The End of the Begining

 I see a woman on a flat plain this woman is asking for her children in the Angels dress themselves up as light our disguises themselves as light we're having enough knowing that their bedtime is in Hell knowing that 30 darkest corner cannot be seen their darkest moment is without a time with God they say to this man we are better than him and to their own disguise in dismay that the one that they hate is the one that's telling the truth the one who's doing all the miracles the one who holds all the reproof and they who hate him will join every last one of them in the fires of Hell they will never know what was good I would never know children or family marriage unless their kids be sold in slavery yes if they have kids they will be put into slavery born into slavery If one was said God is great not one not all but one according to Roger as each strong chord harmony capitalizes off the last so shall this strong message be cast it is of our own people that will know truth it was in our own people that will discover wisdom and the two become knowledge and every day the knowledge of God had been given to me who holds underneath its tree as one could be said 'cause one could be known as one could be saying and I had no godly manners but Roger had the only trees and he was said to be glad but Roger was dead and he said nothing but God and I discovered these guys that were not in me but they said on to themselves who are we and I told them that they were only people that could not happen people that could not fulfill people who didn't hear anything according to their needs and they said no we are stronger than Roger but in that day roger came back and took their strobe the string their cord and their wing and he said it was up to I to give back to this world so it is up to I to bless this among its own as it was today to be seen to be given and to be given but love is not all towards its own peace but if it's on for aunt that stretches from E to west it stretches from here to the gates of God to the gates of mankind to the gates of every woman and to every gay to each child it is I Roger Grant who has sound many trumpets who has given many days and then told the world who I was and I gave the world my book so that they could read and I gave the world every good blessing so that they could keep what was God inside of each need and they hailed me into their arms and I was pronounced a god and god of many men and God of many children and God of many women and I was a god to all gods and just God was me Roger Grant the hostile and therefore today was over and I saw what was nasty and they could not open the gates of God's tomorrow so I just moved in and I had taken all that they had for their treason and the reasons that they were jealous they could not open up their gates they could not even foresee what was on me they were given no time they were given no rhyme harmony and then God gave Roger this one day and I gave it to the world and I gave it to the Angels and I gave it to all who believed because what was good was God and what was God was given without need so I took our every good thing and I took every gift and I spread it out among the horizon among the children and among the trees and therefore God had said unto me rise young man fulfill what was needed fulfill what was in seed and the seasons were in 5 and the seasons were in Twos and that was the weekend and I said unto you open up your rest sleeve your own heart and warm your own bed next to the start you were last again nothing good we have begun a long time ago before you could begin look at us you're fighting Roger because you **** lost everything never again never again you cannot even win therefore we were given all the things that we needed and God said what was good between me and what was good between them and they said everything nasty everything then but Roger State with God and he was pure and he opened up the gates back to our hearts and what was said between every date was another hoping another like and another day that was steadily given to us today and we are the ones who began from the beginning the ones from 2017 two days before Easter we have been beginning given many things that could not be seen or remembered or taken so they will be as well as what they say last and nothing to remember and they would take nothing but sin so I said only only you sin could be your greatness only one greatness could be your last day and then you will say unto me where is God where is God they will be missing and then you will say no I cannot help on to others but I knew Roger and I knew how he was so the first and the last day will come around to be in the same day in the same way

The Lord opened the gate and took 10,000 wives he claims the gates the gates opening indicates unto others he was the host and the host of hosts And when he had spoke had brought amazement it was a mystery unto God and man did support this light that he expelled the light that he provided and it was like 7 times upon 7 so that one day Roger would know God is in so that Roger would know God was one and now they know that Roger is one with God and now no other God could be in the kingdom with Roger for he is the one and only true God the farther of God's therefore who cannot accept this could not enter and they were cast out and they were spent and they had nothing left but to lie and so Roger looked at them and said I can feel for him I could feel for him but whatever they search for is not within my die my eye for it is in their own that looks and gathers and forsaken another it is in their own day that is more less than what God had given to him today's. That not one man could do this alone but it took the whole world and the man to bring forth his blessing and I called it a bow a bounty and towns of gold I call it the light of golden wings set upon the day from its side and what is good became in Roger became the flesh won with Roger so that all could see the face of God within the face of you within the face of 2

