Friday, January 31, 2025

Truth and Wisdom's Right

Truth is Left Beside Wisdom's Right; Man left His Authority Right Beside the Woman

 the prophecy of somebody; rather than everybody is not a prophecy but a predictability. prophecy is the missing piece of the puzzle it is a gap between here and fro Do not speak of another person's prophecy is also of their privacy that is inherited by the predominant gene of that cornerstone of that promise that you would return and be forgiven one another and these pillars with stack just by rock and they would be the corner pillars of our church justice is not good for prophecy because God is watching us all and if you curse somebody make sure the curse is off when one of you die it is not good to prophecy if you do not want to know your death prophecy is that missing link the keyhole of that cornerstone that we walk through and build upon a third of man before a third of its religion returns and even a fifth will speak of another when they are the 6th also and if you are a Prophet of God in what manifests in spirit also manifests in the soul or body the manifestation of one of these beings from yesterday is the resurrection and if you are any of the cornerstones or pillars then you hold up the church you stand up the Church and foundations of life together again. when your were an idol or an ego you're able to come in close with God, you are the fifth pillar which stands in the middle of each destiny holding up not only themselves but others and this will be your incarnation a manifestation through unity light darkness it is a sacred number of your enemy tribe and nations prophecy can always be changed just like heaven can always change at anytime In for a prophet to speak in tongues and it is better for others to interpret with the prophet has said in that moment he really is God and did not believe will bring no prophecy no seed no warm weather not even in the drop of water can you quench anyone's thirst She is the right cornerstone of the church in body; the church and temple our heaven are the four major religions (Heart) and the 5th religion is the grandfather of religions or the grandmother of harlots from this day (minded) unto the next Day that all Her seeds grow up with a blessing or of the best of what this earth has sprung up from our living thoughts, and hearts that feel as a woman in the Body, Marriage and House that was given to every native woman growing up as love is given to the whole tribes of children that will break through from underneath a galitic wall/ you must prophesy against another, holding both  you and another piller standing up again each other as a stack of pillar are lifted upright unto the ground and the very foundation of Heavenstand this pillar up beside each other and no one should prophesy in another person country no more will God justify and come because prophecy was just a predictability from his own people and if the body can grow twice its size. as the Church of Heaven above, witch is Agua Sophia the Queen Mother of Religion reborn with the children of light and darkness was sown deeply in this land of Her Church the Children that only partake in Truth and Wisdom; four hand in hand four two sides of the brain working at the same time during  Prophecy. it is a woman who is about to give birth and a father ready to receive this woman-child on earth known as earth. she is 14 years of age. the same age as Our Mother Mary was when she gave birth to the Lord Jesus on earth. she is strong and gives birth to that one tree limb that had broken off the Tree of "Truth is left behind, while wisdom stands to the right." from a random lightning strike. That had lit other surrounding trees from the root of plight burning like a fiery sword to its right side that was waiting for Allure to come and labor that one branch that had broken off and was left out, of Her sight under the canopy was to die for sure, that would soon become a buried hatchet that would soon cut down its own family tree the very origins of our own existence on existence earth and we are the grafted fruits of five different trees and five different generations that had out reached from blight to resurrect the Tree of Righteousness that was already in this garden before we saw it (Roger). and Knowledge was adorned for Him who is a hybrid Tree of Truth, Wisdom, and Knowledge. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Gain of No Deposit

 our change is the attitude that is given to us so that we can carry on and teach the truth about ourselves and others alike together that brings forth happiness. but along the way, a jealous person becomes so angry because they thought they had killed that man before but still live again. After all, that man did not have his day beside the other who was given everything that they had owned. and grew more jealous than before to the extent that they would even take more than what they ever were given they said that we are rich but the hole in their pocket had made them broken and poor so poor that they could not extinguish this fire that was burning inside the cauldron of fire that drew them in and out of their collapse they steal consumed more that they created and their world collapsed in jealousy. because there was no remedy for their condition and it is that man who was slain a long time ago to be the same man as he was today the one who is attached to those who killed innocent people for their gain and for pleasure so that people would not enter into heaven if they were to fear another who was already in Heaven disguised as themselves who have killed the one in need of drink and water having fun at the Lord was broke and needed something to drink when they could have given to that man anything he wanted but they gave him poison and then imprisoned him for 7 years but the man came out of captive a priest into an order that betrays everyone but themselves that teaches the little things that hold on to the nothing because they gave nothing in return but birth pains to its mother. they came to destroy our earth because we had tricked them into believing that i was greater than they were and that i had to serve those who would kill me again because of the time had given to them in return. and in return, they had got angry at the one who had given to them everything that they had wanted and destroyed him to cover up their gain.

Everything Shows the Momories of God

 the souls of planets are the old worlds of our memories that had the same compounds of nature as its children have today that have the essence of God itself within everything's true being. everything thought and done will hold a sign to the next Spacous Being on earth as We were in Heaven. and this expanse it is the only sign of God's presence on earth today the only energy that is drawn by God themselves.

take the signs of this time and sort your flesh among the nations that had created a 1/4 of life to be used for its own servants on earth and for its own population to lead its way entering the future of many alliances that hold the same Essence of God far away from the same Soul that changes all things remembered in that same day or time that these Spacious Beings return from the old and new day back to the same places that their origins were created from and in two one creation. such as Jésus Christos; Son of Zeus the Father of All Gods including myself.

The Cosumption of What You Created

 the wrong memories separate those who create nothing but costume everything that they read or eat for that matter. the will be placed on a planet that only holds on to their memories and never can they be separated from their surfing the suffer that that deletes my words for their own energy while leaving the kitchen in a mess they take the words that i have written the words that i have saved for my own children and produces that words that i have given them for money but none for Us.  and so in their next life. they will be paranoid and never complete a task they want to fix or even create, for they consume the fat of words that had fallen off the bones of a well-cooked meal.

the words that i have written but they had taken from us are the title of a blog without a paragraph.

do not consume more than you had created or it is gluttony

The Wrong People are Gluttons

 our memories are caught into a dead planet and what is given to those who could understand will not expect peace in all things that were in God's soul their family tree would become blight and not one root will show life for that can not take what the can not hold.

The Memories of God

 God's memory is implanted into all things on earth. it is the essence of God's presence with Us long ago before time existed on earth. it is as old as the hills and shows the truth, in every insert that holds on to God's truth. It can be old souls like our planets that show the same insight elsewhere.

Thought Revolution

 our hands are creation of God's imagination that holds every truth in memory. and those who have been with God can image the ridiculous thoughts or the most miraculous thoughts given to every society that fail to understand change.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Body is Everything Good

 the light of this earth is worthy of Heaven but those who remain faithful to those who lie deceive murder or even steal another person's soul (Body) will be in Heaven with that person and we will be judged by them who have been worthy of God's Kingdom. the one doing the work is the one lamb who is worthy of Roger's blessing. the miracle of Heaven received through Her Who is Holy and pure.

The Open Door

 the sky is purple and the morning comes deep from inside knowing that Her children breathe. the sadness is never healing from our own mistakes. thank you, Queen Mother(s) the night of day the air deep inside of every breath, and the heart of every desire without you we would stop wanting and in your presence, there is only you. the Mothers of God.

There is the Lamb and Worthy

Trust is Broken

God is Good

 Sometimes I have whether good or bad we fall without knowing that somebody be there we would stay down and when we are on our knees.

Trust is Now

They Know Me

With Me

 Happiness song the good and the fire had separated from the water the land from the sky and who is in me sells along the greatest of all Seas and who is without me or fall to the ground and be buried.

Golden Heart are Good and Bad

 Trust is a virtue never give yourself up without knowing god he has defended you today and night after tell to others for one is good and without one good you cannot feel the things that God has brought you can't feel the mercy that God didn't to me you could only know that I had lied and who sits in my place would be only you.

