Sunday, March 9, 2025

Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)

 is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering between two places. one was in the Natural World while the other was in the Spiritual World and while we were in the flesh today our eternal spirits that were Gods before and after the beginning that had been created from the absence of flesh. today we live in both as the living body or soul in memory of the spirit. so that one's spirit(timeless) can live in Heaven above as the soul(space) lives on earth below to be time (Earthly Body) and space (Heavenly Body) i.e. Cane and Able.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Le Negro Dragonette

 the Blackest Rooster consumed with fire had fallen from the earth above from a plane that could not exist but through a Black Dragon that had the Ancient Dark Eyes of a Demon that resembled Dragon Teeth, the Word of God that will be separated by the Prince of Principles that will give the Power of God back unto the Anointed One. who will bring all the Empires and Kingdoms back together again. and Who will find a Great Wyrm from the Turquoise Dragon Eyed the had the Kingdom return with ebony stone skins that became the shiny stone that fallen across the Land of Mexico these two will spring forth unto a hill that will be devoured by God's mouth that holds the bodies of fire and brimstone to be the opening mouths of the underworld that held on to the last return during the fifth season of 2054 when man will see the Fall of Angels that spread their wings out towards the people of earth. the dragon will be separated from the falling off of that earth and become the new otherworldly people with God and the Dragon that had fallen from Earth above to the ground of Mexico where the stones of corruption became incorruptible and valued.

The Creator of the Universe

 because Zeus gave Me freedom i took everything including life and death to become the first Holy on earth with interest and separated the Power of God from this world, from its fragile supra nature to the spirit. if they knew that they had power this world would never be around as one would walk straight on that day when the man child needed it. so i Roger R. Grant created the worlds with the Power of God that i meddled with before the day i would make a greater and greater to come after Me, Who held on to a cloud that held on to the sky above, that held on to the earth that held on to the water that was made as life or death given to its people, land, and animal. that had separated Holiness from good and evil that had turned war against each other and to the people of the shining to who i am in charge of peace and not destruction. the Word of God is the everlasting spirit of truth (stone age) that will not die until God's promise is done or fulfilled through the People, Land, and Kingdom that had separated nation church, and state into a coyote our five-fingered people of Diné would be degraded by the hand of marriage or peace as the Priest who would believe that that I Am the Devil and separated religion for peace and to separate Magik from the Sabbath. for those who did not have three dimensions of time on that 5th and 6th hour would never be caneable on that day We were bound in a fire, that was made for our ancestor's return to earth. after i gave the rest of the Animals Magik while i hid and scattered it through the Heavens as to what was going to spread to the new world as truth and wisdom on a hill.

The Yellow Ribbon Mesquite

 The day is still young but noon. and the evening share a Welcoming House for those who have a hold on those who return and say the loving things that I need to hear, from a place that I had kept from the start. and Her blessings hold Me tighter than ever. and when we see each other we are going to wreck the town and have a child to bear or a name for a love child called Night and Hope that opens the gates to Heaven. said Our Mother Patsy Cline.

The Principle of Morning Manner

 after the morning sun gave Her light the Day was crying out from the Night of Darkness to tell her children that she loved them and in Her arms, she swallowed the burning hearts of those who cried out from the battlefields of tomorrow that are sent from country to country. in sacrifice to make a day of peace become a night of hope to shine in the morning time. when they were coming home but got lost. She loves you. and awaits Her children's return.

Our Chief Cornerstone

 the Lord is my Watch Tower the gate of ever-lasting peace inside the Walls of Defence. The House of God is the woman in search of her children who are crying out for a righteous teacher or a Demon who can possess the Spirit of God with harmony and fight with the Beasts on the Devil's Battlefield, who die but live forever. this is the chief cornerstone of the four corners of the earth.

  1. Watch Tower: God
  2. Walls of Defence: Satan, 
  3. House of God: Woman
  4. Spirit of God: Demon
  5. Field of Glory: Devil

Friday, March 7, 2025

The Huntresses and the Bow

 the Hunters are from Japan and they are women who are ready to win this stake out for thier country. under the sign of Jupiter will the sun rise before the dawn breaks its own two know that Heaven has been a leap of faith as the Trees of God are planted, lifted from their place of origin. but the Lord said that if one shall be the other then one is better than none. and the world will slowly turn over to lay its rest upon the shoulders of Heaven. as the wind follows the days behind as the night is given to the dive. "It is of origin that the two remain one and the the sun becomes the morning to rise." said Kim Jong Un. The Lord had given the answer to the Moon and the stars above had shot its arrow into the heart of the Dragon that fell from Heaven.

Puff the Chinese Dragon had been seen falling from above the Japan Sea into the Sea of Southern China.- Leader of North Korea: Kim Jong Un

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Hunters Men

 the time is now for people to start remembering the calling we once knew 1000 years before we were born today. it is in our hands that we must learn to live with it is our own time that separates us from the flock. we are like wolves dire of a hunt that had given itself tomorrow. our inward appearance is as gentle as the flock, but are men that had replaced the wolf and had brought back the man in shepherd's clothing while wolves would watch the Shepherd's Flock in the field. the man could rest and eat Shepherd's pie with his dogs. 

An Incomplete Heaven

When is it the time that you scribe into our hearts the foundations of God the knowledge that was old but made new every day under the sun if you can't take what is old and bring what is new together then your Heaven is only partially incomplete the first heaven will be dismantled and the new Heaven will be made and as soon as the new Heaven was made the old Heaven will be remembered and you will dismantle the new heaven and recreate the old before you recreate the new again.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The New World Order (Universe)

 the publishers of God's Word will no longer exist because of the tyranny that they had caused by allowing the lies of man to continue unto this day. they will clash with Me knowing that their words were to enable another king of unrest and rapture. but i will be the only one to know what the words in the BOOK of REVELATIONS mean. because of who was Resurrected in Me. Jesus Christ, and because of my reincarnation i became the incarnation of the Father of Heaven, Roger Ramos Grant. God will take four corners of this earth and make a fifth. God will make a convenient with their enemy and become greater allies together. and the covenant will consist of two races that had gone to war with each other in the past and become neighbors a new ruler will take power and seize economic control with a warlike army but marriage will proceed out of fear and the two newly formed trust will beget a son of two qualities and procreate both new and old house together. as to share and defensive posture back to back or side by side protecting their newly wedded nations that seek peace throughout the Heavens as well on Eaerth so that there generation can seed the stars at night with every grain of sand. then Heaven will spring forth the life of God's children that exceeds 1000 years upon return and 1000 years in Heaven as it will be on earth.

Times(10%) Within a Time(100%)

 is it that hard to believe that the flesh of man came first when the spirit was in search of its body the beginning had Us wandering betwee...