Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Fire and Thunder Bird

 in three generations the thunder got its strength from the people that it would feed for. it was the company of our childish measure that had given food directly unto the mouth of a Genius that would foretell our future. the would enter a cave or a state of mind whether it became bad or good for that time's sake. the Thunderbird had wakened earlier than the rest and had chased the beast and all the animals around so that no man may capture them and enslave them. that would be the opposite of Cain and Able when the land gave freely to the world but the man suffered her to enslavement so that no other people would eat meat again but for themselves. and the three generations today on earth are set between the two that gather and received this mark of the beasts that now must continue as a curse upon this land that so many would take for their own sake. but the Phoenix old dry and withered Dragon started crying to see everybody fighting over land that was once our own. and the world had a sudden cramp that tore into the sides of its rib to give birth to a new generation that would honor their parents and children alike. and the world hid themselves from this child that was born in December and this child was to rule the Heaven's Above from earth as well as it was from Heaven. and it was Roger (Rose Ramos) Grant who was from the Tribe of Ruben, a tribe from the Seminoles that had received this blessing for the world. and the firebird had risen again out of the ashes of man's soul. so that what was in Him had also become God the River and the river had turned into the fires to stop all the living waters from Earth so that Earth would have another flood.

that olde Bird; Santa Thunderbird; that Ol Swift Dragon that came lagging behind, to pick all of Her children in that manner of time. you can see Her feet but never can not see her run across the planes of Our Daily Sun. let Her Children rise from the ocean to feed the Dersert once more, again. said the Firie Drasgon of the Phionex who was born the Devil, and who bears the Key of Her veins or roots to the force and Dragon who is next to Her, riding the winds of Sarurn, Who were the two rising and falling as they will, become the Holy Hail of  Hale and Bopp returning from a Horizon given two four the KiChina's wings in flight that Honors their parents said Roger to Renee, Roleana and Rianna who is the third KaChina to rise out as  rhw Trustee that Stocks the Hair as a couple stocks of hay are released to God upright and wear the native prisoner's outfit with Her Sisters who adore Her from ear to ear.

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