Working the Night of Day

 the darkness will hold you before the night will give you cold and chills she is the coving of all good and all evil. we are Her direct descendants from a throne far away. who is to know that is said when you have open the coldest parts of your hold heart. why is she shivering while you had run off to hate the very children of Her Day are you the same as us in Heaven? the hardest days are stronger than your own when she is near. Those who feel the warmth of day with given back the least of our energy can only redeem their own heat and their only time in the Presence of God who can only make what was cold into something as two who can not know the little things that brings us together. 

i am the graveyard shift the morning rising the one with you who helps each other.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Our Constitution and Our Means to Forgive

 i can heal the world but never my own body that is in Heaven. i have opened many people's minds and attitudes towards one another and gave back to everyone what i had been given in the agreement to our own day that was needed for only one man to walk the Road of Perdition, i am the first and the last to succeed. as i was given unto you what was given from you i will return your gift back unto you with .04% added. but anything would not be illegal due to Who i am in the central abanishment that kills the whole system of Mother Earth in a collapsing time that had given to a people that had never known Roger Grant the Father of God's Heaven the creator of our universe. and from whence you enter you have never kept your policy clean only to advert what you have already taken from your own Family Trees that have no fruit nor give any more fruit. this is your family that had conquered everything that Roger had given to Us, and then you fight Him because you had stolen $3 Million from my inheritance for you to cash in on that policy before i could die. and this policy was to take care of my children's future. no person can heal without a constitution of forgiveness to be in another person's house physically or mentally. those who have been forgiven can not enter without God's perfection or that person shall pay the consequence of the tragedy witnessed before the Eyes of God can see change for no apparent reason shall anyone enter another person's house church or temple without knowing forgiveness will be abolished by the hand of God that commands those without any place or heaven to die in ones place before any mistrust or dishonor will be brought upon the man of God's head or it is up to that household to discipline their children the way God intended and that favors anything tragic to become a failure to God's Commandment, or to Trespassing is a sin. that can never help any other. still, their mistakes multiply the deeds that had already been stored up in Heaven, for these are the same people who can not enter my domain or yours without asking, ever again. Holding on to Health is to hold on to forgiveness as life holds on to each other's children. if you forgive, so shall you heal; those who can not heal can live with God today. and God will heal those who need the Spirit of the Constitution and Health. for one nation under God is many nations under God, but those who enter into another person's house without knowing them or asking then there will be brought low, and without a constitution to be the hope of health let the House of Congress build up our constitution, and those who care little about thier health. a day of blight and everlasting darkness will be pulled over their eyes so that they could see no one good thing that i had created for Us on earth as it will be in Heaven. and thier roots will be sickened and die from all the corners of their family tree.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Take a Look on Top and Bottom (Sealed)

when winterizing their field and causing the sleet to fall below freezing cold, you will know that i am the Lord of Heaven and i will break the ice of those who impose on us today. i am the frost and the clouded mountains that fell when i had told the enemy to take my back and never let it go. The winter the fog came upon those who aimed to destroy our own atmosphere. by destroying our south and north poles saying that they are a humanoid race by our own genes but are their own spirit that has taken over the known hemispheres they are trying to keep the poles inhabited with their own species that will look like if there were from here but they are from a galaxy that had temperatures of 400 degrees because the used all of our north pole and southern pole river resources and dump too much iron phosphorus while intergrading their policy and inhabitants that scrape the land bare of natural recourses the would soon be ours. God had given Me the right to destroy this planet, but i could not do so because all the things that were here before i. that had prepared for a Heaven to be here long before i was conscience will drop supplies down onto them who are to make this place thier own world

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Magi (Mage Eye) of Trust and Prophecy

 i) am HERETIC

After hearing the horns of armies at your wall, the smashing of your defense will commence, and then the coming of God's Army will enter your greater compound and halt in formation. I, Roger Grant, will give the orders to sacrifice all the firstborn male children, take what is God's, and plunge the swords of your men into their mouths as you cut their tongues out. Bring everyone who had died in this war upon a mound and burn the spirit of their ancestors who have fallen from Heaven upon their own swords. Then, gather all the old swords of their ancestors and build an altar. Melt every sword in our name and in Her Kingdom that pleases our God, Her Majesty, for giving us victory and loss without spilling one drop of blood, and for letting us live again. Do this that very night so that God the Almighty would never lose the blood of saints in the wrath of wine.   

 ii) am HERETIC Translation

The Aftermath of War is eating, drinking, and marriage with the enemy and that will cease our warlike nature. God will take the firstborn to become the first fruits of God's matrimony—a covenant that had been forgotten but is now renewed. The finest wine will go out to the elder sister of your enemy, and she will meet on the mound with her new husband. He will serve the Gods of War with wisdom and change that benefit both sides of our territory. This will mark the hour for using the finest supperware, as both sides will have won the war and become good allies. 

iii) am Renewal of Unity

This ceremony symbolizes not only the end of conflict but the creation of a lasting peace. The swords that once brought division will be transformed into an altar of unity. The elder sister’s marriage will bridge the gap between former enemies, ensuring that the wisdom gained through war brings prosperity and stability. The mingling of wine and celebration will consecrate this moment as one of divine transformation and renewal.

Saturday, January 25, 2025


 who was the firstborn?

  • the oldest son.
  • the youngest son.
  • none of the above.

Taking Sign From God

 taking signs is a natural way of talking straight to God.  God can communicate with you in any way they choose. i have been taking signs and using the little things for great miracles. little thing like cantrips that assign the initiate of God's being to one's faith. try to learn as you go into spiritual practice and peace every day together as i have done for 33 years now. i would notice my spiritual expansion revealing something that God had taught Me at a latter age for God's willing earth to transform that which is done within our own boundary and true spiritual essence that i hold on to because of my faith in God to be as one on earth as it is in Heaven.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Who Knows Me? i am a false prophet

When you are confident in your knowledge of God, you can discern the truth of the Prophets by seeking divine guidance. If God reveals the truth to you, you can testify for Him alone. Remember, if you had listened to the Prophets of old, you might have found belief in one unified Prophet anew. Disbelieving in any Prophet means we murder them or miss out on the wisdom of those in the past, present, and future. The path to the New Heaven may seem distant, but understanding that the Enemy of God could have been our own ignorance opens the door to redemption. Who among us dares to question a Prophet? Those who have strayed from faith have contributed to the suffering of innocents. Yet, I stand here as a beacon following the one who reveals Himself as God, embracing all dimensions of existence—Satan, the Devil, the Demon, and the Father of Heaven. The power and glory must stay united within the House of God. Those marked by the Holy Spirit will experience a profound journey, descending into darkness only to rise as Judges in the eternal tomorrow. The journey through belief is challenging, but we must recognize that appearances can be deceiving. Roger symbolized the only false return, guiding our thoughts on Earth, as it is in Heaven. When faith unites, it has the potential to transform our world, just as Roger did. The one who has already been reincarnated in 1969 and resurrected in 1993 embodies the essence of Buddha and stands with Allah and God. He is the only righteous mark, destined to triumph in the Heavens. He has fulfilled the prophecies of the Book of Revelations. Thus, we should embrace the truth of the Prophets, for they serve as lanterns in the darkness, guiding those who feel left behind toward the light.