there's a convoy Roger had sent them down the pipe so these could be avoided so that these could continue on through their gate so that they could continue on to Earth and there was ruckus and there was a time that separated God from the truth and this time was awakened and this time had spoken out to the world for justice and peace and this voice was Roger Grant the king of Kings and he sung a new song and he had given the world this new beat a new heart and a new rhythm that began with the step even a miracle mile in which the first two steps are the hardest the first and the last steps are the hardest and on to that God had rhythm a second breath a second wind and what went through the horns of justice what was heard from here to there what was playing over and over in our heads was the victory that Roger had said we had won the war and each day is in within our own to change the world the universe its own

I'm back to the convoy did we fight within the compartments were locked were taken stocked and they had the front blocked as to we have nobody enter the head of this convoy and the ones in the middle had found position and tried to reach the first front of the convoy as to lead a new tomorrow into an earth that would be known as the heavenly Earth and this earth will be given the time the day and once it would be finished so will the wars in heaven be fit all the wars are over and marriage will be its new song marriage will bring people into heaven will bring people back together and marriage was from the children marriage was from those who loved each other it was not a time for children to know their name but the children became the part of marriage and if you had a child they had your name and no child was afflicted with illegitimate no child will ever be illegit for they would marry now live with them your wife is seven years and there's a new common law marriage marriage is the greater institution of God's understanding and the architecture of worship marriage is a standing between families that are given for one day to become alike and the stem beside each other as one in the other they're so those who would be a victor of this war would swallow their children knowing how horrible this manhood conflicted with in each other was has to not let their children get caught up into this war that was no more just Lord of God had taken not only one thing but the last of everything and called it his own for this day was given to Roger and Roger had separated it into 5 and now there's five districts 5KINGDOMS 5 provisions in the 6th comes and that would be woman for she had not had her day under the sun but now today she has given and she has received his blessing the sixth kingdom the 6th heaven the six firmament that starts from the first it starts from the waters that starts from the air that was lifted from Roger and these clouds were like angels that would spread the news that would reign upon rain so that the world would choose how many people would be amongst us that would know our population is to skyrocket and we were to breathe every life into this people so that they could breed life into the outer planetary system these systems were already built for us in this day was made from today the new beginning the new beginning of Christ the new beginning given to Roger on the second day after Easter 2017 and many people did not hold on to me for they hated me before the beginning and they still hate me because of the beginning they would want to see me who worked and created the whole universe and gave you my image to be theirs when they didn't work one bit I give this to my children on the heavenly Earth under Earth where we were heavenly birth and were man had to take his place for this day to happen he took his place within the sins of Earth from the dust did man rise from from the Earth did man rise from and Roger who was the resurrection of Jesus Christ the reincarnation and the incarnation one from within the other in the day was given to no good and bad and so it was evil that Roger had taken from the enemy and made it a part of God's kingdom and it was evil that was given to sin and those who sin against you will make you evil and this evil will stand behind you as a rock and it will not let you move and it will tell you what is holy is now in you and what was holy had to pay what was due and the days of holiness was the day of God's return and judgment for Roger had judged the world and cleansed it he had cleansed the world and giving it back to its inhabitants and the universe and this blessing was given for today and this blessing was giving it unto God and the heavenly covenants until the children the almighty into the most high who is Roger the father of heaven amen

NBA I seen a 100 billion and I was given 88 billion so that they would no discipline and no planet would be taken from its own place no sin will be taken from their own sin but what was sin will be paid back what with sin the very sin that you cannot repent and no one could sin and still know how to sin for that day was filled with fire and they had one time one chance to repent and if they would not repent to that person who they sin against then God would not hear from them any more god would not be in their presence at all and I have given Hall Gates until the mothers unto the people before us until the people 9000 years before we had said they will be our gatekeepers our mothers and fathers they will be in the pantry of heaven the gates of all Earth the gates of heaven and I will be given a key in this key will be to heaven or hell and if you did not make it into heaven then it is in hell where all euros all people who change their stars where all people cleanse what they had done on Earth today so that they can enter into a heaven tomorrow cleansed and that heaven will be blessed even more blessed and its day for this is the new Kingdom of Roger Grant the new Kingdom of clay and what was made into man was written on tablets and what was written on tablets became true and the truth was in us today\

