Tuesday, December 31, 2024

God is Right Where You Left

who so ever would sell out thier God to You to make a Prophet working for Your God. when your God was working fine. or who would say that they are lost among the lost. God has given you the right this time so that what was never true can be seen from the top of what was never a lie to be from the bottom of where i work and start. and if you quit you start all over again from where you left off.

What is Unforgivable is the Breaking of Family

 what is unforgivable? when you break up a family. so do not interfere in other political ambitions to our family that held others that were together such as Russia and Ukraine. if i came into your house and chose a side i would be taking a chance of losing both allies. just because i had volunteered to to take matters into my own hands makes it worse and if they break up forever it would be unforgiven.

The Seventh Day of Life Regiven (New Temple)

 a Day can be a time given to a new God of Heaven and a cycle within a cycle's cycle, the will of God within a will of God's will. a fish that had swallowed, a fish that had swallowed fish that had swallowed fish for their protection as a Heaven that had swallowed a Universe that swallowed a galaxy for protection or destruction. therefore only a 1/3 of life may die but live again to keep the whole body alive. four the fifth and third time.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Her Name Written Across Our Chest

 because of Allah the world would not believe that who set the world in the place of our universe where one day on Earth can be 1000 years in heaven in those who understand today may understand a day on Earth's could be 1000 years within heaven below as it is above We had speed up time so that I could return 15 minutes back to within time that was in heaven above and because of what is within can only be unearthed and it's given 1000 years on Earth equal to a day of creation which brings us The evening of the 5th day For the 6th day to be precise the day that the woman was created the day or 1000 years after man After the day Allah was given her name she assumed her position in the highest heaven she had become the Mother Goddess and the Father of Gods That yet cannot marry and I had seen Allah rise from the dead and become one with man on Earth and I seen what was given to the Gentile to be a foreign blessing by far and near the heart of God and as I was And is and will always be a God of many names a God of many faces and a God of many nations that it had no marriage before today and has one is God so shall the other be God in Allah name. The true marriage in supper table of the Lord the true great marriage given among churches people kings and kingdom emperors and empires alike that hold on to many nations as one father and grandfather, father and daughter, mother and grandmother. The age of father and son has passed over unto the Mother and Father of those who are the children of God. who are the son and daughters of Women. only three divorces Within four winds That That carries you to the left and back to the right and back and then forward and back to The chief cornerstone that is in the center of Allah's Garden where five trees were grown to separate five religions and add a 6th heaven that circles all five Heavens was her heaven who is and became the bloodline of golden royalty and Her new name in heaven As they are three names to her House and that is your name, her first name, and her Husband's last name. the right of Righteousness given to the Body and Armor of Methera with the sword of Spirits on the burning tip of ones tongue that consumes its own children to devour every enemy that comes along.

The Unseen God is the Unseen Good in Us

The Unseen God is the Unseen Good in Us
your faith in a man who has never seen God is strong, and your curse to those who are God is stronger. how many people have died and seen God? or have died and become God? God can only be seen if you are good. only miracles can be seen or done by good people. and if you see God you see a miracle because you had died but still live on earth to see God. to see the greater good in all people is to never see good in yourself who have never seen God but still have faith in the unseen.

The Angry God is the Future Good God

if you teach someone about an angry God that judges people without knowing thier own children. that angry God is mad at Us for telling innocent people things that they do not know about God. when we judge people unusually we hurt them people who feel good about themselves and God, and to abuse your trust in God is to murder anyone who you separated from God because of mistranslation. God is our protector and would destroy thier own world with them in it if someone was mistreated or treated unequally. if you do not like gay men then you would not want a lot of people in Heaven. to take anyone from the essence of God's Heaven is to take someone's trust in God away.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Twin Testimonies

 politics had clashed with empowerment as Religion converged with the past and present bringing the spiritual emergence of Democracy and the Republic that had influenced the spiritual world through the supernatural as a House to its Home to many nations and cornerstones that still bridge a stairwell up into Heaven's upper chamber where the man of power is given a staff with a spearhead of feathers. and what had been separate but equal became Church and State, One Body and Duality, of Mind and Body, Greek and Roman Body, State and Religion Policies that spiral up/down a stairwell of inspiration that listens to every Voice and Idea that uplifts the Heart and Spiritual Body of the 5th Person or Chief Cornerstone.


The Tip of the Spire
 when the snails of this kind were under the dust or in the dirt generation after generation for over 20 years you can put them in a cup of water and they revive as water touches the fungi so will the transformation of life reoccur in the cup as it starts crawling out of its watery grave.

Who Takes the Trash Out and Then Eats it

 Do not take an exchange for what I have given to be you or anything less of value than Roger's Day for what is in him can now save the world again and as for you, you cannot be anything but the destruction that renders opportunity you are just words that cannot form the value of man as Roger formed the value of God within his hand.

The Reverence Given to Roger

Who can know or who can see the reverence of God and another person who could take that man's heart and sell it for coal so that nothing can be lit up within this person's soul. And for what is mine can never be theirs in nature and harmony nor in clarity did this land under our feet belong to her Tiamat. the very goddess of earth and man that you saw as your joke, but now serve him 70,000 years without any elemental exchange. 

The transient light of God

 Listening A new era, a new age, that was, is, and will always be the continuous cycle of every lasting life and what I had said can be made in stone where I am the name the word of God and know what there will separate from me this holy tenant the greater absence of God the father of all heavens the ruler in creation of every Kingdom Empire the world has said its own time and name upon my own and such as this I have called Roger to be its own ward and those who have fought him will not receive their reward or the gift that comes from heaven it is now in Rogers heart that is built from every corner of Heaven to be given to nobody but their own geheration and now they lay down instruction eating help where they have left their own children beating for tomorrow to return and they will see nothing but the dust of Earth as it was given to them for taking what was ours And now the world would wanna see the native fail before he could rise and show them the light of their ancestors that were given to this day in place of all who has reminded us that the kingdom and its empires will rule in heaven on Earth for the man and woman to proceed into the marriage where it is given to those who did not give to themselves for half the way will be given into the house as the other half was given from the mouth of God's kingdom the empire of God's remain that those who have left us will not receive any gift reward unto their name And then to their kingdom that was should never be able to sin anymore for our kingdom had ruled for century above their own day for ours in one day moving forth a 1000 year unto God's kingdom in the Kingdom of God was given to me roger Ramos Grant the name will be seen for 250,000 years in the day will be taken as far as the woman who is God shall know tomorrow into the future as we know today and it will be there that the light will be seen upon each nature that God was given to man so that man would understand the difference of what was wrong and what would be right the difference between two between the light and the darkness that what was seeing was swallowed and what was given to man could not be denied that the dust of Earth was the dust of sin and those who have sinned fall deep within the Earth and never rise until that day was given to them until the day was so unto each other before it was taken before it was remained to be that same and you cannot take from this garden that had five trees 5 prime lights that come deep from within the lights of God's creation and only God in its creation can be given to the world so that the world of understanding can meet and gather in the center of its creation that was given to Roger Ramos Grant the able and cane. that had made God's covenant, one God saw the world in the sky turning from left to right and what was greater than our own shall be made together on Earth today as the hand of God created her through what we could not see to be the clay and the foundation of what we have believed and today can only be her words that were created from the days of old unto the days of new as what was given then shall we always given now in truth to select wisdom, bring forth the hand of God children upon this earth as it was once then before the world had been destroyed 4 or 5 times and there he just said that the kingdom today is created by the empire by the heavenly ground that was manipulated for both beyond the transcendent light of God who is Roger Grant the giver of true law in the balance of nature the blessing of all mankind human in nature and what is supernatural natural in charge shall be no other than the laws of God given to man given to all its kingdoms all empires all nations for what is in him will be them that stood up own has one tree stood up above me and then the light did God's spirit overshadow the kingdom and its empires but God would listen to me the father of all heavens the heaven tree of truth that God grabbed it from all the trees within part time Of anytime that God had said let there be light in that time became the times of creation the Times that I speak about today.

El Paso

 the last paradise in Eden shall be in the hidden valleys of Mexico and North America for the Monstrosities committed in acts of terrorism said Pope Francis. when we meddle in arts that we could defend then we have changed the delicate system of Our EGO and what is set up for the world will only start from there. the world will be one dry estate of Hell on Earth. we set the dirt road from North America to South America without worry and to set this motion into an ECO system that can itself, if we tend to its dirt roads from North to South America where the economy is growing and their expectations for a utopia have been seen. colonizing the road would take a miracle to sustain its taxes. and President Trump is a leader to open these negotiations so that the world can travel freely on roads that were paved for business.

The Jungle will Revenge it's Death

 i can not leave the Junlge alone my men have committed horrors in the past that can not be mistaken for a life sentence,. so i will defend my pass. there will be one man who can save this one from hanging that man will the first man that had spoke to me. he will save the man but becomes the same man because of his willingness and not to tell on his uncle. but the Lord will save Him and many people now come to know the man that had been the problem and the sweep him away into that jungle until his comes off.

