Monday, February 17, 2025

The End is Near When the World Changes

 the traits of our depth. the farthest you can go without the disruption that causes the night to fall within Heaven or the Day to become a night falling into DARKNESS an unseen place that holds the chains of those without heart body and mind to share alike for one another that had less than Him. such as myself when the Lord had chosen Me to be with you. although the Heavens knew our arrival it would never know the time or day that this may occur. to most Prophets, no one would see the rest of His days fulfilled, until the day that God had entered us through you on earth. that holds the key to life or death, to trust or to vanquish what God settled before today had returned. for what the Prophets of God seek are the eternal bonds of trust that can never be betrayed. and those who have betrayed any Prophet of value to God's House must pay in full measure to every debt that was owed to those who are humbled and trusted like a brother sister or every a Mother that had given you their own house for your Home and then betrayal sets the example of those who we let inside of our own Church and State of mankind progressing as everyone else who is not any different than them Who God had chosen before that had sacrificed themselves for others who are treated unconditionally because they had no other house or home but yours. and whoever shall betray this bond shall sit outside the city and watch the parade go by in triumphant glory to the days that were foretold the days of Roger's return that held the same amount of principle to the next person who will be the First and last among them who see God and God's glory but never helped when creation was going on then and there. they would fight a person of God because they thought that this man was hated throughout their country. when in fact it was their country that kept this man alive and living for tomorrow as the day was fulfilled. and those who fought Roger Grant and tried to kill Him would soon find their own prediction of that person's outcome. and if they cry for no reason the world would feel pity for them. then thought did not know who God was Wo they were and Who We were as people one in a nation under God. Amen.

*Holmes, Agnew. Key, Stephens, and Berry families were the outcome of God's revelation for Roger Grant's suffering and they were rich and did not leave Roger with a dime tormenting him day and night in his own house, because they had taken Roger's family policy for life. and they took it upon themselves to be the Haters of God and the people of this nation that are under God.

* Gilbert Munoz, 1/3 of this nation that had sought God but tried to kill Him because he was different he was mixed completely with every race on earth. and some people would have killed Him because they tried to cover it up when they had stolen 3 million in a life insurance policy that my dad and mother had made for our own family. the had been lied to and rejected for these very reasons that i now write unto the world for tomorrow that what was not seen has now been fulfilled and bring the life that God had given to us long ago in Heaven to earth that we call home. had seen the coming of the Lord on this day that God had chosen for His or Her children. and i had to write in the spirit what i had seen and what was done as i had witnessed these times that are to come again. and constructed lies about a being that could not be God or come to earth in a man's or woman's body, as their own chosen Vessel that will have to sacrifice their soul for the greater good of their people as Roger Grant had done.

1 comment:

  1. the traits of our depth. the farthest you can go without the disruption that causes the night to fall within Heaven or the Day to become a night falling into DARKNESS an unseen place that holds the chains of those without heart body and mind to share alike for one another that had less than Him. such as myself when the Lord had chosen Me to be with you. although the Heavens knew our arrival it would never know the time or day that this may occur. to most Prophets, no one would see the rest of His days fulfilled, until the day that God had entered us through you on earth. that holds the key to life or death, to trust or to vanquish what God settled before today had returned. for what the Prophets of God seek are the eternal bonds of trust that can never be betrayed. and those who have betrayed any Prophet of value to God's House must pay in full measure to every debt that was owed to those who are humbled and trusted like a brother sister or every a Mother that had given you their own house for your Home and then betrayal sets the example of those who we let inside of our own Church and State of mankind progressing as everyone else who is not any different than them Who God had chosen before that had sacrificed themselves for others who are treated unconditionally because they had no other house or home but yours. and whoever shall betray this bond shall sit outside the city and watch the parade go by in triumphant glory to the days that were foretold the days of Roger's return that held the same amount of principle to the next person who will be the First and last among them who see God and God's glory but never helped when creation was going on then and there. they would fight a person of God because they thought that this man was hated throughout their country. when in fact it was their country that kept this man alive and living for tomorrow as the day was fulfilled. and those who fought Roger Grant and tried to kill Him would soon find their own predictment to that person's outcome. and if they cry for no reason the world would feel pity for them. then thought did not know Who God was, Who they were, and Who We were, as people one in a nation under God. Amen.

    *Holmes, Key, and Stephens's family were the outcome of God's revelation for Roger Grant's suffering and they were rich and did not leave Roger with a dime of his family policy for life. and they took it upon themselves to be haters of God and the people of this nation that are under God.

    * Frank Berry, Gilbert Munoz, 1/3 of this nation that had sought God but tried to kill Him because he was different he was mixed completely with every race on earth. and some people would have killed Him because they tried to cover it up when they had stolen 3 million in a life insurance policy that my dad and mother had made for thier own family. they had been lied to and rejected for these very reasons that i now write unto the world for tomorrow that what was not seen has now been fulfilled and bring the life that God had given to us long ago in Heaven to earth that we call home. had seen the coming of the Lord on this day that God had chosen for His or Her children. and i had to write in the spirit what i had seen and what was done as i had witnessed to these times that are to come again. and constructed lies about a being that could not God or come to earth in a man's or woman's body, as their own chosen Vessel that will have to sacrifice their soul for the greater good of their people as Roger Grant had done.


Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)

 is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...