Saturday, March 8, 2025

Le Negro Dragonette

 the Blackest Rooster consumed with fire had fallen from the earth above from a plane that could not exist but through a Black Dragon that had the Ancient Dark Eyes of a Demon that resembled Dragon Teeth, the Word of God that will be separated by the Prince of Principles that will give the Power of God back unto the Anointed One. who will bring all the Empires and Kingdoms back together again. and Who will find a Great Wyrm from the Turquoise Dragon Eyed the had the Kingdom return with ebony stone skins that became the shiny stone that fallen across the Land of Mexico these two will spring forth unto a hill that will be devoured by God's mouth that holds the bodies of fire and brimstone to be the opening mouths of the underworld that held on to the last return during the fifth season of 2054 when man will see the Fall of Angels that spread their wings out towards the people of earth. the dragon will be separated from the falling off of that earth and become the new otherworldly people with God and the Dragon that had fallen from Earth above to the ground of Mexico where the stones of corruption became incorruptible and valued.

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Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)

 is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...