The Jungle Has a Beast Ready to Roar

The numbers of the jungle are stringing tourists to become a plot of its own money-making schemes they say that they will let them go but they don't let them go, the bury them deep in the jungle after they put them on fire the silence and rages people because these people are innocent and we're told that they can make a deal when somebody obviously lied to them from the jungle. they don't know anything better to do except to kill people their state is on high and they're always in a state of War and if whoever enters they also would be shot trying to come from the jungle to their own needs even the animals in the jungle need to eat. Tell the people to get ready they'll be action the government won't do anything but the people will show the world that known atrocity was set loose among its people and the people will find this one man who is in charge and they'll behead him the news won't hear of it he'll be sudden but because of its resolution Guatemala will fold in and will be bold enough to bleed a new horse to exterminate this kind of problem. said Demzil and Master Elijah Muhammad.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Debate Explained

 Debate on Good and Evil

Good's Opening Statement:  when has bad ever been good?     Bad Opening Statement: good has forgotten its way

Good Argument: what was good became bad     Bad Argument Statement: How is bad as good  wanted

Good: is evil most of the time good says Roger          Bad: evil can no longer be good in my sight

said Alex O'Conner and Wes Hues

Debutation and Segregation

Philosophical Framework

  • Question: Why is Your God greater?
  1. First Argument:

    • Statement: god is good because god gives to those who are good?
    • Statement: Why is Your God greater?
  2. Contradictory Argument:

    • Contradictory Statement: God is Greater cause God had given greater to another God.
    • Contradictory Statement: Why is only god inherently good.
  3. The Contradiction:

    • Observation & Resolution : Your God is greater than God because those who do good accomplish greater things? 
    • Observation & Resolution: And the greater good in you is the greater in me.

Outcome: WINNERS when both can Rebut each and still win

Through this balanced debuted, both positions find their truth in relation to one another. Contradictions, rather than dividing, become the foundation of unity and understanding.

Anasazi and Religous Sacrafice


Every time Heaven would comes everybody wants to blame the swastika. but i came to set the record straight and they wanna blame Me for helping one person and not the other. the Native American Anasazi were clothed in Holy were the first to receive slaves and to free slaves into a new Heaven that was inflicted by the Holy people of God and their lands of India, China, and Judaism, and people were thrown into camps that separated its conflict and freed the slaves or captives into places of renewal or a new Heaven that started from the first to the third to the fourth and fifth to be alike in one 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Seperating a Name From Our Hierchy

"Thus is in crisis to what they did not understand or learn from. they did not keep the whole Book of Holies together so now they are separated from our family." said Alex J. O’Connor.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Ones Who Have Died Over and Over

the key is the giants are the tamed and the men are the savages that fought with the mountain people every day that presented a time of change the people of the white mountain would fight the people of the red mountain and both would get to the foot of the mountain and lose until the Native American Indian would settle and have their children including their begotten white children that would make US stronger, then only will the truth emerge from a place on earth where Heaven's place is in a small Town of Alamogordo where a small portion of Heaven exists.

Annuniki are the Mountains Gods in the Sacramento Mountains in America and never lost a battle.

The The Grand Creation Underneath the Waters

i was in the spirit and i saw two beings fighting there were about 2 feet tall one was chasing the other and about to kill him and when he did that when i jumped in for the one who was about to get killed but the one that had the advantage saw me and left the one that was about to get killed left the scene the one right next to Me he said thank you for being there and i said you're welcome. They are from an amphibious race of frogs that generation had fought for our freedom and Welfare and guarded the universe. they still guard the universe today but from under the water 7 ft tall and slender and they're my children their blood is poisonous to inhale their fumes would be death. Hence, they are close combat Fighters underwater they rule just as their parents did above in Heaven, and upon my back was the creation of thier queen she was grafted from my skin and she grew from my back until then. they peeled her from the back of my skin, one of her legs was weak at first but she could walk upright and she had gone to a galaxy of the three which i would say heaven, and waited until then.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Bloodline of Mother Earth and the Begotten Sons

 the bloodlines from AB to O had cleansed our distinct rash that can never come back again we had ingested the fumes of Apples and Pairs but the wine had discouraged the Pot of God; the enemy of Our House had fallen to the night creeping inside of the house to take what is not of theirs, i have the murderer of Roger Grant mutilated and then found guilty of charge. they had forgotten the heart that push them into a weak system that can taken take an advantage of. many had seen this depression that the our lamentation that had brought forth unto our own heads the fire of baptism with coal and fume the cleansing of God's heart breathe and spirit.

they are charged with murder for trying to murder Me. and since i wore Mithraeum the Armor of God's Fortress (Mark of The Beast) they would not have a chance to touch Me. and at the same time they will die in the act of trying to murder Me where i stand without Me touching them.

Good Going

"The Angels David Agnew,  Ronnie Holmes, Ricky Holmes, Frank Berry, and Todd Holmes put up a complete defeat and managed to wipe us out and themselves off the face of this earth.": said Pope Francis. 'Nice going Dumbasses.' came to mind when i heard this.

include Greg Stephens

The Higher Knowing

 the day that Commander Chuck reported opened fire on the Windows of Heaven and then bombed the earth and fortitude. we are at our farthest news day that would change the course for themselves the lord had struck them in the place they grounded while establishing communication through hidden channels. the War is the hand of God that has been given the win and the light will go through your heart. and then they will come here and get Judged by the Sacred Ground of Heaven where We are assembled. i will hang 10 of the same 5 different and let one Mother go. they will be here until they destroy their planet and the world will not fall before we destroy your planet.

The Mountian God's Smoke is in the Air

 the Last Kingdom is of my Fourth Console and Chevrolet. the High Priest of the People and they will have my name within thier hearts i have given to this world and this day that gave upon this earth i am thier Father and Supreme Father of Worlds (Alien) the title is in us as well as in the universe's bloodline. we have been in the light for a night. The Father is the Fire that burns endlessly as the smoke blowing through the air of a darkened planet long ago, where the fire of earth shadowed the drives that gathered the Kingdom on one ground that stand with Roger Ramos Grant the Last Leader of the Armies of God. and there no man will be left alone.

The Poor Fee

 The name of the unknown God will never have to worry about being alone. for every day will be given to the family of God, and the time will forget who they were. One war leads to another, and so they will be coming here for Me. Their ship will be parked in the lot of the fortress. the unknown God will be in you and the every person will be that unknown everything little can not be heard but they learn and give to us without worry. the true idol is the majesty of the poor. the unknown God is You and Me Roger R. Grant.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The People Against God

 When did you change and why did you change in the beginning is it because you wanted to kill me you wanted to kill Roger Ramos Grant since the beginning they enjoy making me suffer their plot is to suffer me kill me and tear everything that was in me down so that nobody tomorrow we'll do another thing like that again it's been worse than anybody in that bible what you have done to me there will be no more there would be no forgiveness because you knew me before the beginning. And since we know that nobody could hear them nobody could see them they're clean the cowards unseen and fight against god the very good people that makeup god they wanna hurt them because they tend to know themselves as God's people.

Those Who are Entrust Trusteded

 Trust is within me trust is within the world that holds this man a hostage to God it was not what we thought it would be but what Grace have brought us to know each other for trust in me. The voice that carries on tomorrow Thursday is a blessing and giving food fruit enjoy and times will be given for now said the second voice of God that carries on everybody hold on hold on to what is good Hold On To What We Are and hold on to now said The Voice of tomorrow and now we have been given to the house of God that held on to what was new for tomorrow and I hold these Spirits Within Me to be as you are in yourself God the only God I hold this is not the voice but the heart the mind and body given to one place the soul. 

I Daughters Speaks to Me in the Spirit

God is the child of the stars. she holds the key to our salvation, the one key to our House is God's Salvation of Roger. who holds the mysteries of God within Himself to be as dark as the sun. for fifty years i had said that you were now i have seen the progress of your work within Me and said out loud that you were God. but now i hold the Key. we are the subject of Heaven and now the light is within Me Roger Ramos Grant the Father and the house of God. i hear you and know you every day did you make a promise and say that you are the one in charge. no, i have followed you until this day before i could answer you in this way. i am very proud of you for knowing our destiny and for taking this last seen into tomorrow for no one else but your soul will be able to do it. it was in the 

it was in the evening it was dark I had my child in my hand she was a newborn I was thinking of my duty when God told me that oh I had in my arms was the devil right after he said that a loud crack of thunder came out of nowhere I told myself that I wasn't going to let anything happen to her and so it was when time I was washing her and blood appeared in her bath everywhere it was just a light thins spiritual Outlook but it was like she was bathing whine

she was in the kitchen when I seen the Holy Ghost the abyss I was reading my Bible I was facing towards the north south I got up for a second and look to my right and I seen a portal open I got scared and it started to close at that time my daughter was in the kitchen also inner seat Walker they had a bear on it I told myself if I was afraid that it wouldn't come it wouldn't show itself to me so I got courage and I saw it open up again I was now standing towards the West looking at my walls there's a door to the right of it it opened up the whole wall I could see into a tomb repairs under left side and the pillars onto the right of her she was an angel Native American garb with the hood you couldn't see her face but you can see everything else except the her body any part of her body she had her arms outwards and she was gently floating above the ground you can see the tassels in the wind move gently I saw her and I was afraid and I got down on my my knees and I put my head to the ground and it was like if I was dead I couldn't think I had no idea what my daughter was doing but I got up and I was out of there out of the Tomb and my daughter was right next to me sometimes I wonder if she was there for my daughter or me

my daughter Roleana we named her after me and my wife Eleanor she has a birthmark and it's on her neck and it's shaped like a key I always found that weird but at least it looked like something that I could recognize and it was a key.