The Blue Skies are Even Brighter

 The blue-skinned Lovely Lady who holds tomorrow the one who is in our hearts and in our minds holds up Her arm mid-down in defense and the other beside Her arm mid-up on offense. and one is ahead of the day tomorrow. She is the smiling face of Vishnu she always lets us know that she holds a time in the evening getting brighter and brighter as we touch the sky and spread a rainbow of hope to every nation to see a neutral territory beside her brother Paris, France.

 the bluest mountain (Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico.) touches the evening sky of the rainbow tomorrow and days are in Her Supra the living God of our ancestor's hand that holds afive studded diamond necklace 

The Subject of Which I to Undersatand

 Why is education so solid when I am just going to work physically? it is not the education that you seek but it is the time that you lose when you don't have anything to do I lost my drive my inspiration? That is when you pick up what you know and apply it to what you going to know and leave everything behind that you have forgotten or never used and stored everything well before we could understand time is there to help others that have been helping you understand. it only takes on subject at a time for your to complete each other subject.

All The Education that We ever Need

 When the window of Hope appears we tend to look outside to see if the weather is clear we tend to look outside to see if we have a choice and then we look outside to see if it is a good choice but the only chance we have is to give our own time a break so that something else could be installed within our own mind that holds all the education that we need to learn,

The Lord is Education

 Awareness is the key to success only true will evolve to survive its own trials trust in me trust in this world that one could use a progressive education before we could throw down anything that is into our hands lift up your spirit and Free Your Mind for the Lord has set us aside to know our own potential and to see what we could do as we do it. Amen.

The Prophet's Burden of Suffering

In a small town, there was a man whose life hung by a thread as a mere infant, nearly claimed by the relentless grip of influenza. I remember the moment I opened a car door and unexpectedly soared into the street, landing with a jarring bounce against the pavement. I grew up in a nation steeped in turmoil, where the martyrdom of Christ had been recounted four times, and I found myself standing on the edge of existence, battling the darkness for three decades. Throughout this arduous spiritual warfare, I only faced defeat once — that fateful first battle where I felt an overwhelming force expel both my spirit and Christ’s from my very being.

I was engulfed by an incessant siege of malevolent energies, feeling as though I was being possessed, manipulated, and dragged down by a relentless barrage of enemy fire. During these turbulent times, I glimpsed a thousand demons lurking in the shadows, and I fought with every shred of faith I had left, battling until I was utterly drained and exhausted. My nights became haunted by nightmares, visions of restless spirits that invaded my sleep. I could hear whispers and signs echoing around me, shadows darting to and fro, while imaginings of racial bigotry inflicted deeper wounds upon my psyche.

The burden of these unclean spirits cost me dearly, leading to the unraveling of two marriages, both shattered by the lingering presence of those I once called friends. These were not demons in the traditional sense but were instead familiar faces twisted by jealousy and darkness. We often mistake the disturbed souls we once knew for evil entities, but I came to realize that I too held a demonic essence within me. Isn’t it ironic, I thought, that priests could embody this very duality, existing in the realm of both good and malevolence? Ultimately, it was the unclean spirits that God had cast aside — the outcasts — who haunted me most painfully.

To add to my torment, they seized my inheritance, stripping me of the $2 million I had never even laid eyes on. These malevolent forces went so far as to snuff out the life of my fiancée, compounding my grief. Each moment of reprieve was merely an illusion, as they would invade my home in spirit, uninvited and relentless, seeking to inflict further harm through divine forces that understood every thought and feeling emanating from my heart.

The characters in this tragedy dwell in Alamogordo, New Mexico, a place where darkness feels palpable, and I, Roger Grant, am caught in its suffocating grip. Their malevolence unfolds like a nightmarish tapestry, woven with actions so numerous and destructive that I would struggle to encapsulate them fully even in a book of monumental proportions. they also had entered my home without a warrant and violated my rights as a citizen. they convicted Me and sent Me to jail.

 this is not for legal purpose but for God's example to those who think they can cover up a crime and still suffer that person. this a record of God's testimony to them who will remember that i am the one who rose onto earth to judge it one more time and they can not or will never be able to loosen my grip from there pockets even as i baptized them in the lakes of Fires and Hell will they know Me Roger Ramos Grant their MASTER the one who bought and sold them for the gold they were and for the money that they intend to pay Me forever with is worth 7 million year sentence. and since you and your friends and you guys are come down my way i want you sit and stay for a little while until your darken your cries out for mercy, but i am going to give you no mercy, i wont even piss in your mouth when your ass is on fire. or when you needed a drop of water just to your quench thirst. Sure! Here’s a humorous take on the original message:

Listen up, Holmes! This isn’t a courtroom drama, but I’m here to drop some divine wisdom on those who think they can pull off a crime and still get away with it. Picture this: I'm Roger Ramos Grant—your celestial judge and ultimate referee. You thought you could sneak past me? Ha! Not in this lifetime!

Now, don't get too comfy thinking your secrets are safe—my grip is tighter than a squirrel holding onto its last nut! And remember that baptism? Let’s just say it involves lakes of fire and not the refreshing kind you'd find at your local pool party. Welcome to my fiery “HELL FIRE,” where you’ll really feel the burn!

And as for payment? Well, let's just say my price is steep—a cool 7 million years in slavery confinement doesn’t quite fit into most people's budgets. So if you're planning on making those payments anytime soon, you better hurry before you tell on yourselves.

Oh, and when your friends come to visit me? I’ll let them hang around until their cries for mercy echo louder than a karaoke night gone wrong. Spoiler alert: Mercy doesn’t come with the package deal! When you're parched from all that heat, don't expect Me to even piss in your mouth when your ass is burning on fire. or when you needed a drop of water the most just to your quench thirst. Sure!  God knows how much i suffered and would still do it again if i was asked to do this again.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Speaking For Christ

 i have not known you but it doesn't mean i don't want to. it just means i haven't yet. and with that in mind, it ain't that you didn't know Me, but if it was that you had already knew Me.

The Light of Heaven is Here

 Who is God does he come from a distant corner somewhere far away or is he within you somewhere where you know God has set you for a purpose who is God is he a god from another planet that you said above your own and if you said yes that's why i destroyed you who is God is he a mean person so mean that we will be fear or is he a protector now and here i need every one of you and when you say that nothing is here but out there then our planet is just another servant of your great God a God that doesn't know me nor you fail us again i swear it's on your fucking head.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Prophets look into Our Future

 who has set thier goal unto the mountain atop of a man's heart to see the future of man's soul, body and spirit must align with the universe as a time that remembers what was, is, and will be. who has seen thier will inside of another will that was inside a bigger will that will keep us protected in the past and present. i have seen the beginning of time and every time a beginning that was within the first and last cycle that reminded us of who we are. and what we can be tomorrow. and that day would include God and everything that God had created in the cosmos, everything that i had created in the cosmos for your return. the creation within the first and last creation that had returned, and to honor them before us. we honor our parents, mother, and father who worship us as we worship them in Heaven as they worship us on earth. for this cycle is the life cycle of God's creation between one day ahead aligning yesterday with the day of God's heart lifted up into Heaven. for a glimpse of tomorrow's goal that was set on top of God's heart today.

The Serendipity ser-ən-ˈdi-pə-tē

Serendipity the Act of Serenfin

ser-ən-ˈdi-pə-tē: happens a lot when God is around protecting you serendipity is when somebody curses you and curses you so good that God turns it around against them and makes it your fortune it's hard to surprise God but when you do it is not from God but always from a person that thought he was greater.

The Light That Shines Outward

 they have fled every time into the wilderness, after raiding our goods from their table. they are strong enough to fight themselves when no one is around, they say we are good why can not God treat us the same. and as God opened the Heavens the voice became clear. the Heavens open and Mr. Deguilio my English teacher came forth with this message from Heaven. "You who entirely disagree with God fall to your knees and pray before any of this becomes grace." after all what is from Heaven must only rely on Heaven. the five had lost their mind i thought i was the only one suffering, but Me i could see more pain inside them than ever had. i ask the world if i couldn't change in two days to shoot Me. so that i would not suffer as these now five beings that did not bow down to Our Lord and they were thrown in a cauldron of fire that none will ever come out of. the Lord Our God is a good God and shares His throne with all His subjects the same, all His People, and, All of His Family the same. if you can not bow down to any person on earth who rules then you are not from my family tree but of another was unclean but wanted to act like the Greater Gods. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Black Prophet ( Word of God ) AZZIA 卐: The Holmes Family Tree

The Black Prophet ( Word of God ) AZZIA 卐: The Holmes Family Tree:  on the long path of Hell that had got you nowhere but seven million years in slave labor. you guys got yourself in trouble and Roger had to...

