is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering between two places. one was in the Natural World while the other was in the Spiritual World and while we were in the flesh today our eternal spirits that were Gods before and after the beginning that had been created from the absence of flesh. today we live in both as the living body or soul in memory of the spirit. so that one's spirit(timeless) can live in Heaven above as the soul(space) lives on earth below to be time (Earthly Body) and space (Heavenly Body) i.e. Cane and Able.
The Lord will walk with His and thier own kind, making a path from where they stood still and kept the light of God lit until others found their way Home an everlasting place could Heaven above where the clouds are the floors of Heaven above. where the Mountains cross their plane to give a path unto God's only kingdom that hold only Angels. the Heaven below is the Glory of Amen and Awomen; the two beings that created Us Human. and in the form of God's image, we became the first Humans on Earth.
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Le Negro Dragonette
the Blackest Rooster consumed with fire had fallen from the earth above from a plane that could not exist but through a Black Dragon that had the Ancient Dark Eyes of a Demon that resembled Dragon Teeth, the Word of God that will be separated by the Prince of Principles that will give the Power of God back unto the Anointed One. who will bring all the Empires and Kingdoms back together again. and Who will find a Great Wyrm from the Turquoise Dragon Eyed the had the Kingdom return with ebony stone skins that became the shiny stone that fallen across the Land of Mexico these two will spring forth unto a hill that will be devoured by God's mouth that holds the bodies of fire and brimstone to be the opening mouths of the underworld that held on to the last return during the fifth season of 2054 when man will see the Fall of Angels that spread their wings out towards the people of earth. the dragon will be separated from the falling off of that earth and become the new otherworldly people with God and the Dragon that had fallen from Earth above to the ground of Mexico where the stones of corruption became incorruptible and valued.
The Creator of the Universe
because Zeus gave Me freedom i took everything including life and death to become the first Holy on earth with interest and separated the Power of God from this world, from its fragile supra nature to the spirit. if they knew that they had power this world would never be around as one would walk straight on that day when the man child needed it. so i Roger R. Grant created the worlds with the Power of God that i meddled with before the day i would make a greater and greater to come after Me, Who held on to a cloud that held on to the sky above, that held on to the earth that held on to the water that was made as life or death given to its people, land, and animal. that had separated Holiness from good and evil that had turned war against each other and to the people of the shining to who i am in charge of peace and not destruction. the Word of God is the everlasting spirit of truth (stone age) that will not die until God's promise is done or fulfilled through the People, Land, and Kingdom that had separated nation church, and state into a coyote our five-fingered people of Diné would be degraded by the hand of marriage or peace as the Priest who would believe that that I Am the Devil and separated religion for peace and to separate Magik from the Sabbath. for those who did not have three dimensions of time on that 5th and 6th hour would never be caneable on that day We were bound in a fire, that was made for our ancestor's return to earth. after i gave the rest of the Animals Magik while i hid and scattered it through the Heavens as to what was going to spread to the new world as truth and wisdom on a hill.
The Yellow Ribbon Mesquite
The day is still young but noon. and the evening share a Welcoming House for those who have a hold on those who return and say the loving things that I need to hear, from a place that I had kept from the start. and Her blessings hold Me tighter than ever. and when we see each other we are going to wreck the town and have a child to bear or a name for a love child called Night and Hope that opens the gates to Heaven. said Our Mother Patsy Cline.
The Principle of Morning Manner
after the morning sun gave Her light the Day was crying out from the Night of Darkness to tell her children that she loved them and in Her arms, she swallowed the burning hearts of those who cried out from the battlefields of tomorrow that are sent from country to country. in sacrifice to make a day of peace become a night of hope to shine in the morning time. when they were coming home but got lost. She loves you. and awaits Her children's return.
Our Chief Cornerstone
the Lord is my Watch Tower the gate of ever-lasting peace inside the Walls of Defence. The House of God is the woman in search of her children who are crying out for a righteous teacher or a Demon who can possess the Spirit of God with harmony and fight with the Beasts on the Devil's Battlefield, who die but live forever. this is the chief cornerstone of the four corners of the earth.