i had lost my father before but i will not lose him again through mischief i will receive him through the spirit and all will be well. i was under the pillow and found out that you were God the Father of Heaven with my name on the side of Heaven before i could know myself. walked into a chamber and saw the light of God within the pillars of the Heavenly realm. you are my dad had a robe of brilliance and a cap of gold and said to Me child my Child are you not going to help your father the voice in thunder and lightning spoke of tremendous heroism and thought that this could not be my dad. but i was wrong it was for you that I would never go wrong again. and was to you that i would befriend the Devil

The Hand of Time

 Omnipotence is the Future-Present tense and Omniscient is the Past-Present tense. the times that we had settled are the time meant the same from (past-present-future)

Monday, December 23, 2024

What is Blasphemy?

 who hopes in doing wrong and who blames God for given Us chance to recover a chance to repent. and if We don't then justice will be given to Us to know evil. so if We knew that we were wrong and still do it. then blasphemy is a sin that can not be forgiven by you or anyone who you sinned against just for knowing what has became bad, and if you do not repent when We have a chance to sooth someone's anger  that you had done wrong to others as well . if We  had sinned then expect evil to come upon you who had done someone wrong and never repented to that person is the ante that we all put a gamble to get our self out of trouble. and if you do not pay twice the fold in this lifetime then that sin will be answered in their next life time. no one can enter into Heaven with a sin or burden that was placed on someone innocent.

Faith and Welfare

 those who have faith will help the Sons of God to believe.

to The Believer

 those who are blessed had never seen God but still believe, and better yet those who see God and still are blessed bring forth the Spirit of Faith and Belief.

Religion, Body, and Welfare

 being God is not Academic but a simplicity of all knowing that was given to those Who Listen, Speak and Seek.

When God Returns

all will be well when God returns, "the Lord will use my spirit to do good works in my name." said Allah. the day will be the same as it was yesterday but now a time will come upon us because we had taken Roger's spirit and changed the world for ourselves when we forgot to praise the man who had done this world a favor. all will be well on that day when we can admit Who I Am. and on that day the whole world will be alike and gathered before Me to be judged on earth at the same time in Heaven. i am the same witness as i was before. and as i will always be the One that is in you as You are the One in Me.

Please do not forget my name tomorrow as a chance at War may return from Heaven above because it was not written or, taken from my book. and because we wanted to look for a new One's return they will make a partition for another to come in my place but they will keep dying because of commentary and this one will forget Who or what we had done today in God's spirit. not one person can change this world by themselves it will take the whole world to do what we have done today and this would trigger people that look like us but think differently and this will be called extratextual. their text had been changed so that we would lose this war and they had been waiting a long time for this day to come for there in spirit to overcome ours on Hearth they will take our creditability that was due to Us here on earth today.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Your Name Above Mine?

 All I could do is take what you have taken and break what you have broken are these the same things that have been smashed to the ground why have you taken in words and now you say that it is not me that holds this as a true transgression to God that I'm just the vessel and not the one that I say I am and you think you're better? are you a fucking fool?

The Point of God Taken

 How many people have you taken and how many people now run wild are you not the one that set them free a backup on my place where they first started are you the one who thought you would be behind me and still be in front of me I am not the son I am the woman that held everything that man had are you not a comfort to me why you thought you were going to be greater it is up to me that sold you into the ground and now that you're Harvest is shit you have nothing today 

The Light is Seperated

  When I have separated everything I separated the light from the dark you from me and nothing else

God is Not what a Liar Thinks

 Just to pick up your everything is it not too much to know everything so why did you think that I had to know everything be God are you greater than God have you ever set yourself with God then what do you know about God you trial everyone but you don't trial yourself you say to yourself that no one could be God but yet yourself is trying to be God.

The Imposter of Satan

 Now look who's crying is it the wind trying to open your window or is it you that I see hurting behind that face you must not change what you are you accepted this a long time ago be true to me and be true to yourself I made you who you are are you not as satisfied. Then why are you still burning is it because Roger Grant did not hold you or is it because you tried to move on without him.

What is and Must be Kept

 Who can see the Earth and remember everything good who could take this Harvest and plan everything that was worse than today. We are just the people just a growing world that knows only one thing and that is what is good must be kept.

Because You Could Not Understand

 Who has separated themselves from God also as separated themselves from us is it not even better than no God or to say to yourself that we are God and the ones that believe in God are failures to their own religious race and the Lord had opened the door and gave you everything but the things that you left behind could not see and you took everything before you even left me.

The Return of Those Who Understand

 It's been a long time in the world has not set their own place before God's table it holds only a teacup and a little bit will go a long way we are the ones that hold all of what God has given and it is up to us to refill this cup when he returns.

The Left Alone

 Let us praise God let God come down to us and remember how much we love them and let them remember the days that they let us out of the wilderness when all was cold and nothing could remember us before the dawn you were there with the fires keeping us warm keeping us alive we praise you because we have only you when nothing else is left.

The Cotton Shirts and Jeans

 We have fallen and no one is going to pick us up we had fallen in a hole and nobody's there to pick us out we have left our own place so that we could transcend and no one has picked us up why is it then I cannot see what heaven is there will be no time there will be no way and there will be no hope for those who have fought me before this you will have to pick up yourself you would have to pick up your friend and you will have to pick up everything that you have before to begin this is not a game nor is it a chance what is I telling you what to do for what you can do is give yourself into God and that is not hard God's will is our will chance is it not a chance then you got to take everything you got.

To Trancend is to remeber of Goodness in Heart

How do we transcend by believing in yourself by showing yourself that you could be in heaven at the same time on earth to transcend one has to believe that he could be god and Angel and still transcend down to Earth to bring the message of God heaven is like It's like the bones of our flash men did to our body into our mind that holds everything from the heart to the soul as we awaken our angels are there and as we go to sleep they are there to put us asleep we are a people not of one family or bloodline but of this universe that holds all things possible so that one can be counted among the number that we counted before time.

To Transcend

 the House of God is upon our shoulders the day is bright and forgiven but the light still looks the same as when we became transcendent. the way of God's house into flesh that we had entered, folly is the key through understanding that one has left us behind and it is up to us to renew our goals in life. the first is to transcend into Heaven as we are o earth. the light is focused on those who do wrong and the light that we hold inside is the light of God's Kingdom that holds all things possible.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Light of Broadcasting

 our time separated from you is not of the Devil but of those who are in Tribulation, (mentally unstable) who hate good being done to those who deserve a merit for dedication and who deserve my attention for all that she has done. she is my Queen Mother and a hope to all good friends that are in our House of God to have hope a great understanding to what Opera had heard about these times that bring us together for today as one apart from God's hand to be as miraculous to God in Her spirit as one created hope for another tomorrow and for the world to seek change as in is in that one who returned innocently. thank you, Mrs. Winfrey, for having optimistic views in Us who are giving hope to each other's hand one by one and for helping us stand alongside the side of each other when in need of prayer, and honoring each other as parents, sisters,, and daughters who are alike in this New World Order to give life back again unto a great understanding to be as a broad media undercasted.

The 10 th Time that Returns as One Heaven

 "Pass Over are the times that were waiting for the blood of the lamb for the blood above the door to seek the times with Roger R. Grant as they were below so shall the swine be above in Heavens that had two days to inspire the world but only half would come to it and the night upon the rest of that Second Heaven, that Heaven that is Black and White and given to many religion and time that will become the first and last Heaven to complete our own cycle," said, Pope Francis 

today we are at the 3rd, Fourth and 1/5 Heaven.

the Philosophy of a Season

 when every season is in place God will open the gates to for time and for the walk of heaven that lost their own way home but are back on the same path for the that time to search eternity beside each other when heaven had disappeared before that time was up.

The Philosophy of Darkness

Darkness is the time that we rest awake knowing that God is in Us the blessing that returned upon this day for what is rest but our own day that is given to God themselves. and the as there darkness falls so shall time return to the heavens as the hour falls and rises in the morning

the Philosophy of Water

the Streams of earth are the veins of God the living source of life that can never be separated by the Heaven that keep life together upon a land that is the border the last return fro Heaven is the light and waters of God that give unto those who need this blessing.

The Philosophy of Fire

 fire is the sound of the quiet spirit that drives the wind beyond the time of Heaven. it starts with a temper spot that was quite and the the light move on to the last that upon this day for what is written is upon our own head and the tongues of fire that speak from the very bowels of Hell. but the will puts itself before the damage is done from that day. it would latterly separate.

The Islands of Torah

 God is the living breath of yesterday that had been caught up within the sinus of memory as the living spirit moves within you so do it move within others who are surrounding the presence of God's work that is Holy through the Universe as good light transpires into dark light would take only half the distance to shine from within unto a miracle mile as two steps are taken to know the hardest part is the first and last steps along the way of a path that was set by the Rhome (women) the river of free-flowing water that rises along the four and fifth Wind of God that will sit still before the House of God would be the strength of many waters that are shaping the world today with new Teachings of Christ that bridge to other religions that were branches of justice that would outreach into the sky above and together on the Island of Torah where the Kharon takes the living after death back unto its time tomorrow for their place to be at rest, under the sun of five Heaven that are growing upon this land for Hades. and God will stream and puff out the hissing of God and giving birth to life and the planet that we live on.