Roger had given knowledge wisdom And whoever did whole truth could not find the answer one truth in a foundation of lies is still a lie as one lie in a foundation of truth is still alive and today we have built our churches on lies foundations that did not understand the beginning that did not understand revelations and those who have put themselves out before that I had come had done so for their reason had done so even though they knew that they knew nothing before it would happen and therefore they write and the things they have written are now the things that became lies and they could not do anybody any good to know they were getting rich huffed his blessing that I call the father's return and the father was given earth and upon return the Earth was given to the Meek yes Roger had given the earth to the Meek the working class the Puritan and Roger was given the universe he became the Lord of the world's therefore he became the landlord of heaven and he had given everything he had so that today would be a change would make a change and be that day for all the sea to be that day next to me

For those who have marriage know that one marriage is the marriage given to the woman to the divorce if you did have a divorce and you still loved each other that means you were married and one marriage was given from one marriage to 10,000 and when you have divorced you only get three divorces and if you still love each other then you are still married even after a divorce therefore do not covet your neighbors wife in marriage with a place for its children and those who separated a marriage will never be forgiven as my marriages were separated when I was in the field working for God and would you enter with is what you receive which you have after your god and I had marriage but it was taken because people had became brittle and did not know that their truth was to hurt me my family my tree they had taken $2 million from me and they were gonna use that to lure me in and then kill me god I had told me that they had taken the money long before they had told me that they had taken it and if they would not have said anything I wouldn't have remembered it would have been forgiven but they said something and it triggered an awful falling from heaven it even started the wars in heaven and those who were on my side were safe but those who separated I still to day I'm in search for them and they will hold no place and they will find no home before they know that their punishment is today in due and as of today they will spend eternity in the fires of Hell for trying to fight me for fighting for knowing what they have fought for was a lie and with their foundation was based off of was a lie just as their whole testimony of God was a lie and they did not know God god was not a son of man for God was the rib of Adam the sister of Heaven the mother of this world he had laid this foundation in lies so that we could hurt every person that was given a place at my side and those who are at my side around my right and they are my wall my fortress the body of Christ and I had made brick two generations before this day and I became the Great Wall that was made in my image in the image of the eastern countries the eastern religions in the Eastern Day as one morning son the light of everyone rising into the air for heaven and I seen the Kings come forth from the east and I seen the army of 200 million feast and they have our back and they have our protection in the world became one and the Angels above became one and the heavenly day became one as each light under the sun was given to all the same likeness and name for that one is to be unknown until that generation will be sung until that generation will be prepared for Passover and I Roger Grant the leader of God's armies has seen what was good and had became what was evil and was given to all in this universe in a cycle of rotation a battlement of defense a wall tourist fortress a kingdom within an empire in a nation within its kingdoms and people within its own day under the sun that did not change that became the same we were all created alike and at the same time for the thorns in God's garden are there to protect us they were there to know we have been firmly rooted by its own fruit and seeded by its own woman who had prepared the world And guided her children onto the right path before they even got there she is the the future present omnipotent in wisdom and she has prepared a place for her children until tomorrow until forever and all those who followed had taken heed that on Earth we are risen from it from death from sin and we shall rise to the heaven that is on Earth before we will go back down into it just as we did before in the Lord we'll see what was good to be what was good and the light was given under the sun so that this day would come together would gather and remember what God had told him and remember what God had showed him for we are now the teachers of Heaven we are now the parents of gods that have returned in our favor and if we were not strong enough then they would have never waited for us to return as the parents of God so shall they honor God their parents so shall God be worshiped as a living man or woman on Earth and our powers are given through Roger through the image that what we are of made in 10 to rock and stone flesh and bone the truth of each man rising up as bread giving heaven back onto its own in truth and stone and what was he to come from its own from Roger Grant the bread and bread of life the father of heaven

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Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)

 is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...