Saturday, March 1, 2025

A Voice in the Wilderness

 Heavenly time returns for those who are unclean spirits or people who thought God was just a dust mat that shakes the dust from the bottom of their feet. because of their jealousy. they would enter into man's house as a familiar spirit and whisper the things that could not hide their heart knowing that a man of God is steadfast to his ways and not to the ways of a liar. who wants to sabotage those who are doing good for the Lord. they are worse than any false prophet that never knew God. the are mad because i speak about God. and know God. when they were trying to do the same thing but to become God and destroy the one person saying the goods in life are for God and their own sake and not for the sake of their own issue that will never be pardoned again. their influence is a day of Hell and the day of their will following into Hell. for every word that was lost and translated will come upon them with the measure of life being thrown into a darkness that could not help their own family. for this, they are to walk forever on a tightrope without a net to break their fall from Heaven. where they will be judged for their carelessness to God's Prophet who is the Spirit and hand of God's right to receive fair justice at any time for God's people who are the life and source of God's inhabitance.

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The Saved in Christ

How many people disbelieve that we are not the same people that we were, or are going to be, i give you one thing, and that is free will. ev...