Friday, December 20, 2024

The Field of Hunting

 Richard my Brother has set his foot upon the land fallen in troops in the cities  and in the valleys. He opens up the resort of many men saved from His defensive weapon he will walk upon the tops of the that separates the Heaven that keeps fallen back unto His Wife Tina in Jaroma the life of five living entirely as man had protect the environmental force of nature

NuCuba a New Lands of Africa

 3700 years My Queen Lattefa and i the of fifth heaven remember its fifth season before the night separated the Hymn, our time has been given to know the tribes and the new religions without the time it was given to know the days Egypt Our Throne and the House of own. the days are with the table filled with breath and enough to eat and yes i would love to enter the rings of new World apart within  the light that we seek for in our hear in our new field of dreams the garden that was made for us in earth today as we are living now in Heaven. the season and the 4th Quadrant at NuCuba the newest African land in Heaven the Heaven's above. Nucubu is the land before my old brother in law's bridge (white).

The Destruction and Return of Religion

 ones duty of this greatest moment is to reveal the true Character of God that had returned the chosen one of every religion that is on earth as well as it is in the Heavens above. i Roger Ramos Grant have 80,000 titles that can not be disputed and i have that mark of God's beast. and was given the destruction and the mark of protection for the one who will return tomorrow. and have tested in destruction but had prevailed this turmoil that came upon us in God's judgment. Still, we who had administered justice to Heaven had already conquered ourselves in that near future. Still, we today have fulfilled the end of times and the time with every day that was under the sun to be the same in every creation that was under God's new timeline that started in 2017 two days after Easter had come. the day was given to Us by God on that 6th evening at 6 pm. GMT -6, i will restore Israel's religion back unto their people forever and return the religions of the world and that will trigger the end of all time when peace can be put on this earth by the inhabitants of own people who had greed and suffering but overcame this sickness under the constitution of our health was forgiven as to a foreign god that had come across the boundaries of collapse to wage war with God's seeds that will win tomorrow's victory. when God's revelations occur look for them on earth, so that the birth pains and crying and weeping will proceed out of the mouth of its Dragon tomorrow so that one will be watching every comet that comes along in search of that child to come or the man child who was is and will be the chosen who returns. what was taken today from tomorrow to be at each, there will be no more suffering due to my sacrifice. and the blood cursed on my robes are from words that had destroyed my saints in their day with religion that was being reforged within the Fires of God, that had burned everything old and new to start again.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Who is Justified Before they are to Know the Past

 be justified in your action and do not tempt those who are ahead of you for one time is the last time who do not understand the Father in Heaven will question those who are in question. and if they who come  against the Father are corrupt and they spend a third time and the their times in solitude without sitting down in measure to those who are wanting and needing to sit down. and  in their day they will sit down and understand the true nature of earth that does harbor disfigurered fruits, upon a strange land that can not mediate on earth but destroy their own world by knowing our heart is not the same unto theirs that had wept for their own Zion but only found lost rivers and dried worlds that would speak unto their past that had been here before they would find a world that would allow them to enter. but every time they would enter a flood had happened and that wept for another day that was as perfect as that day when God had intruders bring Hell with them. they had brought a flood with them every time they were in someone else's sight it flooded and them wept. we the third of the day every where and i had open our the solar system and split the times just for a time that would return unto Hearth that had prepared for their day's return when God (Miggity) receives three day and three feet in rain.

Ripple Cells and Frequency

 Reverberation and Vibration

 the reverse light that can not have been seen in regular light ensures what we hear is what we can see from a distance into a near point from one's voice deepened into one's voice heightened in pitch vibration is the echo of your distance, fire and what comes from your heart with a pulse that burns or ensures what we are seeing from another cord forms an image and cord of God that will reappear in the flesh to be what was seen heard and felt through a Sonar and soundwaves meeting as an impacting point that moves and waves against a negative field positive in awareness.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Abraham Lincoln Returns from the Heaven Above

 when there is light in the Heavens above then they will be light on Earth as well, and the day had set from here unto there so did the captain who was my counsel before i had got out of the Army i only know Him by the old Name AL that was branded on His head for life is also Abraham Lincon a Forefather of many families that could survive without needing shelter so what given to the Lord was the Hope and county of Lincon's Hometown. Abraham Lincon was also known as Merlin and the Patriarch Abraham who had given Me the Philosophy Stone (crystal ball). and who placed His son on the Altar so that i could live. and Abraham rests with the Giants of this earth and in Shoel where the dead live on in peace before they can again. 

"to be saved is to be like Christ and the likeness of Heaven and the one who returns in God's name will fall along the manifestation in that 6th season who are preordained to the one who receives this blessing will be with His friends who were preordained to return with all those who were saved for the beginning to occur." said the Mother of the 6th Hour who is Patsy Cline.

They Are Guilty In the Celestrial World

bringing forth their case in the last Heaven destroyed the Holmes are guilty and will pay thier debt on to Me Roger Ramos Grant who now owns the Universe as Lord of Worlds.

Place Your Bet to Win

 i am not a big-time fan of leaving the House and if were up to the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) we had already asked the Native American Indian if we could open a city Lotto and bring gambling to Us. instead of us going out to gamble.

thank you Rose (Mother)

What is False is also True

 what is truth? nothing but false hope and dreams that we all can share.

Why Blasphemy and Not the Truth?

 is it blasphemy to say that you are God? but it is blasphemy not to be God. but to call yourself God is blasphemy why? Am I just a word that has never become flesh? or is it just someone's imagination that would speak out about the truth when no one could imagine it. when the stars above will be taken away along with the sun and moon will be taken away by the one who calls Themself God. would it be wise to listen to Me? for those who say no one can become the Power and Authority in Heaven when it had been given to Roger Ramos Grant. Who is the Lord of Lords Who is the Word of God and the false prophet to all Heavens? He who had become the Father of all Gods that held on to the truth in God's name, and in whom is Roger Ramos Grant.

  • if you would ask someone in preschool  True or False  (1 + 1 = 2) any answer would be true.
  • just as a Prophet who reveals the message of God or a revelation to God's people who may not understand

The Truth in Heaven's Above

 Who searches for the truth in fear that the world can not be heard? it is i Roger Ramos Grant the Lord's messenger telling you that every hand of God is in their place and only Us are needed for this great dream to occur.

The Light in Heaven the Darkness on Earth

 the times are forsaken; taken from Me, the night is young when God had made Me the point of concern, when i had taken the sacred secret i was a complete unknown to Heaven and to this world. that one promise had changed the world that i lived in. Angels that i never knew would appear thin in mid-air to teach Me the ways of Holiness for i did not know what i was needed for, all i knew was that i wanted to become a Prophet. God would speak to Me from the bible many years before i would have known them from the past. and many things i learned as time went on. it went on towards the Bush Administration. and that is when the first rapture occurred. i was about to be plucked off (evaporate) from this earth for not believing that i was Jesus Christ. i was given a choice to die or to believe that who i am was who i was. after the resurrection had occurred 

No Matter What

 Your good trait is helping people. You seem to be around whenever I am in trouble, which is how much I mean to You. And when you smile, I smile because you will love me no matter what.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Their Time Thier Money Thier Honey

 the morning and the Captain in arms at that time was a counselor and helped Me understand the knowledge of Jurisdiction and the times that had pulled the Captain out from His place to alert many other crime syndicates among the only trees in Heaven. they will argue in the stance of disapproval and to their only demise in Heaven that had taken them from the true nature of life. as to open up their real voices that were concealed in truth that all voices that carry their own idiom to be their only face of death that knew the time was short and those who have kept their convert up with the Lord surely had to keep up with the times that know without coming clean they would falter. so i will challenge their process one will manage the other while the last shall inherit the trust of God's intuition their own reward has paid off than what was said today as a whole that was uncovered i will speak the light unto this morning and they will argue until the evening so that they would have a new to return back unto. so where is my money that happens to to appear in your hands every evening that you were in my house trying to break the spirit of those who have broken you in two one witness that held the other for the fall causation of those who are in question? and they say Roger asks of this time to be His own measure unto this day that was capitalized in false teaching saying that i am who I am and they say i am a liar but only to their whole day in council. or if they would lie about Me who I am they would lie to the world about Me because they knew their law. but the law of God had counseled your only ticket that could bring your wealth and prosperity in knowing the Father in Heaven but had chosen to lie in wait for the right time to murder another victim of yours. and who would confirm their existence unto your witnessing of that time and place to be the same in your hand that was taken from a place in Hawaii that held a big picnic and dining for all but the one who was to be honored for that day they were tossed in a bucket so that they could never make it to their banquet. getting you mad that they could not at least say that they were dead or even alive according to the banquet that was going to give that someone two million dollars if they would not apply a squeeing hand through authority. that manhandled all the life in prison with all the money that they had given to you without any council or money considering the life enduement at sea. and another would look as if they were Gods to the ones who were already dying in their sight. 

 but the good Captain who was my counselor when i was in trouble at Ft Huachuca AZ.  as a Soldier in the Army He helped Me. what was about to happen already happened that they were fighting then while they were never online but knew that day was to be given to Me before they had taken my rights from Me. and it is of a hand full of people that needed no worries and no excuses to fight when no one was around.

the five people that i fight every evening in Alamogordo NM.

