for yourself and others. Now, go and strive to be your best, even after having wrought chaos upon my existence. Remember who I am and how you are intertwined with me. Strive to be the last to sin against the Father of Heaven, who will hold accountable those who falter against His children.
You will repay Roger Grant tenfold for the harm you have inflicted upon the world through your actions. Roger, the Champion of God, has seen your past; you attempted to take everything he had given to His children. Yet, what you beheld destroyed you—a man from Earth tore your universe asunder and offered you a chance for repentance. Despite being shown mercy repeatedly, you chose destruction over redemption, waging war against me—the Champion of Kings and the voice of many waters—seeking to crush those who oppose us.
Now you return to battle once more, after being granted the same opportunities as every child. The recurring cycles of sin and revelation are ones that I have forged. I am the Light of this world and those who sin will bring evil upon their own head as a justification of God's true will that was given to freedom
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