- Watch Tower: God
- Walls of Defence: Satan,
- House of God: Woman
- Spirit of God: Demon
- Field of Glory: Devil
Friday, March 7, 2025
The Huntresses and the Bow
the Hunters are from Japan and they are women who are ready to win this stake out for thier country. under the sign of Jupiter will the sun rise before the dawn breaks its own two know that Heaven has been a leap of faith as the Trees of God are planted, lifted from their place of origin. but the Lord said that if one shall be the other then one is better than none. and the world will slowly turn over to lay its rest upon the shoulders of Heaven. as the wind follows the days behind as the night is given to the dive. "It is of origin that the two remain one and the the sun becomes the morning to rise." said Kim Jong Un. The Lord had given the answer to the Moon and the stars above had shot its arrow into the heart of the Dragon that fell from Heaven.
Puff the Chinese Dragon had been seen falling from above the Japan Sea into the Sea of Southern China.- Leader of North Korea: Kim Jong Un
Thursday, March 6, 2025
The Hunters Men
the time is now for people to start remembering the calling we once knew 1000 years before we were born today. it is in our hands that we must learn to live with it is our own time that separates us from the flock. we are like wolves dire of a hunt that had given itself tomorrow. our inward appearance is as gentle as the flock, but are men that had replaced the wolf and had brought back the man in shepherd's clothing while wolves would watch the Shepherd's Flock in the field. the man could rest and eat Shepherd's pie with his dogs.
An Incomplete Heaven
When is it the time that you scribe into our hearts the foundations of God the knowledge that was old but made new every day under the sun if you can't take what is old and bring what is new together then your Heaven is only partially incomplete the first heaven will be dismantled and the new Heaven will be made and as soon as the new Heaven was made the old Heaven will be remembered and you will dismantle the new heaven and recreate the old before you recreate the new again.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
The New World Order (Universe)
the publishers of God's Word will no longer exist because of the tyranny that they had caused by allowing the lies of man to continue unto this day. they will clash with Me knowing that their words were to enable another king of unrest and rapture. but i will be the only one to know what the words in the BOOK of REVELATIONS mean. because of who was Resurrected in Me. Jesus Christ, and because of my reincarnation i became the incarnation of the Father of Heaven, Roger Ramos Grant. God will take four corners of this earth and make a fifth. God will make a convenient with their enemy and become greater allies together. and the covenant will consist of two races that had gone to war with each other in the past and become neighbors a new ruler will take power and seize economic control with a warlike army but marriage will proceed out of fear and the two newly formed trust will beget a son of two qualities and procreate both new and old house together. as to share and defensive posture back to back or side by side protecting their newly wedded nations that seek peace throughout the Heavens as well on Eaerth so that there generation can seed the stars at night with every grain of sand. then Heaven will spring forth the life of God's children that exceeds 1000 years upon return and 1000 years in Heaven as it will be on earth.
The First Emperor of God
the Last Emperor shall succeed in clashes with the enemy of God and win. they have given to this world everyday principles and it is our time to learn with them who are chosen among this world to lead. i am a Prophet of God who honors the truth in every nation country and continent under God. to honor another God is to honor your own God. to bring forth the light and guidance for all religions to see one creation under God Who is indivisible. and all nations shall turn to this Empiror and give praise to the New God of Armies. and to Heaven as one to all under God.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Worshiping God in your Own Way is Freedom
When did loving God become so hard it seems like a hazard just to be beside the great spirit why do some people fear harm being done to them for loving God what kind of world every fell into what kind of religion would separate God from their people many want to know the wisdom that God has the knowledge that we attained through the years God does not want to be the person who returns and destroys everything that he saw perfect God is in all of us every person searching for a tomorrow that was better than today to hurt someone who did not know their parents by saying that they never loved them is the reason why God returned so that he may find out the reason why we worship Our Father our mother our children before we worship ourselves some people may get the wrong idea about God that God is choosing picking only the best when others shall suffer but it is the opposite of that God is choosing the other before he finds the best within all of us the lakes of Fire do not they burn twice as hard twice as long twice forever and after your first death nothing should be a harm to you, because we all have worshiped God the same way the same way as he loves his children the same way as she loves her husband to communicate to one another all we need is our heart and I will jump start a place where we were held because we stumbled and just to stumble is the way that God is telling you to get up show someone that you cared for them those who live their life accordingly should never have any problems should never be wanting but even the best of the best end up wanting fearing never knowing what tomorrow will bring it's these fires that we burn in fires of unsurity fires that we do not know tomorrow about and the fires that burn on our dreams haunt us to death it's not only death that we fear but the very things that make us who we are and nobody wants to be known as a mistake even when they make mistakes.