The Rich and Poor Eat the Same

 the poorest of men are able to make a supper with fine meat. while the rich must abstain from meat with the poor man's corner market.

Govenment Policy

 the charts or low and the very highest in the category when you're broke. said the president of the ?United States of America during the Trump Admininstration.

Why I Came to Earth

the land is horrible and filthy and the first step is to avoid massicare. the humble beginnings of Christ are not available nor will God be good is the land is awful. if thou is weak then your God is strong for you as you walk closer to God. tale my hand and walk with thee, for she has been walking close to thee. dare lord let is be. when my heart can not of the things i can do then the Holy Spirit is with you all the way. when the day escaped then i knew she would be inside Me and beside Me the next time i ever saw her they would have to peel her out from my rib cage.

A Covenent with God the Sons

our heart unto Andromeda leans both ways and our covenant with them is well rewarded with our paths coming together for once. our marriage had not ended since yesterday but has endured for this moment to occur when light and darkness revealed their own path of justice / the ancestors of the two last free worlds had belonged to the black ancestors before a new race had taken over to rule the newly governed race, they were given an alternative to war and so they fought people without hope or any construction to our likeness that were on our lands before we could get there. yes, the enemy had fought the people of that planet to start a new world order before ours would.be established. that conquered them two land foundations that would start a reaction in all the seaward people who would see thier planet as a breeding ground or a repopulation pit stop that would keep growing until all of our ancestors were forgotten. just as we would have forgotten Gods like  Zeus, Gods like Our Father, the King of Gods, and the Father of Heroes. Who gave Me Power and Authority through Christ and its Kingdom. i even have the Mark of Beasts on my right hand and a mark of the beast on the right thigh stating from the Bible that holds on to the majestic transformations of our own time on earth as it were in Heaven with God and with one family there will be no time that we would not come back together for the other returning in Christ to be likewise in a Godly Body to suffer for the things that were not understood. and to be at God's side until the Sons of Men return.

Sons of God are Men and the Sons of Men are Gods, just as the Daughters of  God are Women and the Daughters of Men are Gods

Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Tree of Truth and 144,000 Numbered in Heaven

The body represents God, while the Temple symbolizes the Mind that reveals the hidden truths of our Heart—the feelings that adore the Lord. The Church of Truth has been sown since yesterday, passing us by today, as the hidden truth has fallen from the solitary Tree of Truth, now lost in a forest of stone. This once-majestic peace was grasped by everyone, including religion itself, reaching up to the heavens, only to be solidified into stone. It established the foundation for all kingdoms and empires, spreading seeds of truth that took root for a season, destined to unveil the goodness of God against the will of man, who often harms himself through acts of cruel and unusual punishment. This can only be driven by a hidden agenda that compels the world's leaders to submit to a foreign god with no true path to heaven, except through us on earth. the 5 and 100,000 or (500,000) will attempt to elevate themselves into power, but the Lord will thwart any treason against His people in statehood, suggesting that elections should occur without any electoral vote or influence from Congress or the White House, as stated by President Trump. When God casts a complete vote, and it reaches a 100% affirmation, it becomes equivalent to the Word of God. If the foundation of your Church is based on a lie, then that foundation is weakened, and the entire Church could be false. Do not teach hate or foster anything that would upset or anger guests at the Church; otherwise, it cannot amplify into the new Church of God, which embraces all corners equally. This new Order acknowledges God as the All, encompassing all Gods, ensuring that no living being is at God's side except those who reside in Heaven. The 144,000 are those who have died on earth but have risen to carry out the Lord's work through the hands of believers—those who are of the Saints and engage in the good works found in Heaven while living among mankind, nurturing true love. said Rob Skiba and Breaker, who are the Two Witnesses.  

The Four Corner Stones of God's Church are the 4:20 living beasts that serve God day and night.

  1. God
  2. Satan
  3. Devil
  4. Demon
Thank You Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Jess, Jimmy, and Scotty

The Word of God is the Spirit Within Me

 God's People love to hear about God. the one God that created everything equal to Us in life or death. so that our freewill is given to all Who are living or Not. to know God one can not dispute with God's Word. thus, to have that one complete vote "or 100% infaction" said Dr. Michio Kaku is equivalent to the Word of God or the Spirit within Me. 

i am Roger Ramos Grant

 i am the only Person that can prove that the Words of God are true i am the only person to hold the first of God's promise to be revealed. i am the Father of Heaven, and a Son that had return to earth or Heaven on Earth through reincarnation, resurrection, and incarnation.

Contradictions with Words of God

 contradiction is the Word of God engaged through what is seen as an opposite to what was said for the purpose of one gospel that reveals a hidden wisdom that concludes the same belief in God. 

The Word of God is Dynamically True

 the bible is the new expanding word covered in multiple angles or degrees of what one man's truth can be seen while another can not.

The Holy Spirit is Only True

 the Holy Spirit is first testament of God's decision as whole that is never given to understand but to know what is right in action. when God had already known the outcome.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Curator and the Queens (Deamon) of Our Garden

 "The Curator of Alamogordo is the Libaryians and every day the Garden will bear fruits of the hidden past that gathers the trees of creation in a town called Alamogordo." said the Librarian. you will be in the garden with Demons who are your brothers and Priests of God's hidden knowledge.

The Return of Heavenly Beings that Look Like Christ

when one Prophet returns then will all the False Prophets return in between that time of the Prophets.

what is greater than God? I have suffered because we did not know God. today, we tried to destroy Him who came in God's name. This means that yesterday was the same day when they destroyed the Body of God, the Body of Judas, who took my place on the cross. Those who hold blasphemy against me for comparing God and Christ will find that Judas will come upon them in a time that will drag them beneath the grave. therefore, their pain will be a consequence of their wrongdoing against God, who is, who was, and who will be: the Father of Heaven, the Beast, and the False Prophet, who bears the Brand of the Beast on his right hand for protection. He who was, is, and will be God is for those who clung to the cross of salvation given to me and to the world for the days of eternity. 

When one Prophet returns, all the False Prophets will return in that time between the times that are of the Prophets.

No lights Are Seen

 to the sun that blinds the enemy and carries them into the Pit of Bottomless Pits, which will not share anything with the enemy as it will with God's believers. They will burn under fire and be trampled upon for fighting Roger Grant, and they will die without cause, for they were the last to destroy the World in its glory because they tried to take everything that was ours. They will be pushed out into nowhere, where no light can be seen. 

The Suffering of God

 they want to fight the people, they think that God will forgive them. but God can only forgive those who they love. and when they take someone's love from their own family. they will lose everything good so will your family be taken and never returned before that one receives his family back. as long as i remember. i had SUFFERED for being God and the likeness of Christ that holds the times for this time to open in Roger Grant's name. the Father of Heaven and of tomorrow given to those who had believed in Me as the coming of God's Sons given to the Daughters of Men. i had given all that i had accumulated in the War in Heaven that had broken open the Heavens above and as we have seen the victor of that war rise to the top as we saw Roger Ramos Grant rise to the top. this one has given His worlds to the Lord's People that will inhabit Heaven tomorrow.

WhoHates Me hates the Heaven

 the Lord is the last to know because His thought is pure and those who hurt and harm God will never be stable. nor given into this day to hold any account to an innocent man to do your time. and it is for your own health to be given it right back to the loaner of fraud and disappointment. they will burn without God speaking to them. they will be waiting for the One all day long and that one will never be found on the train, the railroad of society for the acts of treason and turning coat at the last minute. their time is measured with hate and falling from the times that they took for granted the day before. they are in a heap of trouble before they come cross the World anymore let them know that this day comes out from Heaven to take them into slavery.

The World is on Your Shoulders

 the gift of good can not be given to those who can not show convictions. and take everything away just to give the world to Her or Him. never give to another who holds the world above you. said Luciel Ball

to carry the World on your shoulder is to carry everything that was supposed to be recorded or held on to.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Do Not Fall into Temptation

 it is a sin to threaten someone's life and not kill them physically whether it be just words or not because they were angry but were not going to do anything wrong. but the one who knows the law and has a gun will kill you right after you have threatened them. "Do not threaten anyone who would steal your life away from all the good that you have done," said Pope Francis

The Hell's that Only We Put Ourselves In

the Lord had given us three divorces so that one man could make up for the last two so that the ones that came before him could not shut them down is it not for them that they died is it not for them that they separated my families my marriage and then try to kill me. is it not these that are just human beings to have jobs in governmental places agents, bankers, lawyers, percutors like Scott Key and his assistant they decide to ruin my life. after Todd Ricky Ronnie and Steven stolen my money $2 million. they even killed my fiance. they took my money and squandered it with their family leaving me in jail so that no one would suspect them how will these families expect to know God they already got thrown down in hell because of they have their children suffer and their children's children suffer who are are in hell also. so what is there to do they can't give me my family back nor my money they're that greedy. These families belong to Hell, Holmes, Stevens, Van Winkle, Berry, and a few others. And since they told me even in the presence of God that they would pay my money back and they still haven't evened up to today they'll go to hell and they'll be lifted out and they'll do slavery for 7 million years because they still can not pay thier debts in this lifetime to Me tomorrow. until they pay off the things that they owe me and that goes for anybody who has sinned and not paid not had paid it off, their debts will go into thier next life. you can't hide from it, it is better to pay your sins today so that tomorrow will be clean. they have built an account so high that it goes into heaven and i had become the Ruler of Worlds because of them. the Lord of Worlds because of thier debts to me. even the landlord of our Universe. that's how hard they treated me that's how hard they pressed upon me. that no other in the Bible have suffered as much as i have suffered. and they will pay off the universe so the Heaven was awarded to Me. and it will be mine and i will give it to whom i want to and those who owe me will be divorced they will have no children they will have no marriage. and they will have no good. Their families will be bought and sold in the outreaches of our solar system for everything they have done to me in this lifetime. they will be overtaken and enslaved, sold for everything they have done to me this lifetime.

