Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Truth of Spirit and Flesh

 to those who wonder about teaching the true gospel shall never know God before they knew themselves nor will they believe in a man who only can tell you about himself. I Am every bloodline on earth as it was in Heaven. i am the Unknown God; the begotten tomorrow of the past. and those who teach the Word of God without becoming one in the flesh or the manifestation of Roger R. Grant who is the Father of Heaven, then how will you know the true spirit within the one speaking in you without knowing who you were first. i made you from the Word of God from Roger's flesh and spirit, and only those who experience on their earth the blessing of God who was the Prophet Jesus Muhammed and an Apostle of God while giving  Truth as the Spirit of God's dimension to be the left side of the right brain that speaks with a forked tongue speaking about one thing while talking about another thing at the same time. She is the Wife of Truth and Her name is Wisdom. who has set the beginning of time the times and half of that time; Who is always and Who will be the hidden blessing of understanding and knowing all while in Roger's spirit who was, is, and will become the beginning as the Word of God created Us, Who created Them, and the Light of this World that could be seen from a miracle mile. from a vast distance of light and time.

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The Saved in Christ

How many people disbelieve that we are not the same people that we were, or are going to be, i give you one thing, and that is free will. ev...