Monday, March 3, 2025
The Undoing of Everything (Agents of Death)
People are doing well, while others are struggling, and some have changed drastically, forgetting everything they once knew. People reflect on the times we had before; they didn't leap into action but instead reacted based on their own experiences. We need to understand everything before we see it through.
Our Spiritual Double Agent
Every good is a hand of God why would anybody try to step in front of God isn't that all we need some will try to say the one who's speaking about God was a false prophet when he was God but after the false prophet God speaks social a lot of false prophets come and try to say the same things but with a lie why do we speak for God because let's face anything else right now at this time can I be trusted we can't even know the truth until the time comes and Faith had put it back in our pocket because these guys like to lie you're worse than Liars their doubters and people who like the manipulate what you have just done they'll try to everything and put their own signature on it these are not from Earth or they would be acting like someone from Earth they're from another planet and they're here for one day because our universe is galaxies came together
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Hate is Being Taught in the Churchs
sedition is a voice without knowing the consequence of sin.
a poor man wants his money back from the donations. because they were teaching hate. they said the Devil lied to them about the truth when they did not even know that one someone, they did not even know the truth. even worse if a church teaches hate they are teaching sedition to a country that did not want dumb-asses that can not overcome their own EGO the essence of Heaven's return to rule over them who only knew lies from the beginning and taught in public saying the Devil had lied to them as they sinned. those who have never lied would be able to throw that first stone in this case. but because we are Hypocrites when the law would let some do wrong while others cannot. what if i am the Devil. would say that i alone can cause that much heat among Christians? no! you would also teach people how to hate another person or harm them in God's sermon.
do not teach anything that would divide a country.
the aftermath: that poor man went home and told his sons. the security guards were doubled because of church jackings. they would come in and take all the money and if that money did not add up to 10 % of what was in their pockets that church would get jacked again.
God Speed and the Space in between Time
when we do what we have done before we know what was done before us, and this is the time that brings answers to life, those who try to hold on to their wealth and not help others will lose everything when they try to hold the knowledge back from the world that becomes the curiosity of those who fight God today as the five Aspects of Death that became haunted by Me Roger Ramos Grant the Evil Spirit as so that they would never find their true identity or anything that we won't allow. their account is giving God Hell and never thinking about receiving. and for this wide Range of Death, they had saved themselves not once, out of 244,000 times in life. yes, they lived 240,000 times before we had lived 5 times on Earth. we had forgiven them that many sins against Us . the Lord gave them a place close to Us as Hell in Heaven where they will stay in the outer rim of space and become a tool that was contracted to their release. and everybody today who does not know their place will only be thrown into a Hell that was in Heaven. and every aspect of life was a generation before Us that did not see God but remembered what was done from the distance of one light-year away to be the time of God Speed that was the outcome of a dispute before you even discussed it. it is a righteous judgment by the Spirit of God. at that had set for every eye, that can see, to become openly from the light of what was seen to here at this time that returns before that action became a reaction.
The Messengers of God Return
i was greeting a Morning Dove in its own familiar voice that i have practicing and i thought to myself. i want to talk about the messenger of God who is a Pigeon or a Dove. and at that time as we stopped talking i started writing this story.
the month was cold and the men needed to eat so a Pigeon or a Messenger of God was dispatched over enemy territory and never worried about doing their duty to help others in need. it was a week before we heard about the food coming and as we were expecting another week of starvation they came that day the Pigeon returned. our messenger had come through despite its rank and duty to God it remembered the men who needed it the most when they required food they did not even eat anything that was a part of their own duty to live. and this honor goes out to the pigeon. (Morning Dove)
With or Without Love
without love, we would never come back to earth and try again. without love, we would all be lost again never to be found.