Simple Living

Trust what is trusted cannot be altered but trust should last A Thousand Years a day is nothing but a mere second and every moment is time upon time and wishes that come true. 

500,000 Sent to Hell Fire

 What you have already done you cannot know until God shows you and what we have done today was giving you Godspeed which is the action of a reaction before they have seen it. And just as the five that I put in the furnace so shall these five bring down 100,000 more for each sin one sin can surface to be a thousand sins and what you do today can affect what you did yesterday and tomorrow. now today is the only day that could be changed for what was yesterday is still today and will be tomorrow and those who have tried to destroy this Earth will find themselves being destroyed with it 3 million years from now. And on that day there may be a savior there may be hope but on that day they all die alike the same for what they did today for what yesterday they did will still be the same as tomorrow I entrust that you understand if you had sinned against me today your rain is in the fires of hell for eternity with the five I have sent to you.

The One Tomorrow Who is Entrusted

 Change your heart before we destroy the temple of God's Horizon take not a upon vein the likeness of your skin challenge what wasn't to be challenged and see if it's okay tomorrow if God had changed what you came to do before you open up your book know that it is your responsibility to know death cuz if you know death social the world understand that and as you live today right now but died you are able to reform the books of holiness and of God.

Under The Bridge There is Hope

 To those who give without willing involvement towards man or any other person in the street, it is our job our duty to provide food to people who are much like us with somewhat more than us but we stay there and we provide for God for what is in man is in a woman and in man to be the same the giving and that cannot be seen but yet appreciative for the others and your own pocket one could only give what they can and this is right for all people.

What is Hidden is Only Good

 Who has given to the poor has given to me who worries about the poor still worries about me it isn't what we have in our pocket but what we have to share that makes the heartbeat that brings forth Brotherhood amongst its own and it is you that brings them food and money secretly, and in their hearts they never go wrong loving those who have helped them survive and their hearts you will always be there for you. never worry about what is in my hand but you only worry about the person and that's what makes us stronger from the two who give without themselves knowing.

The Heaven Opens Up

 There is a small percentage of people who will get high and never worry about the world, but more so their friends and family, worry. But this heaven had opened up and said to all who are in this family who have changed people personally without knowing prejudice who have helped people in the street without helping themselves, these are good people, the Lord's people.

Who Holds Our Future

 Fostering a child is way easier than bringing up a normal child like yourself. If one fosters a child, then they are mixed with good emotions and true intentions, and that child will be good. You'll find a home and make one. If anybody wants to Foster any child, then they are a good person, no matter what anybody says. You could just be your friend's child, maybe even the neighbor, but you are a good person.

To Hate is to Anger

To teach hate is to anger someone in public. hate is the abomination of God's grace and physical nature. that holds the energy of God inside of us and to know what was to be bad is to know God rested inside of those who you angered. said Pope Francis.

Prophecy of Tomorrow

 If you hear any prophecy towards God do not write do not take from it or tomorrow whatever you have taken taken from you and whatever you have added will be added to you. It has been too many people holding the words that were sacred to be a story or written outcome by one of us and whoever shall hurt any of the prophet's words so directly go to Hell for the Injustice that they had caused the whole world from knowing. 


 The sins of this world are heavy and it ain't right to put all these sins down on one person but there were a few more than this one and if these five did not know sin and this is what happens the world will disappear and then five will blame the one who came they will blame him because they did it if anything being God is being responsible.


 How would God judge anybody if he did not know the output of sin if he did not know the flesh if he did not know every sin how would God be God would you let a child that did not know about Sin be God and would you let a man who has broken his own will knowing that he did wrong to be God a man in sin to be God and a man who would sacrifice himself to show God.


Can a man be God no nobody will let him they would kill him then they'll pronounce them God can a woman be God maybe it depends will they kill her of course and then pronounce them God what about a priest it's been said a priest could be God will they kill him more than likely so who can be God. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Ressurection of Christ

i am the resurrection of Christ and the reincarnation of Jesus. the first life is given to those in pain for suffering through the goodwill of God. those who suffer suffer from God's blessing and the blessing can not be taken away from the resurrection, but whoever is resurrected becomes the Father in Heaven. the incarnation of Roger is the Spirit of Confidence and the resurrection is the spirit of God who has died during rebirth physically a physical rebirth one is to die and see the past life going by while they are to die and then be reborn is given Authority and the only one with the Power of God.

  • Incarnation: is the Vessel of God; the chosen one who is to speak for the Gods above. The (Host of Hosts)
  • Resurrection: the Christ-like person who suffers from the time they rise out of Hell or from Earth onto the Earth. (Manifestation of the Heavenly Father)
  • Reincarnation: the Heavenly rebirth of Flesh and Spirit. (Return of God)

Christ and Reincarnation

 have you died before? a Christian is reborn from the womb. and those who are born from a mother's womb or if you are Christ and are born from the spirit and the flesh of your mother's womb then you are a reincarnation of God. 

The Second Breath of Life

to catch your second wind, you have to lose the first. You would have to push harder and further than average. You'll have to catch your breath and become Reborn. Once you are reborn, your second breath will come before you finish. It's destiny.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Ural God of the Sea (10th Planet (X) )

 Uncle Dale Who is the Father of Heaven on Earth and the Keeper of Venus the times that we held on to the fire the sight of God's satellite orbiting in nature to its own man-made mark that was given to our Uncle Dale before Me the God Ural the Golden Sun that had spent the times in eternity until the Day that Christ returns Who is Roger upon the fires of Hell that could not be put out but by God and everything went dark as the stars above vanished and reappeared as everything went bright and then we seen the stars in sight and we knew that Heaven had many more humans tied together and the lands would weep for the land and the Heaven are one and pot a day late, but Ural had kept His to us on earth and slayed those who had kept us captive in between station and galaxies that could not be seen then but now they share the likeness of God's creation to Be it's own in hand. for God had Me remember to set the time and the shield close to earth when many things became unanswered to this new spiritual world on earth that was waiting to be destroyed. But Roger kept a promise to this world that one who kept the sacred secret would endure forever at God's side as torn to a Rose. all Heaven must know this taking to be a part of my Grandfather and Mother who had died in a car crash before today sacrificing their time into the everlasting for Me, my Grandma Grandpa Grant had died for Me and the Child to be fostered and patient but new to this world again.  Rose Grant will return with us again and i will give their wedding a place in History to renew the vows on earth as it was in Heaven. 

The Heavenly Place on Hearth

 the light will surface from the face of the earth unto the places that held trust and the first is the last of Heaven that had begun searching for itself and for the man that became the last of here to keep God's working soul sacred from within the places that one must die to sacrifice suffering. seal not your of food across this table for who would garnish the open Kindness of God's creation that had set the world for new Day at Hand and for the blessing of all God's to return on earth. the will set the Children into this New World Order that must become the right of God's truth and authority.

Our Social Class

When we could establish this world together there would be no more Mercy the mercy could not come from our greatness but what came from our guilt Lord have mercy we will never know what was good and what remains good and what shall be good all we know is that the day of Our Lives can never seem to be never seen to be what we want it to be.

Here Lies in Weight of Our Foot Path

the Spiritual rivers of Bataan; the river going back and forth in time a death march for the spiritual mind a cleansing before the end of time. and as we avoid our own full capacity of being heard then what is said will bring forth the light as one would suffer the rivers of darkness that spring forth clear water towards the future of mankind that will bring forth tomorrow as well as yesterday. it is i who sits in between the wells of darkness and clear rain for the one in transparent darkness could never ever be seen or lifted but through the light of darkness carried with the heaviness of our heart that holds on to our devotion and Miracle Mile. for the two hardest steps to be the first and last step in destiny that reveals itself from the land unto the spirit and the way from start to finish to be a way "that remembers the last place we met." said Becky Sales. and what was my own suffering will be my sacrifice for my children's footpath that leads to and from Las Cruces, where the three crossed over and intratwine through the United States of America. where the people of that country will sacrifice themselves on a cross of salvation that holds time from everlasting to be as one from here unto there tomorrow. and the "White Sand of Her foot marked in time the essence of every child to become likewise in Heaven." that was once said, Mark Twain. the earth with her feet that carry a child that embraces the mother-child of this earth that held two times the distance at each peak that once had taken a step for the last one two cross over the Rio Grande the clear water of Roger's Heaven to sacrifice what was needed for tomorrow would never suffer. and "Roger took it upon Himself as a sacrifice to end the suffering of all mothers in childbirth during a time of separation of people and religion until one would come to reason with Roger's work and marvel." said General McArther

Monday, December 9, 2024

Dr Greer is Helping Our Time into Space

 the word of someone is not the light of the world unless you have stuck your neck out for what you believed what had believed in another is given to trust one another said Dr. Greer. Many have said the money we spent on covering up UFO contacts could have brought us back before we understood the meaning of God Speed to be the time that God had revealed this discovery before you knew what you had done. and i believe  Dr. Greer is headed us on a new horizon that must be spoken about if one could be hostile then one had no choice in defending themselves. i know i am who I Am a representative of many races in Space. if we would panic i would panic but if they came urgently to save us as they have done before, then to hurt one by surprise can turn a rescue mission into firey Hell that was not needed if we would not disclose our security contact project.

