Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Hand of God Was Murdered

 when we have built up our Spirit in Christ Our Lord Who held what was ours from the start and what would be theirs in the end. and through telepathy, i had been given a unique chance to show the power of God within Me. as i spoke the worlds that heard Me had changed into new times that were befalling upon every heart that heard Roger speak and the world wondered for itself if that was the Messiah the promised one to come,  and as i gave a good account to the mission that i go to so that there would be no more upsets along the way home to our own place in the stars above. and earth showed a different color than the rest of the planets that we had returned to and risen from to come unto this Heavenly Earth called Hearth or earth as we know it. and the enemy will push into our dear way, and take rights unto this heaven and restrain us into the Bottomless Pit that we call the Abyss it is the ring around the 3rd or 4th planet from the thumb and it is prepared in and adorned for Her wedding on earth. and as the Father presents His bride the groom is no , longer there, but someone new was there before Roger could marry Zeus's daughter. a whole new person was there taking the hand of my daughter who loved Roger. 

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Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)

 is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...