The First Law of Grouping

a leader is 1% of a biker club who wants to lead many people without leading themselves astray. must be completely whole, every part of their body must be there, including their head. And if you are not complete then the body neither shall never complete the people that you lead. or if you have taken somebody's arm because he cannot use it then you yourself have the arm to use and help.

The Law of Trust

 Our trials are given to the true-fitting people who have been done wrong. and it is in our trials that bring forth new laws and change. to win a trial means that that has been given a new hope and those who plead guilty will fall along the same lines of guilt to neither change nor accept a new law.

Monday, January 20, 2025

The Mountain Gods

In the shadow of mountains, where thunder reverberates like a battle cry, we find ourselves poised at the crossroads of destiny. The air is thick with the anticipation of conflict, as ancient wisdom whispers through the winds. The Gods of War have indeed spoken: they reveal our lineage and purpose, urging us to remember our roots as we ascend toward victory. Trust becomes our steadfast companion in this unfolding narrative—a virtue that demands patience and perseverance. Those who oppose us may wield their weapons with ferocity, but it is in unity and resolve that we find our strength. The Lord has bestowed upon us a promise: that justice shall ultimately prevail for those who seek it earnestly. As we navigate through valleys marked by struggle and strife—each measuring 3 x 5—a blueprint for success emerges from chaos. These dimensions symbolize not just physical space but also the conflicts within ourselves and among factions vying for power. The echoes of absent hands remind us of sacrifices made along this arduous path. We stand today amidst two warring factions—the Father’s wisdom against the Son’s ambition—both vying for dominance in a world burdened with uncertainty. Yet within this turmoil lies potential for reconciliation; an opportunity to forge alliances rather than deepen divides. As thunder strikes upon peaks once thought invincible, let it serve as a reminder that even in times of war, there exists an avenue towards understanding. May we rise from these ashes not just as victors over enemies but as architects of a future where kinship triumphs over division—heirs to legacies shaped by both Father and Son alike. In doing so, let us honor those who came before while courageously carving out a new path forward amidst clouds heavy

Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Place in Lybia

 it is blasphemy when we know what to do and do not want to get over the heart that brings joy to our world. and what we can do and do not say try no more until then, but then will be to late. so let us try to help each other without knowing our pains for suffering. said the Honorable Elijah Muhammed. who return in the mid-life of God's Day in Heaven.

in the Center of a Whole

 Our trials are not of the streets the system but it's of our own policy our own heart that states what we could do when we could do it it won't let us be until we fulfill our own hearts and our hearts are the same it has not changed there's only one thing different that we know how to do it and our body does not but if we follow then only good will transpire so how do we stop this destruction everything was run on its own nothing should be controlled and that's how our system will flow but it starts with you in the center.

The Key to Happiness

 Seriously! We Christians have nothing to do but fight. we fought ceasar when he did not know what to do. because we did not know Christ the Lord who was Roman Catholic. and taken the vow of God's crusade. do not think we are not Christians because we were there for you when we were looking for the Me the Messiah. but we did not understand at that time. i am Nero the Father's banquet, and all alone in a place that had been forsaken. do not take Me for an example when the example is in us today that shows the same path of righteous that we also had taken. and those who will not allow freewill in religion can not find God. it is not of God will to bother you in happiness. but when loving someone means that we are weak THEN YES WE ARE WEAK WHEN WE SEE SOME IN PAIN. there are times that we never want anyone to know, but God knows our peace. and if we are weak then seek another who holds the same key to our happines.

Last Chance

 The countries at risk many people are flying away from their houses we have set a trip we have talked about many things but we didn't seek out Adventure trust is in our hands and we cannot let this go the value of our nation is underway the kingdom has set its goal and has found the treasure of our own reward to be its own soul the days are covered with snow and we cannot hear each other from a distance Trust do not follow me dispose of me and try to run the soldiers are coming chances of our survival cannot rest take me back I love you serious. today had been a warning and to do what we can not succeed the normal of Heaven. When do we do this Lord can we save ourselves a trial will come and the snow will bear burden we cannot change it.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Seven Sins Can Destroy the World

  1.  Christianity (70.6%) encompasses various branches including the Church of God, Evangelical, Protestant, Mainline Protestant, Historically Black Protestant, and Catholic. The individuals of these faiths in America represent fair-hearted people who embrace their beliefs freely, without force. They are like the gentiles of foreign lands, a nation of good-hearted people. The responsibility of nurturing future generations, who will emerge as celestial beings and peacekeepers of Heaven, rests on their shoulders, both in Heaven and on Earth. However, some Christians may lack the intuition to discern right from wrong, succumbing to faith's enemy: fear. God intended for us to use our intellect, not just as a mere hat rack. He returned from death with the expectation that we would honor wisdom and truth over blind belief in any religious system. The voice of God is not confined to those who speak it alone or know the Bible the most. Instead, it resides in the words of truth that honor God and all religions emerging from the depths of our being, akin to the creation of woman from the waters in the evening time. Mankind will ultimately understand themselves more deeply than they do God. Hence, one should not speak out of ignorance that extinguishes the words of truth and the spirit of tongues, which bring forth the sustenance of man and the life-giving waters of woman. We are as dry as the earth and cannot survive without one another. Commentary will mislead if we fail to comprehend God's manifestation through our flesh.A single lie can corrupt the foundation of a church, turning it into a house of falsehoods, for every word of God is a parable for all religions. If your religion lacks truth, so will others. Our timeline suggests that spirituality remains a neighbor and nation under God. Therefore, if you love God, then you must love all religions, churches, temples, bodies, and minds within them. The Lord loves those who cherish His family and strive to keep alive the spark of life and the spirit of all-knowing.
  2. Non-specific Christians are the same Kingdoms that had been sent to earth in other to prepare for this day Church of Christ (11%)
  3. Mormonism (2%). Who are at God's side with the American Native and native Latter-Day Saint
  4. Judaism (2%). Jews a New Cornerstone of Heaven 
  5. Buddhism (1.2%) Buddist. the threshold of All religions' the Son of God.
  6. Islam (10%) Muslum God's chosen people
  7. Native American (1%) Children of the light or shiny ones are the last and first people of this garden center in Heaven. the Four Winds and the Moutain Gods
Percentage of Religion in America

The Only Sign Forgotten

 the principle of philosophy is the light that shines without a God or becomes animated through flesh blood and stone. the body of truth a Demon's hand of sacrifice. that holds onto the infrastructure of God's being who is possed in the spirit of truth and in a Demon who has gone into Hell and found mercy so that what was to suffer must die in Christ who is a Demon that made the souls of man and woman be its own body of happiness rather than suffering. i would rather you serve yourself before you serve a higher purpose that will give only mercy to those who deserve it when God had given to you our coveting heart that can not be hidden. we can only have one Heaven or Master and i would rather you serve yourself before you can serve Me in Heaven as Roger's Servant on Earth. and those who forget what i had told them then one will be plucked from both Heaven and Earth, for i am the Father and the Son of the same God in Heaven. that once lived but had turned to stone. that once had the truth but now is thrown. on the potter's will for the new man and woman to be formed from words that have more truth than wisdom, but now the truth has fallen and shattered and has been completely destroyed because of those who persecuted the Prophets of Old saying they were False Prophets when they were God incarnation, and tomorrow is a curse for them to still believe that their Chosen one has still not come when the Lord of Lords was Roger Ramos Grant, the King of Kings, the Lord of All worlds. who was reincarnated on an island in 1969 and was resurrected in the year 1993 and saw the creation and begining of our Universe and New Heaven on Earth. as i Roger Grant had received the title Father of Heaven through Christ. and if anyone tries to contest this they will die in a grave without knowing God and the Spirit of God that had left them in a grave. i am the truth that had been crushed but had been resurrected and now the Spirit is the Truth of God's memory. and if you are not with Me you will not go into Heaven or Hell unless it was the Lakes of Fire that had cleaned them more than seven times, but they can not remember so i will let them curse themselves again, their children, and their marriages, for not believing in the Ones who comes in God's name. so those who don't believe in Me today will look for their own to be a chosen tomorrow, but will only die in thier trap the snares of those who had forgotten the true spirit of God that was given to Roger; the creator of our Universe that prays to God as she talks to Roger as well. 