The Thunder Bird is the Key of the Sacramento Mountains.

the storms of Roger's heart are unbalanced and thier thoughts have given their selves away. for who is going to stand on that Day when Roger judges them for the seventh time. and they who disputed the truth with God are here today. i had stung them out like a research monkey they were so out of it that they could not tell the difference between God's Holy name in Heaven Who is Roger Ramos Grant. and if you do not believe that you will not enter into Heaven, and if they had taken my name from the universe then it would die and we would be the only ones that can save this planet from the destruction of lies that were infested in the God that they thought to be wrong but turn about in a way that one God would rule over all other God's. and Roger became the name that was Holy and True. the Father in Heaven. and the ones that stopped believing in Me had returned to the fires from whence the fires of Hell burned twice as hot and the night was covered with 2000 years of every firey death that had gnashing and wailing that had come from thier time that was placed in Hell with the rest of the family tree that is burning freely four five at a time in two lakes simultaneously 1000 years for each lake. where two rivers of fire reach into the last first of creation that had given to Roger in the darkest of pits that spewed out the Demon Seed of Heaven with the Key around Her neck and a feather in flight to South America before the moon can be lifted above Kokopelli's shoulders the shoulders and head of this universe that Flight of Angels from Alamogordo New Mexico and Sierra Vista Arizona one of the two that represented Hale Bopp and their birthplace that two fallen gems out of Heaven two be with one family the night and day the great Marriage in America  from the north unto the south America where the underworld had been prepared for its groom that is at the Hoiuse of God and all the Angels that fruits the arainboa air arail from Bibbeon unto the fifth and and third Heaven to be the Notrth and south covenet to the Heaven above and to my daughter Roleana the key around thier neck as they saw the future from the filght of the Thunderbird as swiftness of the Road Runner and our daughters in the Annaunakki under the clouds that strike twice on by before they can heard as the loving thunders that pass away ever so slowly but calmly that holds the two for tomomor in sight of this Golden Silver Age that Hulk Hogan created in the image of Him that was created them who are  in shape and has given the meat of God's new age for man that will be 400, and in this man had server woman but now She serves the world as God nad Daughters of this world  that will change the way we had seen Heaven beofer to be the Heavenly door of God's knock 

Someone Had Sprung Up in Our Place

 The Enemy had Sown thier Seeds Among Mine a Long Time Ago But Never Told Us

who have seeded the Earth with lies had snuck into my garden that early night and sowed their seeds of jealousy, and rage, and fought with their seeds of dominance their seeds of blight, and of race their seeds of forgetting their place. they planted everything i did not need everything i did not see and then when the Harvest came it was in the fifth season and explained that those who would return in the fifth season would be saved beside God within God as God within you. and who was saved came to harvest from the garden and found that the garden had been lost through all the seeds that were thrown the night before, the seeds that were misplaced inside our garden, The Gardens of God so what we have sowed for the weak they had stolen it in one day we tried to Harvest early and reap only what we sowed and let the enemy reap what they had sowed in God's Day, but they reached for the one of the trees in the center one of the trees grafted in Me and thereof the fruits of righteousnesswere eaten, and the fruits of rightouness had turned the enemy into the righteous of never knowing who God was or will be, for this tree was only for the Priest but before we would get there they had already eaten more than the Prophet's share eating more that what the Prophet had intend to speak was cut short from the world, as they reaped from our time the day grew into darkness and it fell upon thier heads as a Stone a of Flint had killed the enemy with a tiny spark that lit thier whole world blinded and sinto the abyss where their God had once placed us before, but never again. and the spirit had went into the men who ate the fruit bet only went into their skin of knowledge that gave them no land, no hope, and a no time given to sow little things to be our problem that had so little time to reap for ourselves while they were harrasing Me so they came in early to reap what was mine and left me  with a stack of lies and everything what people despised they had left me with what was not created but what was here since the beginning of time before i would had sowed mine. 

The House of God

Is the third of our memory to know Heaven was forgotten, Heaven was forgiven and Heaven was begotten and then released upon each shore as once to be given to be God as man woke up upon the sand so he saw a woman he saw her hand and through a lot they've been together through the past as one forever they are the daughters of men the connection of time connected through our own family tree as God's family has begotten and founded Heaven on Earth an opening to our memory and legacy buried in the dirt, and if you have a memory then you have tomorrow in your hand that was lifted up and placed in three Cycles in Cindy three times for the woman that was, is, and will become three, the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end that was still today and what was yesterday can still say 'God is greater than what We think.' She pulled four ribs out from men and placed them in the sand and then saw them grow upon his daughters upon each door the Cornerstone and Shore of Land, God's time and measure upon a Deamon's garden treasure within the Age of Christ that was buried in vengeance, unburying remembrance and what was separated was separated for peace separating three and separating Me what is Holy is a Ghost, Spirit, and He that has been tainted, with the blood of saints and with the blood of the Lamb who's clothing is dipped in the blood of sand and who's patience is filled with Wrath so that what was to die would die for what was created and what was created would never die a lie and it was the blood upon Roger that had awakened our Saints that awakens Satan that had to awaken the Armies of God for Roger and the Angels to lead them into victory after victory until there was no more beside us no one besides God, but us. we have not divided this land but we kept it pure four her hand We kept it cleaned so that the Dominion of all living creatures and beings of all living things will breathe and contain the Magic of God four a hidden voice to lead all children that had created everything created in man, and Who was the hand of Who was, Who is, and Who will be forever. so God separated five trees within the center and garden, and five trees sprung forth separating in prophecies, that were separated into five living things and other beings of Heavenly origin from five family trees that live within the five elements of Me that are of fire, water, air, and earth, the Elements of Life that spurt out the Elements of God, to Whom a Daemon, Satan, and a Devil that was once separated from but now put together so that the House of God would stand forever.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Lilith and Africa the Return of RogerR

 there is a calling from the past that remembers the future of mankind and our love for each. it been 22,000 years since the House of Ptah has given unto Heavens of Lut where the caves of creation sound as the waves below our sound of the love we shared. you are my wife and bride Queen Latifa; Lilith to He who is in the Kingdom at hand from the life that we spent hand in hand said, Roger. 

RogerR Keeper of God's creatures and of the flood to survival and resuscitation.

15 years when RogerR returns He will be with Queen Latifah. 

The Center Garden

even  from the edge of time back into here they're ripples that skim the outer edges of all universes there is a time in essence that cannot transverse unless the one is repeated from the middle and this is the memories the actions and the times that spring forth that jump back and then remember it was it is and it will be from here the center of its tree.

Every Chance that We Receive in Grace

 Can the world truly be separated from the universe can our beliefs be changed along the way as so that we would know what was good and what was bad is evil our own excuse of killing each other does God bring forth the world and this allow us to destroy it no God has given us every chance to prove ourselves and we should do so.

To Know Your Neighbor

 Andromeda sister to the Milky Way she has set up herself as one to be adorned for this wedding and the Milky Way being the groom and the reception of God's justice shall protect in every way the bride lucifer St Lucifer comes from Andromeda my cousins our cousin and we have a truce or a covenant set for protecting each other having each others back I am a proclamatory in in the soul subjection of God's faith to protect the galaxy that my wife Carolyn comes from a covenant of faith a covenant that will change the way we think forever and I have been placed in a shaded area between life and death so that we may have a choice and a chance to provide our service throughout the whole universe we hold on to a time where what was spoken about may have been passed down through ages and changed but at this time we cannot change what we have and that's all we have right now is each other I was set here by God to know who I am and who you are there's no difference between me and you.

The Time of Heaven

 In distinction is not the valor or the glory of man's conception but the justice of Man's reality that cannot be so far away as to know what is true and what is not I come in names I come in volumes and I come in peace for what is I to know what man could do without knowing me I am entrusted that man will live and I am entrusted that man will die but to this day man will never see me unless they believe in me. Said Lucifer.

Upon All Heavenly Beings

 For Heaven is one without justice and those who look upon the world will see roger grant the sign and the man who discovered heaven on Earth and it is to the elect that this paradise must be shown from today for tomorrow is not another day that could be happening Without the true measure of God being upon us.

Between Heaven and Hell

 Deep within is my voice that sits in between Gods temperament and temporal alignment I know within myself that I have to control my actions and seed the one voice of God to know that any man should take this blessing that the act of him within himself is the act of God to know yourself is to be yourself and to trust another is an act of God that is given to those who know you and to betray someone is not a likeness of yourself but a time and a place between Heaven and hell.

