Thursday, December 5, 2024

The Dark of Night and Son of Perdition.

 the Universe is at a New Begining and the Lord Who was Jesus Christ. Who is Muhammed Madhi, Who will be Roger Ramos Grant, and Who led the Strongest Army in the Universe. (Armies of God) unto thier victory. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and the Father of Heaven Who rules the Heavens Above. the Light is His Soul and the Body of God's Spirit. that feeds the Universe through supplemental force and nature. He is an Evil Magician Who is Married to Carolyn, Tiamat the Salt Water Dragon, and a Husband and Son of Lilith. Saint Joan De Arc is his Mother the Constellation of Cassiopeia, and will soon be called the constellation of Saint Joan De Arc, His Mothers are Athena and Medusa. and Roger became the Champion of God or the Chosen One who is the Vessel of God. He is the Lord of Worlds and if i would write down all my titles in Heaven it would be 400,000. 

Evil Magi: Who uses the dark magik in God and for God's purpose.

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