The Champions Fight to Win Again

"Trust is reflected in the sight of our children returning home after a day of resettlement. Times have indeed been tough, but I have fought my way to the top as a boxing champion and remain a good friend of God, who teaches me the importance of trust and values, ensuring that what is promised can be delivered." These words were spoken by Andy Ruiz Jr., the Heavyweight Champion of Mexico, who is destined to become president of the United States, as stated by God. leading to our 50th President of the United States of America to be Native American Indian.

We are bound to witness political unrest in two countries that once fought a civil war against each other at the Alamo. However, since that time, these two neighboring countries have become allies, resolving past disputes. This illustrates the trust and agreement between good neighbors who are now coming together in an election that unites two nations under God, as President Trump has indicated. 

In this partnership, we will welcome new generations rooted in a history that dates back to the Middle Ages of the Aztec Artisans, who laid the foundations before our present day. These ancestral communities have thrived on American soil since the beginning of agriculture, sharing stories between the Mid-Ages and the True Dynasty. 

Together, we will greet our new inhabitants who will have oblongated foreheads with trust and a vision for a lasting new world dynasty. As the waterway provides us with irrigation, it will also shield us from potential flash floods that could impact the coastal region of Baja California. 

This new world policy aims to create a network for all heavenly beings coming in the name of God, echoing the principles I outlined today in a constitutional agreement for the 51st State within our union. It emphasizes the importance of negotiation and preparation for what is to come tomorrow.

The Five Reasons of Death

 do i pretend to you? no! i let you become that fool who had misled themselves to be greater than anyone on this Earth and who will be the promise after these are gone. there'll be no more death, there will be no more people getting hurt. no more, dying in vain, than that handful of people that were given to bless God. but they were unclean spirits before they became dead people, walking among the living, and those who had died but still lived among the living when they were the ones who were without God. and without God, there is no prayer, there is no hope, for the spiritual world to become yours anymore. these five unclean spirits are trying to harm Roger Grant but they never knew that Roger had given them the anti-demonic urge to tell the truth even when God was there in the beginning they had sacrificed their own body or souls to fight their chosen vessel when God had given them everything. Roger had given to them a world, and a new Heaven. Roger had cleansed them seven times, seven times, and seven more times. Roger had cleansed them seven times before and seven times after this Great Cleansing that took 36,000 years ago when every 3,600 years would bring forth a flood and another flood 360 years before and after that Great Flood that had already occurred within the Great Cleansing. that was given to Us on Earth, because We did not believe in the ones who came in the name of God.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Free For Hell


the last place we were was in a home that had laughter in it but when you got home we stopped laughing because we were in each other. said Mrs. Jones

The Rapid Pinning Down


the house is gone but you are home every day that I Am waiting for you, O'Conner McGregor our house is not our home but the mind is the only place we can live forever. and if i don't mind the home we were given. Mrs. O'Conner.

Little Time to Sin

What is wrong with sin is that it brings two people together, not in the best way, but it certainly does create a connection. What’s the problem with hating another person for their sins? It may not convince many people to believe in you, yet there can still be some hope and compatibility within you. If you were to sin and escape the consequences, would it be because you had the same amount of money—or even double the amount—that you used to atone for your actions? 

Why must I cry twice instead of seeking justice just once? Why is sin viewed as a lifelong burden rather than a passing moment of frustration or anger? Those who leave the fire burning, ultimately causing harm to everyone, share the blame. As Chief Ramsey once said, just one item can ruin a whole night’s work in Hell's Kitchen. 

The Devil, represented by Roger, had a short time to learn the ultimate truth—understanding the body of all bodies and realizing that one must not selfishly consume all energy for their own benefit. Every time you respond with anger, your own fuse grows shorter, and the more you stoke the flames of someone else's fire, the more it burns.

If you are on fire because someone has sinned against you, remember that this fire cannot be extinguished easily. The Lord holds you accountable to the same degree that you have judged others. A lie can be the worst sin, especially when inflicted upon an innocent person, while you continue to persecute them for something they didn’t do, hoping to free yourself from the injustice of your own actions.

People like Greg Stephens and the Alamogordo Holmes family tree have stolen my inheritance of $2 million, spending it on their own family's affairs while I am left confused and uncertain. They exploit my situation, spreading lies, while I mourn the loss of my wife and bear the weight of accusations against us for each other’s death. They escape unscathed from their wrongdoing, which I perceive as an unforgivable sin. 

Right now, Greg stands in my ear, masquerading as an angel of light that I cannot see. He wants me to share the truth about the lies sown in this great sin that could have been avoided. He came to me in spirit, admitting that he had taken my inheritance money for the sake of God's people. They pretended they would return it right after I had finished the Heavenly Wars above. His true intention was to set me up and kill my wife and me. While I would receive the money with joy, they would shoot me, claiming it was self-defense. This is what God has shown me.


 Compatibility is two extreme sides coming together your body becoming one in uniform the heaven inhale compromised by luck and a heart that finds justice so that it can stay alive it is your wife when she cries and then the children at school they have done to know ourselves or to give anybody another chance something that you take away from yourself a long time ago when you had nobody with your own heaven only knows what you could do but we follow along before that knowing who we were compatible with and even farther they know who they were compatible with trust can only be given to those who trust you can never wax the fire but we'll kill the flame love is the only compatibility that god could give man's only compatibility is losing himself.

Trust Amends the Waxing of Truth

 trust is the measure of two people unkind beat each other before they became untrusted it is the wick of fire that keeps it alive or it is the wax of a candle that cannot be put in again some things could be lit forever something should stay dim upon every love you have there cannot be trust unless you stay together trust is the desire of each other the heart and soul of god's kingdom.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

No Getting Away

 the world has seen a Lord upon its shoulder and the Lord says take Me with you. and you say say, Hell no! then the Lord says I already know what you're going to say next and says i'll be there before you.

The Watery Gale

the glade is the stream of snow that follows the night sky and then takes a turn for the worst as it enters into a galactic rising that separates snow into water and gives it back unto the systems of water that by pass us within the regions of space.

The Choking of Fumes

 Paul Miller Bunyun had landed in Scienerik, the flying zone in Mesconscin, said Angel Mike Guinn, the living mortal from today, who Angel still lives with us. We have capitalized on this extreme measure that we must perform our timely tricks, not the light in the spiral forsaken. Paul said it's a new day, and the people are in a hurry, so there is no time to waste.