Explosion the Counter Balance of Implosion
Universal Crunch or Collapse
To jump into a pool I would say a preacher makes the biggest splash by Landing in the watertight and then opening up right when you land you will feel a pocket of turbulence that sucks you back inward and it is the biggest splash that makes the biggest splashing wave. if you could rock a pool through splashing it would either move in one motion side to side as it comes to a calm or tidal wave then you had made big enough splashes back to back one after another that reproves that our Cosmos separating will come back together again and then when we brought the cosmos back together again. so that what was a crunch can now come from the belly-flopping unstable without any consequence to a collapsing universe. It is an implosion after a contraction.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
The Truth of Spirit and Flesh
to those who wonder about teaching the true gospel shall never know God before they knew themselves nor will they believe in a man who only can tell you about himself. I Am every bloodline on earth as it was in Heaven. i am the Unknown God; the begotten tomorrow of the past. and those who teach the Word of God without becoming one in the flesh or the manifestation of Roger R. Grant who is the Father of Heaven, then how will you know the true spirit within the one speaking in you without knowing who you were first. i made you from the Word of God from Roger's flesh and spirit, and only those who experience on their earth the blessing of God who was the Prophet Jesus Muhammed and an Apostle of God while giving Truth as the Spirit of God's dimension to be the left side of the right brain that speaks with a forked tongue speaking about one thing while talking about another thing at the same time. She is the Wife of Truth and Her name is Wisdom. who has set the beginning of time the times and half of that time; Who is always and Who will be the hidden blessing of understanding and knowing all while in Roger's spirit who was, is, and will become the beginning as the Word of God created Us, Who created Them, and the Light of this World that could be seen from a miracle mile. from a vast distance of light and time.
A Voice in the Wilderness
Heavenly time returns for those who are unclean spirits or people who thought God was just a dust mat that shakes the dust from the bottom of their feet. because of their jealousy. they would enter into man's house as a familiar spirit and whisper the things that could not hide their heart knowing that a man of God is steadfast to his ways and not to the ways of a liar. who wants to sabotage those who are doing good for the Lord. they are worse than any false prophet that never knew God. the are mad because i speak about God. and know God. when they were trying to do the same thing but to become God and destroy the one person saying the goods in life are for God and their own sake and not for the sake of their own issue that will never be pardoned again. their influence is a day of Hell and the day of their will following into Hell. for every word that was lost and translated will come upon them with the measure of life being thrown into a darkness that could not help their own family. for this, they are to walk forever on a tightrope without a net to break their fall from Heaven. where they will be judged for their carelessness to God's Prophet who is the Spirit and hand of God's right to receive fair justice at any time for God's people who are the life and source of God's inhabitance.
The Tongues of the Holy Spirit
there may come a certain individual from an unknown place who was given a gift of God that will rule the nations by sharing God's creativity. and to speak about the thing that you did not say or know but heard the Great Spirit speak through them without a doubt or prior sequence to the episode of Spirit and Flesh acting as one embodiment or an extension through God's will at hand that greets the morning to come with a gift of tomorrow's people spoken in a hidden voice the transmittance to another place that God calls the Heavenly realm of Angels that descend from a top of the highest mountain and ascend from the lowest parts of Hell to receive the new Message of God. the New Worldly Voice force of Gods verbal component coming out of tongues.
The Flight of The Honey Bee
The Hair Under Our Feet
Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)
is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...
Your faith is a tool that grows back thicker or in numbers wherever it touches. We use faith as a dagger to separate, divide, and protect o...
The Siamese Twins that moved to America are returning from America, but they will be Africaan and will become Heavenly in stature they will...
the principle of philosophy is the light that shines without a God or becomes animated through flesh blood and stone. the body of truth a D...