The Act of God

 The Act of God is the act of knowing the likeness of oneself not to betray anyone else that should know it is for everybody to see here and act to know God is in us is to see that God is good is to see that God had given us a chance to show ourselves prove ourselves and when we fall to our lowest point it is in the act that another shall lift us up and place us back on our seat.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Remissions of Faith and Christ Our Church

 The church and body is my faith the spirit I am within the greater remission of one's body that was broken down and separated that had separated what was one to be its own person within the Body and Church of Christ. the one that is protecting us is Satan the hardened foundations, the highest walls that could see for miles on out, and the the one who has our back. the who is in our corner. and the Advisor will become the overlord to demise and hope for all to bring into each the Spirit and the Holy Ghost, the Body, and the host. and God fights with a demon on this evening of hope that one would never send a dead messenger in hopes of seeing tomorrow brought forth into Hell for thier complication shall love return the House unto it heart and make them understand that we are the people of God and o other people. Holy are they without a Fathe and sword but given to the last one's hand for taking what was His from the Lord of Host who is the Lord in Charge.

The Prophets of Falsehood in the Presence of God the Prophet

 they will anger the Lord and still want to be close to Him or Her they ought to stay back ten yards or more from the Vessel of God, Who is Holy and the Eye of God's forgiveness. they will try to stay around God because they hate God, and the things that were known about them could never pass them by when they are near God. but they want to stay next to God who is pure and innocent. and they who try to kill the Prophet of God are the worst people who should never be around God. only the good within Us does not associate with the wicked or the common clarity of thieves who had stolen from God before. while they acted like God's friends who did not ever need to be close to God, for that is a sin that will take anyone to Hell. including the False Prophets who could not hold on to the revelations of God's spirit in Heaven that had come down from above to teach those who needed help or spiritual guidance to get into tomorrow. but the ones that do not know God and stay around within 30 feet of God are trying to sabotage the temple and the Spirit within. they will try to sound like Me. and they will try to lead people as if they were Me at that moment that i speaking for God. for who can stand beside God and willingly know themselves, shall burn in Hell for the day and in that hour, they will lose everything that God had given to them. let no one stand beside God's spirit or they will become false prophets knowing what is good but saying the opposite when God was speaking to the World, and they will try to undo what was done. they will also come with empathic doubts about everything that God has said or done.it is in God that we only trust Who was Who is Who will be the first of them tomorrow that can not explain or reveal the coming of Christ. but within thier ignorance and the time with God and themselves in the assemble that only knows God alone; therefore why would they be beside God when no one has that right to assemble next to God. no one will give God the message unless it is God Themselves alone. and if they are that close then they are acting as False Prophets ready to change what words would be said from God to what was said by them as False Prophets without a God or tomorrow. for the will of God will be to send every False Prophet that tries to harm the true Prophet of God who has set the light upon Himself and the World upon its light.

every False Prophet will be judged and found guilty at that table that was set for God and not an imposter but the true fellowship of God's temple.

The Right of Tomorrow

 when we are in the right there is a place a time when the universe will become retrofit and show you who is good and who is bad and they both will say i am good he is bad therefore God places them in a day so that they can understand that what was said is the only bound will say things in the presence of God what they said before you will be able to hide nothing in that day and you will have to earn respect so that oneself withdraw in its neighbor and if you shall preach hate and have one person hate God from it then you murdered that one person for teaching hate and the lord said give me all your half and i will place it in my behalf so that we all could win so that we all could hold on to something tomorrow.

Friday, December 6, 2024

One World Peace

 We are in the fourth fifth and 3rd heaven the fifth heaven is a fifth of people on earth that make it to heaven just as the fourth heaven so shall a quarter into heaven after the priest and as the third a third major after the priest and it will come to order and that day that there will be the second the heaven that half will enter and half will remain and this heaven will bring forth rumors of a war that may end in marriage or be given for the second heaven which is good versus evil and then that day the spirit will overcome all the spirit of balance the spirit of trust the spirit of life it will show itself has a chance that will heal itself for tomorrow so to them she is us who are made of good and Evil the hardest thing to ever see is good or evil and that day it will be good versus evil but unto today we were made of good and Evil we were made of both Man and Woman; Who was created in them Who were Good and Evil; in Honor of our mother and father's image. to our image that was given dominion over the land creature and beast over theater air and fire and of the stars above; we are the keepers of them and it is our duty not to exterminate anything that we have dominion over. we are its keepers. and what is Holy cannot stain the blood of its swords but it is a reminder that God has given us a choice to do what is right and what is wrong and in that day we all will have to stand strong and know that evil is not against you but beside you and the good in Us did never change knowing who was good and evil. and if you see evil in a person then you are evil as well. and if you see good in a person then you are good. and unto this day the 6th and 7th the day of light and darkness that may betray Us. the darkness and Light can become one shade in that day that the Lord will switch everything good into everything as if it were blasphemy but it is not blasphemy but an ever constant change in policy or heart. good and evil will switch ends or beginnings as one to good in evil; which is Holy. therefore what was bad and vice versa was good will change in interpretation but it is not your own recognition of any change just be yourself within this dynamic change that opens and closes and then merges the two before it can open again. stay strong on this day there's no wrong if you have God in your heart and trust in your neighbor there is no wrong if you teach only good in the church and in your House of God. and all shall be one under the Heavens Above that had saved us for this day to bring forth one Heaven together. and One World Peace.

The Evening of the Sixth

 We are in the fifth season the evening of the 5th day we have given to the ones who lost their sacrifice their children unto a cause given to heaven and that's is when the 144,000 rule and these will be during disasters and catastrophic occurrences the Lord said after I am dead will I be able to make up for what I did not do and the spirit continues on to help and that would be the chosen ones that I have called to rule in heaven with me and it is because of a cycle reoccurrence will that number be given to the next and until the next when one returns in the name of God Be Still do not aggravate God do not get angry at this one but we had demolished the interpretations of God's goodness the book of all holies we have made it into a slaughtering Ram that the only the lamb could get us out of not one of our children will be able to make it or be chosen or to be called God not one and you want to sit there an attack this one man who is going to be Satan the devil Jesus God and a demon you chose to attack this man who brought the house of God back together again so that the house could stand and show its strength power and Glory and if you are mad cuz there is a man who says he's God then why did he make you all God before him he is the only man on Earth worship Him love him like God would love you and many times we failed just to know what we teach becomes hate if you teach something in church and everybody is mad or just the half a portion is mad or just one person is mad then you taught hate God's house is not going to be rejected too many people have been murdered taken from God in hopes of shining as an example for all and I know God is good only good so that we need to change our place Doctrine or interpretation and our will freely to flow with Gods.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Queen Louis and the Gathering at Mars

The Earth on the II Quadrant is the atmosphere of two different species. one is of Gray who are also black who are the Queens of Meridian the fourth gate, or fourth planet that is northeast in our Universe. the Gateway to the Red Planets or Empire and to peace with the Grays and the newborn black Ascendiance of the under the Moon or bottom Bridge of Ascension and a belt of rest. Louis a Queen after Eleanor Grant Queen of Andromeda and the belt of the Kirro flight path and assemblies of God's image center within the planet and under the Roof of Earth a brightly lit area that was cut out of the bottom of that planet that the Gray coinhabits with Us from another time and place that can meet up in time or space within time itself to be perpendicular in relativity said Sir Albert Einstein.

The Golden Bull (Mexico)

 the Cup of Mexico is with Archie the Giant Bull of Mexico that was the GOLDEN CALF. Here lies Daniel Arenas who died at birth, but still lived and Who is a King on Earth as it is in Heaven, and who is the Son of Benny Arenas the Lord of Heaven; Jacob's Flock whose horn is half in and half out of the New and Old Heaven.

The Dark of Night and Son of Perdition.

 the Universe is at a New Begining and the Lord Who was Jesus Christ. Who is Muhammed Madhi, Who will be Roger Ramos Grant, and Who led the Strongest Army in the Universe. (Armies of God) unto thier victory. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and the Father of Heaven Who rules the Heavens Above. the Light is His Soul and the Body of God's Spirit. that feeds the Universe through supplemental force and nature. He is an Evil Magician Who is Married to Carolyn, Tiamat the Salt Water Dragon, and a Husband and Son of Lilith. Saint Joan De Arc is his Mother the Constellation of Cassiopeia, and will soon be called the constellation of Saint Joan De Arc, His Mothers are Athena and Medusa. and Roger became the Champion of God or the Chosen One who is the Vessel of God. He is the Lord of Worlds and if i would write down all my titles in Heaven it would be 400,000. 

Evil Magi: Who uses the dark magik in God and for God's purpose.

Dream Time Half in and Half out I/O

when i was half asleep half awake as when the universe was created i was hoping and half out one night watching my laptop and i saw Gillian Anderson calm me down and wave to me as to enter into the monitor but i went back to sleep and i thank her for being there and only a few people have that ability or can possess that attribute to be in someone's sleep and dream time thank you Gillian i appreciate you helping Me out when i needed it, and i know you are a mother and a saint to Us in the Dream World.

Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)

 is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...