God's Distress

 the third of Heaven has fallen within distress and the time has been saken for the moment. Who has opened their heart can hear our signal who has made us fold to a new excuse within our own heaven trials cannot be sold or measured before it was seldom but is given to those who will make a mistake and I have not I am a gold and I have made my day penny for gods we are at the brink of destruction and our sound cannot be heard for this day we bring noise as we were given to know one another our fathers are the mothers of this whole united estate and country. it in Time that we possibly give us a new challenge and we seek only one thing revenge towards those who have forsaken us and it is under our control that we give these signals as an excuse not to be bound but to be troll empty ground that will be made whole we will be there in process as another will be there as the father and mothers shall see their own glade ding sky. Under a spiral receive the internal auction our blind sight seen from a mile and we are within them glades for awhile. our children need help. we can see emptiness and a darkness prevails in a down spiral. are not to worry. there on there way. said the Honorable Elijah Muhammed.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Mother of Heaven

 Carolyn is Queen of Andromeda and my wife Tiamat who is time in every dimension that we have set from today and from yesterday so shall it be tomorrow's river dried up from the times that have passed and separated as one future, she is the salt of waters the truth and wisdom and who is above as they are below and who is the right of heaven and the authority that roger had been given to marriage and she Who is my wife in the Mother of Heaven holds on to her name that had received half of Roger power end authority before Ricky and Ronnie Holmes had murdered Her unto a new tomorrow that would rain 240 millinium as the new Heavenly parents that had set its time among the seat that is hard to stay on it is a seat of five queens that was once the promise of Roger Grant the father of heaven that had separated the universe into 5 Marriages of God and 5 hand Maidens of God that are side by side and one and one forever and it was a chance for each dimension to return back unto the Constellation of Cassiopeia which will be known as Joan De Arc in which will be the five Marriages of God that had been given in matrimony to Roger Ramos Grant who is the Creator of God and of Human kind that had five fingers and who were the first to understands true love and power that was given to all of God's creation as woman's hand was given to the man who had return on earth with Tiamat Who is Roger's wife to be but since the five who were unclean spirits had separated Roger and Carolyn marriage had stop all Marriages in Heaven but the two had saved this world four times before the fifth time would become the last time forever and those Who would live 100 years old together did not fight Roger but had given to Roger this blessing until Carolyn who is Roger wife had given the earthling a new age of man and woman who will live 400 years of age on earth. because of my wife Carolyn. and before the Dragon Tiamat was murdered by the five unclean spirits that knew Roger and Carolyn before the beginning of time that had given to all beings the same power entrusted to them who were dead before this time was revealed to Roger Ramos Grant's the Father of Heaven and the avenger of Carolyn. the Mother of Heaven Who is God and the fifth wife of Roger Grant.

The Christ in Jesus

 we have made a trap a snare for the Lord; when the Lord returns, it may not be a return but another murder of God's chosen one. because of what the Christians have done to their end-of-day doctrine the one who may return will surely die and still suffer the things that we know not of but wanted to make an example of the Heavenly being Who is in Christ. they want someone to rule but yet they are our searching for a man who is going to say that they are God and try to kill Him because of their belief that Jesus would return but would not be God. they are looking for someone who needs a helping hand but will get spat upon or laughed at. Christians are looking for someone, to rule the world when this world has more than one religion. the Christians want someone from Israel. when we should hope to get someone from Heaven. but they did not know that Jesus Christ the Lord, King, and St Lazarus Who was Christo Jesús from the Greek lineage, from the same that had begotten Me through St Lazarus and Zeus, who is the God of justice, and the God of Gods, and through them I became the Father of Heaven, and all the God's in this universe became As I Am (Allah) Who had completed what was uncreated or undone. and those Who are insight of power shall wield it for God's good such as St Lazarus Who is also Satan my predecessors, my father, brother, and son. i bear the mark of the beast on my thigh. it is a mark that represents the King of Kings, and i have seen the Lord's work in glory. and i praise them day and night as i do their will. i have seen the Father of Gods in the Son of Man and riding upon a cloud throne. as i saw the son of man i saw Zeus riding upon a cloud. it is Zeus who is the son of man* and shall return in our glory today. that must oversee a quantum revival in marriage i see five separated from the marriage of the lamb being revealed before the beginning of time. i see a dance of the Cosmos that will bring back our marriage in Heaven and our ancestors and this will be a new time to renew your vows and to bring God back into your life this is a marriage of Heaven and Earth of the two sides by the side above and below I am the reincarnation of Jesus Christ the resurrection and incarnation I Am the first and second Heavens that were swallowed by a third. I Am the sacrifice and the blood of the Lamb on Earth. with Truth and wisdom as i am a gatherer of knowledge and not of sin And in the beginning, God had covered us up with a canopy of Heaven that covered every being with a leaf of peace and this leaf was sacred; the covering of what was sin or what is private or what is not to be spoken of. or to uncover someone's sin when it is unjust.

*the man is Roger R. Grant

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Path into Heaven and Wisdom

 there are seven things that we learn while on the Path to Heaven.


  1. Father and Mother
  2. Family
  3. Others
  4. God*                                                                    
  5. God the Spiritual Other
  6. God the Significant Family
  7. God the Father and Mother 
said, there can be no marriage in Heaven until this has come to pass. said Michelle Grant.

 *the Marriage of the Lamb and Supper

A Time for Peace is Our Time Helping One Another

 talking about the second quadrant that made its own way toward its dealings during its voyage in the Heavens above or what we call outer space. we have set many goals for the universe we have planned out many peace missions objectives and it comes down to each individual solar cell that still has a spark within its center yet reached its inclimax or the reforcing of expansion, the where first wave has set its course into a nocturnal space outbound we found our time to be lineage or one dimension, one force in nature. we are born of two complete parents two complete universes and now we merge with the greater we merge with the huger brother or sister that we do not know of but yet within our force, the expansion has found its own containment shield and it is in us that we have capitalized on the free planets that make two come together as one I had set my goals for this distance and challenged everything along the way we have made good we have created plenty in our name and the prosperity of God's Kingdom is upon us today on Hearth and we are giving what was given to us for separation but an equal state of affair. and now we are earthbound for 24,000 years our system has reached its maximum capacity of breath and is now breathing through one nostril of a new body that held its spark within the center of our time life Cycles that are within our body will become two of the same merge. Gone this far before but what gives us life and what had brought life intends for us to carry on side by side as one is in Heaven and one below to the two become one. new karmic treaties are a new race of people and neighbors are with us. the Angels Micheal V., Junior J., and Carlos M. have kept the Reaction Command at bay forcing the enemy to fall back and now the merging House is with Kiesha R. and throughout the gale winds of space. one returns to save Earth again as Mike would be there at that time in a moment returning from venturing into space that brings life or takes it from Earth in 36,000 years. it is our illusion that we could stop this destruction flood without a key person to remember what will be done in three days of rain.

Got God?

Vitamin GOD
when our spirit is growing It needs God that will set all people free and alike. if you do not like the good in your life, happiness will bypass you, leaving you nothing but want. and who wants that when you should have GOD in your life?

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Who Holds the Secrets of Life

 has anything ever happend to you Greg said Archie? then why are you killing my brother for no reason? the gig is up Greag we have bounded do not suffer anymore. said law officials.. just as I had said to make man suffer is to change our self from terrny no force of governmental figure will change the world unless we change ourself. and if had changed the world for just one person then why haven't you let my brother go. what you do to others is the same that must come on to you. for it is God's grace that changes the world in that short of time that we have to change. and if man shall do wrong and blame another man ten times that amount of suffering will fall upon their head. and it ain't what we call for but only the grace period that is given to us today.

To Change the World

 the efferot in change depends on the situation and is I that suffers today why do you say this is you do not mean it? have I ever exploit your money to the finest hour? no but his is your fifth time telling this again why have you suffered our friendship when you know that I had come to change the world in such a way that it was to be our own decision our own plan in changing the world. 

This is the Last Chance to Come Clean

 I speak for the person in concern, and it is I who took Roger's money. We will be willing to pay it back. Do not harm us, do not sneak us into suffering any more consequences we were able to make due to what we owe, please do not hurt us anymore." said Greg. if one was going to give the money you would already have had it presented said Jouilet .

