Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Abraham Lincoln Returns from the Heaven Above

 when there is light in the Heavens above then they will be light on Earth as well, and the day had set from here unto there so did the captain who was my counsel before i had got out of the Army i only know Him by the old Name AL that was branded on His head for life is also Abraham Lincon a Forefather of many families that could survive without needing shelter so what given to the Lord was the Hope and county of Lincon's Hometown. Abraham Lincon was also known as Merlin and the Patriarch Abraham who had given Me the Philosophy Stone (crystal ball). and who placed His son on the Altar so that i could live. and Abraham rests with the Giants of this earth and in Shoel where the dead live on in peace before they can again. 

"to be saved is to be like Christ and the likeness of Heaven and the one who returns in God's name will fall along the manifestation in that 6th season who are preordained to the one who receives this blessing will be with His friends who were preordained to return with all those who were saved for the beginning to occur." said the Mother of the 6th Hour who is Patsy Cline.

1 comment:

  1. to be save is to be like Christ and the likeness of Heaven's and the one who returns in God;s name will fall along the manafestation in that fifth season that return with all those who were saved for this day to happen.


Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)

 is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...