Sunday, December 8, 2024

To Know Your Neighbor

 Andromeda sister to the Milky Way she has set up herself as one to be adorned for this wedding and the Milky Way being the groom and the reception of God's justice shall protect in every way the bride lucifer St Lucifer comes from Andromeda my cousins our cousin and we have a truce or a covenant set for protecting each other having each others back I am a proclamatory in in the soul subjection of God's faith to protect the galaxy that my wife Carolyn comes from a covenant of faith a covenant that will change the way we think forever and I have been placed in a shaded area between life and death so that we may have a choice and a chance to provide our service throughout the whole universe we hold on to a time where what was spoken about may have been passed down through ages and changed but at this time we cannot change what we have and that's all we have right now is each other I was set here by God to know who I am and who you are there's no difference between me and you.

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 is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...