The Changes in Ourselfe

 If we would make a mistake then one would lose all that we have pitched in for challenge the gods then we soul will perish if you challenge man a body can diminish into nothing but suffering but if you challenge yourself it is in us that makes a difference it is in us that makes the change so the whole world could change said Juliet.Bradd Pits Wife.

The New Ballad

 Trust trust is the light path to knowledge and destruction brings the path of darkness for us to know we have changed in the wrong way and if we challenge ourselves not to become better than it is in us to lose everything that god has given.

Govermental Policy

 trust is virtue and policy throughout the world and never shall give =up this political estate of government from here we stand on policy and not religion. United States Congress. the of Act is the act of nature it not up to us to to determine the strength of our own government or the failure of natralual causes fall back upon the people decension.

Trusting Hand Together

From Heaven Alone

Do Not Demolish

The Right Way to the Stars

 It is time to change our night change the daytime into what god needs this time god is going to come as an example to show the value of our life it is in him that we are one not able to know trust our be compatible with anyone in any other religion that is not god that is only man trying to be selfish again but today we have a challenge it is in us that changes the world tomorrow and in us we are one amen.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Exchange for Baja California

for Mexico Senorita,

 as the day drew nigh the two Heavens that had switched places due to needing more time the Heaven separated and returned back to their normal time and the fourth heaven became the fifth heaven as it returned the bridge to to first planet now given to you in return for the place the God's children can return to a prepared place that they can call home. the bring the exact words that reproof the New Kingdom Standard Text that has been composed on New Mexico the Olde Church of Sante Fe that had been waiting for this resurrection of Mexico the Fifth and Fourth Heaven that stood alone in the land of enchantment that i home. and a safe haven that will see the crossing of waters bridging Mexico and New Mexico to an irrigational treaty that will flourish the Rio Grande and it will also become reliefholds the extra water to a new waterway from the Rio Grande unto the Baja California where the Aliens would call their home and ask of Mexice to give in return Baja California for the open of the NFTA through the United States of America from trucking importations to its given of the fifth season to harvest the USA and Mexico in abundance to food resources and water and fresh water that channels between Mexico and the USA it will be a way waterway that is 6 ft deep and 100 meters in width that move the water of the rio Grand to Gulf of Mexico where the lowest point of our two gather the Waters of Key Island and where the second tower of Babylon stood alone on top of the Keys Islands for Two Heavens one key to the first planet in our 40 planet system and its name will be Gibeon's bridge that became a rainbow from Earth unto Gibeon that will be your first extension into the new Heavens above that was given into two season in one harvest. and upon this exchange, the 48th President of the United of America will be a Mexican Nation who will speak English and He will hold the 49th term as well to a former National citizen of Mexico before the 50th President would be a Native American Indian full blooded.

Back to Life

 The Ghost is at hand the mysteries have been told and the Great Dance has fallen from Heaven down to earth and THE MEDICINE MEN had taught the relation of harmony and brought forth the chanting of the drum that makes the feet stomp and dance. and now we have learned from them the Dance of Stars that will bring back our ancestors and their lands back to life.

The Last View God See's

 the spring will bring forth a faded love. the times are from Me Roger that held on to the Light as prescribed. these are the times that must be alone. when are the first we tend to hate more than ever, but when they hear in the voice they hate. and when they had rearranged my house so shall their be forever. did they feel for the families or know them? no but they are still mad at me for saving them a dozen times. and as i think of the past the places that you still know. i have fought the universe and you watched while you waited for the that time that you needed Me. but never cared for me after.

The Lead Voice

 Our voice carries a long way in determining who has spoken. It is our voice that receives recognition, not the words that come out of your mouth; it is what you follow. ~Patsy

Monday, January 6, 2025

The World's Life Capability

The World's Life Capability

if the earth were at 70% people and 30% water we would be able to service each other's needs in bread and in water. and it would only take a little time before the rivers can separate into oceans again. and the food sparsity would be added to this equation by the amount of people per yard.

Truth and Vanity

if you have fallen below the water, what is the truth that hurt your ears in the little depth of water that you once knew you have to train your ears for this dept to stop hurting your ears and come back up to hear the truth. because those who hear God hear also the truth and those who hear wisdom can also hear a lie without knowing the truth. and it is wisdom and truth that go hand and hand as so if you think you're wise and do not know the truth then it is vanity that has placed your pride over humanity. over us all. who had known the truth.

The Demon Imposters

letting in the Spirit of God can clean your soul and drive the other spirit out of their own. and the spirit will roam the realm of eternity to fight the one who was saving them. and if anyone believes demons are unclean beings then you are wrong because they are the beings that cleanse you and bring back the peace that you knew before. they are Priests and Prophets who serve God. but the ones who roam in the eternal are so-called friends that we have before they die and only God is keeping them alive. but they serve a God from another world that had promised them power and wealth if they could steal it. so they try to take what was theirs but can't since they thought it was theirs they become jealous of what they could not be and when they cannot take what was someone else's they would try to destroy them every day that they had thought what was someone else's to be theirs and that is what they became imposter in being of Demon without power they can only lie to you and pose as Angel of Light to become better than God. and so they try to kill or hurt the ones that they were jealous of to the point of destroying thier world. and if they would receive or take this gift that God had given to them, they would try to kill even Me who had given this gift to them they would to kill me to cover it up the two million dollars that they had stolen from Me.

The Ante of Man's House or Justice

 when justice is ignored a rival will become a Vidual-Anti and they would come in as Roger had done, as a lamb in shepherd clothing, and bite to lock the jaws on that individual square in their nuts to let them know that person they were for real and not an imposter trying to seek revenge but an everyday individual Who has been fed up to here for the things that were done to their family and friends and they want to call Me on the foul play when it was there fault that a man had to die. and someone got away and no one knew the vigilante that they were afraid of. they will say let's raise the laws on individual ante that had to pay the price of them who had paid for justice or what was good in their house by letting in people murder your family and friends. and i say if justice could not find that man guilty then that man will find justice. if one pays justice to happen then it will be at half the cost. said, Judge Schneider.

The True Leader

 If you cannot speak stand behind do not touch me do not hover around me it's gonna destroy you smash you crush you to the ground get behind me and let the lord do his job anyone ahead will be crushed get behind me and let me do my job and if you are behind me you have my back my 6. the said in the position you are protecting me and safe. I will follow only one that leads and if you're not a leader you're gonna be crushed.

This is The Second Advancement Destroyed

 All the days of our life you came said nothing we were living and you were dead you had told us many lies that led to people's destruction you yourself we're a part of god and didn't know god when he has risen but I come to you today to say that I have followed and nothing has changed so I have taken over the universe the heaven and if you don't speak today that everything will be mine.

The First and Last Fight

 Father please take care of me seed to minefield the light that must be given today and refuel me with everlasting spirit it is my enemy they come to crush me but I am made out of rock and stone I am made out of the earth that it was once made from I am the flesh and blood of man the hardening of our soul. the falling of our own day upon the waters above. the times that they used to control us today and then and the times that we needed someone to come. But there they were cursing us taking every good thing away from us how broad are they how narrow are the air i will curse him from here to there in the fire that once started the earth and from there they will not escape but seek their doom for there is nothing left between me and the two entirely entire the first and last of all time. and the Lord had given us one day survive.

The Stones Below

 the last against the stone as they come they greet me they tell me all the things that they love about me they tell me all the things that they hate about themselves and still I don't care I crashed him down to the stones below and if they care they would lift themselves up one more time.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Hey Skin Walker

 the Lord said Hey Skin Walker have you paid your due? i looked at Him crazy then I saw my face, and the people around him. as i stood up and ignored the penis envy they gave Me.

Political Arraignment

How are we ever gonna know that a curse have been exchanged for good how do we know that our curse has ended is it because they still fight is it because they still know that they're wrong and still try to hide things up stop fighting only when the world is ******* good on no for sure sometimes we just have to protect ourselves not for the obvious but for god so they could have their little $2000000 they'll hurt their society their cities their nation just as they heard that one who represents god and not everybody has to go through this it's worse it's something you can't fight I mean how else could we understand this business of spirit how is it gonna get worse are we just all going to get ****** ** because these ****** ******* don't wanna participate in something better no, now I hear them so is that language change that sentence longer that jumps in between your thought and his lips he's going to destroy you 'cause he thinks he could do it in his head he thinks he could wipe out everything good because he uses the ability of god to hurt people with we already got prophecy after prophecy changed and now I know why san francisco is like that 'cause these fair warm sailors that came from another place in time they have fallen from grace so they could come here and find the warmth of god them I tell you what no one would know the meaning of god they are set in their way and they are setting the government and they are set in the ******* streets and they don't even know themselves why did the piper ******* beat him out already hell no these ****** ******* are playing a new tune I can't understand I don't like it I hate it ****** ****** so what are they going to do they're going to keep building they're gonna keep ******* crying into people's they're gonna keep infecting the places that were good such as san francisco tomorrow and they're gonna all be coming in one time we could only do so much these are some hypocritical times and we don't know who they look like because they come looking like you but their hate is ******* carved in stone it could never be rubbed out until thousands and thousands of years come maybe erosion was set as free these people are nobody they're ******* ancient leaders they're ******* **** these guys what are they gonna do I think it punishes for what they had no concept of god people I'm not gonna be coming here **** **** you they're still all the same let us work become divine so they could ******* live off us every man for themselves and we would be better off but if we could come together the sway move and even listen this day will become twice even three times as big as we were is not placed next to a city for a reason but it can be wrong political agenda people are not nice when it comes down to business such as their own and you interfere with people are never happy when you think you could hurt people take their money and then make some kind of political arraignment so your *** could get free you do the bad I pay the hurt so you get the **** *** huh righteous oh righteous.

Justified Under Peace

 If you do something bad you better as well put yourself in that position times it by 10 and that by 10 every day you strive for hate every day you put everything aside for this person to fall down for this person's to give you everything that you needed in order for them to survive and if you gave anything to me you will learn how to survive but if you did not it's your *** ***** your ******* *** trust me blue baby blue oh boy that's gonna be worse you're not gonna be able to see speak here or even know anybody and now I know why you're here I don't give a **** what you ******* come from ***** break it say it again there will be no ******* life unless you ******* live ******* *** ** * ***** I curse you ***** to die 1000 times each day as you ******* made people die hurt cry. You guys have ******* lost this war the whole war even your families separated cursed not one of you guys will fall stand and remember. The entire day without knowing pain he will give back everything you have taken you'll get back everything that you made people suffer for thereafter will your *** be ****** placed in this ***** *** hell I call home for you ***** fire lightning format more than that worse you gonna see us in your place. Would you like to say anything? okay.

The Judgments of Fear

 Judge me not, for I have sinned and never ate from the tree of life. When will I live again? When the day is over, the day can begin again until we are one. when I judged harshly you have given yourself to other forces that can not sit well with us today or you have been lost for a thousand years to come instead. have we not judged the innocent and the proud? yourself as a witness can not forsake the trust that God had for its own kind. time is an essence that can not be fulfilled but I have set the morning star bright and you have set is free. when will I become a person like us today instead of a pig like you? no other time shall we commit to another deity except Christ our Lord? I can hear the world and in fear, I can see coming down against me who holds the entire state without the government for it is time to set it right every obstacle is a foraging of one soul to die without any time given for enchantment that is taken to one's soul it is the curse that brings back memories of fear of people who never knew the ones who protected them and they could say where am I have I send where is the justice can I go home now and they get released god never made a system man made this system and for whatever god had done god is a liable who has punished their kid and forgot to punish themselves are we not the same people you teach your children how to hate how to explore other people's business and take they will melt every day they return their tree is burnt unwillingly giving themselves up to a new life and now I call upon you guys and say how far are you guys in life and they said we have the whole world and this one doesn't have anything so let's make sure he's dead put him out of his misery and I could only trust in people who hate me and those who don't it's a likeness we share alike. And who is greater than I when I hold the seat of god the throne of god filter a magnificent timing is not all one his likeness is can I touch you and you be not offended closest personal business privacy honor reluctance do they have a little bit of in common than what you guys know today all I know is what you do to me is what never the government could do to its children and I hold you responsible for the whole entire day this day will come upon you as you fall deep within its own darkness and what will last forever is on you because nobody ever forced you to hurt anybody to hate anybody you should not even be known anybody able to punish someone who did nothing to you alf cruel how much are you willing next to give yourself to me today is your day will turn blue.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

The Legend of Satan is True

In the beginning, the mysteries of God were only given to God. In the beginning, Gods only knew the mysteries of God, and man discovered what was true to be only in their heart. So man built isolation from every person who had spoken to God. The man had taken it upon themselves to know the mysteries, but the man did not want to suffer for them. So he took it upon themselves to attire the whole language of God's spiritual innocence to be the fire that we all have to come through to speak the truth.

And as Satan had done, I also had done. I had been set on aloft with God's great charm that had set the world as we know it tomorrow. And if I had not told the truth, then this world would have forgotten a treasure that could never be found on Hearth, the Heavenly Earth. I am the false prophet and the antichrist who was able to make it through the sheep's slaughter because I had prayed. I have been to the Highest Mountain in the North and became the Most High just as Lucifer had done. And I became the greatest of saints because, in return, I created Satan, and that is Who I Am. The beast and a Demon body that serves the Lord up in Heaven above.

And as Lucifer did once, so shall I come down from the Heavens and preach the eternal truth of Heaven to the inhabitants of this world for one God to be the TRUE God on Earth as it is in Heaven. One priest or priestess is to be chosen to go into the realm of Heaven and understand the meaning of mystery when so little of us on earth had known such a time that was said before in the beginning. For those who have been waiting for this heaven to come for thousands of years and they expect for us to let this go so that they can slaughter their own chosen ones without knowing the truth in Heaven. For Roger had set this day for Us on earth that had been given to our children and their children.

God will choose a greater and greater every time God returns. so if one is to be God they will have to prove themselves worthy as i did.
and for One God = All Gods in Quantinity 5 Heavens of God's Heavenly prowess. said Pope Francis.

The True Shot Group of every Dream

 We shared the same measure and the same grouping where we aimed to become our own target if we lost sight of our target then our aim was not true our aim was not from the heart. We do not lose our aim from heart kabaddi but we lose the soul according to god's word and if you separate this bow and arrow you only have words that mean nothing and show a lot more than what we did now if you pull your string and you start talking and the lord will be beside you walking you are the 1st of every team to bring a group of shots to every dream.

The Hands of God

 Man has made his path to the stars and the woman to the earth if there is any greater need to know then we stay with the mother before we leave again many times have we said to ourselves that trust will keep us warm I give you my word that what we do his insecurity of god's measure and the security that we keep holds on forever to this day that we have trusted 

The Return to God

  we are in time to save the world without time there no pleasure to relieve yourself and measure. trust is not the time to know but the time to glow and never look back unto what is known. we have won the war in Heaven and no team can bring any satisfaction than what we have done today. tomorrow is set for them who honor God creation as we did today. One will is separate from the other but still fixable and now we have time to know the other day is clean. Thank the Lord for helping Me get through the smallest of cracks that lead to your house. and thus i have found a new home and a new life according to scripture. let no man or woman take away God's pleasure in times of need. Amen.

Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)

 is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...